Hey Love

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Hey Love,

I was laughing my guts out when you told me what you did to that douche. He totally deserved it and don’t feel bad because he was so in for it. So missy you’re a prankster too. I hope that helps me find out who you are. I think you should stop with the hints because you’re really smart and even if you write your whole biography to me I won’t be able to find you.

But I think I would still feel the need for some digging and this time I would tell you how close I am to finding you. Is that a problem? Tell me if it is so we can work something out.

Wow, I think I’m out of words and there is nothing left to write. Well, I pretty much wanted to hear from you more. I just love it when you write to me. I mean I know I’m irresistible and the chicks dig me but you’re something special.

You know how I imagine you? I imagine you as the prettiest girl I have ever met despite the flaws and the imperfection. You have the most amazing eyes ever; they shine only for me and no one else.

I don’t have enough words to describe what you are to me. You made your home in my heart by just a few letters. Someday I’m going to find you and when I do...you’re going to love every moment of it.


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