Chapter 10

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Kion was just watching at first but after a few rounds, he joined in. He just did a whole lot of Truths because he didn't want to keep his life a secret. Then Rani spun the stick and it landed on Kion.

"Truth or Dare." Rani said knowing he was going to pick Truth.

"You know what. I think I'm going to choose Dare this time."

Rani's face lit up, " Finally! Now I dare you to... Ummm. Oh yeah, I dare you to kiss the girl you love most."

Ten seconds of staying in the same spot later

"Well??? Aren't you going to kiss the person you love??"

"Uhhh.. What is looove??"

Everyone gasped.

"You don't know what love is??!!" Shouted Balio in Kion's face.


"How about we stop for now and continue later?" Suggested Nimala calmly.

Kion went to a watering hole, sat down and stared at his reflection wandering the same thing over and over again, "What is love?"

The Love war - The Lion Guard (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now