Dear Sweetie

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Dear Sweetie,

 Yes I feel like I should tell you why I was so miffed the other day. Well, my cousins came from California to visit us here. One of my cousins is in high school in California; he’s a senior.. All of us cousins were talking, enjoying, playing games and what not. The cousin, let’s just call him douche, pulled me inside a room and he tried to kiss me.

I kicked that douche where the sun don’t shine and yeah he was writhing in pain. After that he kept harassing me on and off. I can fight him nonetheless but I’m just hurt that he would do such thing. I sat in my room all day and wrote to you. I did not came out just because I did not want to face him. He is still here and I’m totally pissed off because of his presence.

Yes, I am in one of your classes if you want to know it that badly but still but I think you don’t even know my name.

Right now I feel like shit and all my annoyance is over powering my enthusiasm to talk to you!

I didn’t know Cassy worked there! No, I think you’re friend lied to you. The girl who writes for that column is a guy. I know he writes in that column but I have never told anyone about it. He is very sensitive of his secrecy. Don’t mention this to Cassy; she’ll feel embarrassed at the situation.

Keep your next letter in botany class like you did last tym

I told you that I’m in one of your classes so no hints for today.


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