chapter 32

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One often meets their at the road they take to avoid it........

PRADEEP: stop treating me like a child rehan....i can eat by myself

REHAN: but your sick

PRADEEP: am recovering...

REHAN: I still want to feed you by my hands.... I cooked this food especially for you

PRADEEP: where is Khushi??

REHAN: she is still sleeping and I didn't put anything bad in the food...

PRADEEP: but when was the last time you washed your hands??

REHAN: dad!

PRADEEP : health comes first

REHAN : you can eat it all by yourself

PRADEEP : I will

REHAN : I don't care

PRADEEP : why did you and khushi have to come back?? I thought you were staying there longer?? why did you drop everything and come back here??

REHAN: you know were ill.....she adapted by coming here....and we know you would still over work yourself despite your health

PRADEEP: i wonder why that stupid doctor called you.....he shouldn't have....i wasn‘t that ill but forget all of that...does arvinid know you left

REHAN : of course.... him and khushi are pretty close but dad for how long will we continue to lie to khushi about her father

PRADEEP: I don't have the answer to that question

REHAN : you asked me to help arvinid....get close to khushi and I did but if khushi ever finds out we lied to her

PRADEEP: you don't have to tell me I know your sister all too well

REHAN : I think she has a right to know and then make her own choice

PRADEEP: change the subject rehan... I need you to do something for me

REHAN : what is it??

PRADEEP : i need you to attend an art exhibition.....a business partner of mine invited me since i cant will and you will also buy a painting or sculpture for me....look for something beautiful .......wait dont....i don't trust your taste but i have no choice.... buy anything... I will give you my cheque book and when khushi wakes up.... tell her to bring my grand child to me

REHAN:  you want me to attend an art exhibition

PRADEEP: yes....thats what i said

REHAN: why??

PRADEEP: why not??

REHAN: dad i could think of a thousand reasons

PRADEEP: fine start...state them

REHAN: first reason i don't want to go.....the 1000th reason is am going to be bored

PRADEEP: rehan

REHAN: will there be girls??

PRADEEP: you know sometimes i ask myself, if the day my real son was born....the doctors made a mistake and handed you to me instead

REHAN: dad i don't want to shatter your dreams by not going there but---

PRADEEP: dont dreams were shattered years ago

REHAN: how many years ago??

PRADEEP: how old are you??

REHAN : but dad

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