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Vee's POV

I am scared; I am scared that If I stop here can I actually restart again and If I chose to stop will it all be over. I want to quit but can I actually start from the scratch again? I am so scared that If I let go then I would never hold it again but is it really even worth it? Even if I stay can I really earn it back? If I fail again then I'll have nothing left,I want to let go but it's scary to lose him, I want to hold on cause it's scary But holding on hurts, It hurt so bad that I can't move.

Like I am holding a rope tide to a huge rock that's falling down the cliff And if I keep holding my hands will break and I will be dragged down with the rock But if I let go that rock will kill someone below
That someone is my heart and I don't think I can take it. It really hurt though.


"I love you please forgive me and let me go back to you."

[7/11, 09:15 PM]

I type and post all my feeling for the world to read hoping that the person in my heart would also read it, Hoping for some kind of response even if it's a curse or anger I'd take it. A response just like the one I got At HuaHin that day, he didn't push me away, he actually listen to me. What more can I ask for right now but I am greedy I do want more and I'll accept anything. I thought about giving up many time but I just can't, giving up means losing any hope of having him back and even that thought scares me.

I posted and waited for hours, many people commented on my post some curious, some complaining, some cursing which were mostly my friends but I wasn't interested enough to reply. The one person I waited to response didn't seems to notice either it's not important for him or maybe he is just busy.

My phone vibrated indication another notification about my post so I picked it up from the side table as I switched it on in anticipation Only to frown in disappointment but the latest comment was interesting enough to get my attention and make me reply to the rude person cursing at me.

James: Can you go back to hell and not put things like this where it can be seen? it's gross.
[7/11, 11:30 PM]

PVnn: What do you want?
[7/11, 11:31 PM]

James: Do I need to explain?
[7/11, 11:31 PM]

PVnn: Yes!
[7/11, 11:32 PM]

James: Fine then! I want you to stop trying to bother my friend. What do you even want after all this time?

PVnn: Friend? are you sure about that?

YiWa: Calm down a little @James and stop that @PVnn

Friend? Is this really how friends behave? I am no stalker but ever time I see this kid with the other junior I can't help but think what are they? The boy won't skip any chance to ditch his management faculty to come bother Mark every chance he gets and even then he is too clingy and act like some bodyguard. I still wanted an answer but sighed at my friend's interruption.

I turn the screen off throwing my phone for it to land somewhere on the bed as I swift to lay down and stare at the ceiling, trying to relax my mind that is being overloaded with stupid thoughts right now. I groan, frowning as I look at the phone that was blinking and vibrated again. I don't want to argue with this kid like some idiot but I still can't ignore the light coming out of the screen so I pick it up to see what it is only to freeze as my eyes stay fixed on the screen.

MasaMark: @James Why are you causing trouble here?
[7/11, 11:45 PM]

He actually responded to my post, maybe not to me but this means he actually saw it even that is enough for me to be happy. Even if I am not brave enough to mention him and talk to him, I am just happy that my feeling reached him.

Firstly Thank you for reading and all your patience since I have been busy secondly how do you all feel about it so far ?

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