New Start

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Mark's POV

I reluctantly dragged my feet, being pushed towards a bus by James while I struggle, trying to free myself but was unable to as my sides are being guarded by Kamphan and Fuse preventing me from running away.

"It's a faculty trip, you can't just bail out on this." Said James as he stops pushing me when we had reached the bus's door which was already open for students to enter. He nods his head gesturing me to go inside almost in a commanding manner to which I sigh in defeat before placing one of my foot on the stairs still unwilling to enter.

"It's a faculty trip that's exactly why I am trying to bail out" I said turning to look at my three friends pleadingly who then eyed me sternly before pushing me in which was easy as one of my foot was already inside.

"You are a senior now" Fuse started after having stepped inside himself "At least try to maintain some image in front of the juniors"

"I don't need to maintain an image." I scoff looking at him before speaking again "I am not a faculty moon unlike someone." I added earning myself a hit from behind.

"But you still need to be here" said James after having hit my head.

"Why are you even here, get out it's a faculty trip." I said shooing the boy, glaring at him angrily as I rub the back of my head. "I am leaving, I was here to make sure you got on the bus" He replied shrugging as he pushes me more inside and into an empty seat. I sat down with a tump and starts making faces at them knowing exactly how childish it was but not caring and as a matter of fact neither does they so my action was ignored as James greeted us and bid his farewell before turning and getting off the bus.

Now some might be confused as to why I even came to the university if I was this reluctant to attend the trip, well here is the thing; I didn't! These three caring beings came knocking at my door when I was peacefully trying to extend my sleeping hours and dragged me here, even bothering themselves to help me pack. How so grateful I am for there kindness I can't even explain with words.

'Let me throw all of you off this bus when it starts moving' I suppress the urge to say that out loud.

My thoughts were interrupted when my eyes met with an unwanted figure as the older walks inside the bus and I turn my face to look outside the window. So here are the two reasons I am so unwilling to be here first they are shoving 4 classes and trying to fit them in only two buses which if you try to imagine is hell of an uncomfortable situation. Second reason is of course the senior who just walked by.

I mean it has been a whole year so it can't bother me anymore. I have been studying in the same faculty for almost a whole year and came to except the fact that I will bump into the said senior every now and then and thankfully P'Vee had not bothered with me either so it's a relief. I still go around with my code line seniors and even meet up with P'Bar occasionally But in case of a trip like this the chances of bumping in just increases as all of us had to be under the same roof.

"What are you thinking?" said Kamphan who is sitting besides me breaking my circle of thoughts as I turn to face my friend before shaking my head.

"Nothing" I said turning back to the window. "Just thinking when we will be out of this stuffed bus" I added

"We haven't even started moving" said Fuse peeking up from seat in front where he was sitting

"Exactly" I rolled my eyes as if annoyed at the two boy who then look at each other and starts laughing probably being proud, having successfully dragged me here.

"Just sleep till we get there" Said Kamphan in between his laughs as he pushes me back on the seat. I sigh eyeing them with frowned eyebrows and narrowed eyes but having nothing to say I just close my eyes shifting myself in a comfortable position which didn't last long as the engine starts and I felt the bus moving and once again turn to look outside.

'Lets just have fun since I am joining anyways'

Personally I have no idea how this will turn out but I am still going to try and write this since it's fun.

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