Dear Sweetheart

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Dear Sweetheart,

Kooky? Really? Where’d you get that from?

So you used Becky? Poor Becky, for the first time I feel bad for her (sarcasm).

I’m on an ego trip? Princess you are the one who likes me and you say I should not have an ego.  Plus, I won’t say I’m falling for you, but I think I like you too. You are a nice girl, I wish you would have came up to my face to tell me you like me. I would have kissed you then and there. Maybe not, but if I knew you I would. Honestly!

I’m happy you’re over that dude because if he doesn’t care for you than he should not matter to you. I love your description about me. Damn! Am I that good looking?

Okay, easy are a bad liar and you can open any locker combination. So there are not many girls who are bad liars but how am I going to figure that out. It is trivial but I’ll get on it.


P.S SHOE BOX! It took me half an hour to find it.

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