Crying Cause It Hurts

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Mark's POV

"What is wrong with you?" Yelled James and all I could do was sigh as I hung me head trying not to look at my angry friend. "Why would you reply on that post?" He added still standing at my side, hands folded to his chest. I looked up to stare at him before parting my lips to answer but couldn't, the words just wouldn't form when I saw him frowning at me.

"Why were you even arguing there?" I mumbled inaudibly while turning away from my friend and looking at the food at the table.

"I was arguing because I wanted him to take that post down" James answered to what I thought was an inaudible mumble but I guess he heard it as he was standing close enough. I shot my head up to look at him again "And why is that?" I asked; honestly I am angry at him for being nosy, why is he meddling. "Let P' do what he wants why would you even reply to him?" Saying that I turn back to my food before nervously smiling at the two boys in front who are quietly listening to us but won't try to interrupt as they are probably confused about this sudden exchange of argument at our breakfast table.

"Are you sure you wouldn't have replied if I had not commented?" The boy asked calmly still standing at my side, his voice had a hint of disappointment but was still calm which made me want to cry. I gulped the knot in my throat before turning to look at him again as my hand holding the spoon toward my mouth froze mid air. I definitely would have, in all honesty I was fighting the urge to react or comment when I saw the comment from James and was relieved.

I didn't answer instead stood up and started walking. I had no words, nothing to defend myself or argue with as I knew James is just worried and I hated that so I ran away from him, I wished to hide. "Where are you going?" he asked, following behind me as I walk away from the table.

"To the restroom" I replied shortly but keep walking. James didn't say anything else, just followed me.

"How long are you going to keep doing this?" he asked once we enter the toilet area in the canteen. "Do what?" I questioned aggressively gaining myself a disappointed look as if to say 'you know what I mean?'

"You liked P'Bar too but stopped so what's the problem here?" James asked holding my shoulder so I won't move away. "Why do you keep hurting yourself?" he added and all my composure broke as I felt my cheeks getting wet. I never wanted to cry again not for that person, not in front of my friends but here I stood, face drown in tears as I clung to James shirt.

"With P'Bar I liked him" I spoke words that didn't want to leave my mouth "But I loved him" I added as I broke down sobbing, My head fall down on my friend's shoulder supporting my lifeless body as he rub my back trying to calm me down but it won't work.

"I loved him James and it hurts." I spoke again between my sobs, Explaining to him why I was still hurting.

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