Chapter 3

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Back in the Pridelands

Fuli is hunting, Bunga is with Timon and Pumba, Besthe is with is dad and freinds, Ono is idk where and Kion is about to go on patrol.

"Bye mom, bye dad, bye Kiara!"

When he was out of the den he went to the top of Pride Rock and planned a route so he can do his patrol alone.

It is going to be really different since I normally always do it with The Lion Guard. Oh well I have to try something new. He thought.

He went to the top of Pride Rock to plan a route since he's going all alone. Tiffu saw him and went up to him.

"Hey Kion, what are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm just planing a route for patrolling since I'm going alone."

"Oh ok, wait wait wait what. Why?"

"Well everyone wanted a day off so I decided to patrol on my own."

"Oh well. Bye!" Kion yelled as he went down Pride Rock to start his patrol, but little did he know what was waiting for him.

Back with Simba.

They're going to make a great couple Simba thought as he approached Tiffu.

"Hello Tiffu, what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was just talking to Kion."

Simba chuckled as he went back into Pride Rock.

"Nala, can I talk to you alone?"


"What is it Simba."

"It's about Kion."

"Oh no, what has he done now?"

"Nothing, but I think I know someone who loves him."

"Who is it...... Zuri?"

"No, it's Tiffu."

What will happen next? What is going to happen to Kion? Are Nala and Simba going to have an argument? Find out in the next chapter!

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