Starry Night

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Vee's POV

If insanity had a persona it'd be me and without a doubt it isn't in a good way. At this point even I don't know what kind of feeling it is? either it's guilt or just some stupid obsession which I still carry even after a year has passed and I still can't help but stare at the younger everytime we cross paths.

God knows how many times I have to restrain the urge to talk to him, trying not to make him uncomfortable but now that I am involved in this 3hour ride with him sitting just few seats ahead, I can't help but stare even if I am being too obvious.

"Vee! stop" said Bar hitting my head and my attention is finally brought back to reality and I am thankful for that but it hurts.

"What was that?" I asked angrily knowing full well why I was being hit.

"You are staring too much that it might just dig a hole through the seat" the reply made me frown as I sulk at my friend who then laughs at his own statement which is not amusing to me but is still true so I don't argue and just turn my face to look out the window.

"It was you who draged me here though" I mumble out my complain which is only audible to me so Bar gives me a questioning look and I just shake my head sideways. Honestly I wanted to ditch this whole trip for this very reason but somehow got dragged here by my friends claiming that I need to attend as some sort of responsibility that I don't understand but still here I am in the uncomfortable collage trip.

The discomfort was short lived as 3hours seemed to have flown and the bus stopped in front of a hotel building. It turns into a chaos as soon as it stops and all the students rush out of the two buses as if they were to die any minute which was true considering how stuffed it was in there.

I never actually expected for a collage arranging only two buses to arrange a trip to HuaHin, it being the country's original beach resort. I am actually impressed and a bit less moody knowing there is no better location to just let loss other then the beaches here.

Grabbing our bag we went inside the hotel that was barely 50 to 100 meters away from the beach. Going in we rushed into our room that were assigned to us and were shared with friends; 3 person each, Me sharing it with bar and north.

I sigh in relief as I walk into the room and slump myself down on bed.

"Tired already" north said as if mocking

"Yes and what about it?"

"Nothing I am just glad your body caught up to your mental age" say that he laughed and Bar followed making me furrow my brown in confusion not understand but it was short lived as I realized what it meant.

"You want to start a fight?" I ask sitting up but not bothering to get off to deal with them.

"Just sleep" said Bar nodding towards the bed and being tired as I am I didn't argue anymore before laying down and soon falling asleep.

"Wake up, will you?" I stir my eyes trying to open them as I wake up to my friend's voice.

"What is it?" I ask grumpily

"It's evening already" said Bar annoyingly "and we had plans to have dinner with some juniors so get up already" he added before walking away to stop at the door waiting for me. I blink my eyes a few time before sitting up.

"Do I have to?" I ask still sleepy

"You are not gonna eat then?" he asks frowning and I get up following behind him as he walks out. The whole restaurant seemed to be filled with our students which felt nice. We just ate while having idle talk when my eyes fell upon a familiar group making me frown again and without knowing I walk up to there table.

"Where is Mark?" I asked and seeing me the two boys bowed a little before greeting.

"He wanted to walk before eating" one of them replied

"Walk at this hour?" they nodded still stuffing their faces "and you let him?" I asked again

"Well we drag him all the way here so he won't stop complaining if we don't let him do what he wants" replied kamphan in one breath

"But why are you asking?" said fuse this time before adding "Just don't go around troubling him Okay?"

I nodded but instead of going back to my friends I walked out of the restaurant, walked around the hotel for a while then made my way to the beach looking for the junior whom I did found where I expected.

I heaved a sigh to relax as the view in front of me made my heart skip when I saw Mark sitting on the almost empty beach leaning on his arms with his face directed to the sky. The moon wasn't up today but the stars were enough to light the place and make it dazzling and the silent sound of waves wasn't helping much and before I knew it my feet had brought me just a few steps away from the said junior.

'Come on Vee you have suppressed your urge for so long, just turn around and leave.' My brain started spitting logic at me but I guess I was far too gone to listen to logic.

"Why are you here alone?" I ask sitting myself down at a fair distance from the other boy who gave me weird and confused look but soon diverted his attention back to the sea.

"It's quiet and nice" he replied and my eyes widened I was not expecting an answer if anything I was ready for him to either walk away or ask me to leave or just silence.

I nodded and also looked at the sea myself it really was nice and for a long time neither of us spoke a word, just sat their staring at the ocean before my stupidity took over me once again and I decided to talk.

"Mark" I called out in a shaky voice as I suppress the tears building up in my eyes for an unknown reason and added
"I really miss you."

okay so I know this is just all over the place but well I tried

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