Chapter 9

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"I don't know who you are but so far all I know is that your not the same handsome, loving -"

"NO NO NO NO NO. Let me guess. You love me." He said mockingly. "Well that won't work!"

"Why not?" Rani said with tears growing in her eyes.

"Because." He sighed. "Because every lioness I have met loves me but only for my fame or because I have the roar but no one actually loves me. Not even the people who are supposed to." Said Kion while looking at Simba and Kiara.

"If I truly loved you would I do this?"

Kion was getting annoyed. He was turning his head whilst shouting, "WHA-" 

But was cut off by Rani kissing him on the lips. After a few seconds Kion pulled away.

"Rani how about I give you an option. Either I leave now. Or you let me take care of him then just the two of us will go on a walk. You decide."

"I'll go with the second one."

"Good. Now where were we?" "Oh yeah. SIMBA COME ON AND FIGHT YOU COWERED."

"I'm no cowered."

Simba looked into Kion's eyes. He saw a fire of pure evil. Then Kion unleashed his claw and ran at the speed of light and stopped behind Simba injuring his legs so Simba fell. Then Kion was going all over him scraping and clawing his enemy. Then, Kion teleported on top of Zuri and broke her spine in half. Then he teleported on Tiffu's back and stabbed her. Then he went imfront of Kiara and said, "Go back to your mother and tell her to bring the clean up crew. GOT THAT?!?" Kiara slowly nodded. "Good now you go. As in now." Then, Kiara turned around slowly and ran back to the Pridelands as fast as she could crying her eyes out. Kion scoffed.

Rani along with the rest of the night Pride just stood their in shock. Nirmala was the first to break the silence. "Kion why did you do that they're you family."

"WRONG! They threw me out of the family or in other words, I'm an orphan." Kion was walking back when he stopped and said, "You coming Rani?"

"Y-Yeah I'm coming."

They had a long talk about what's happened in Kion's past.

Things like:

His family hating him

Him and his adventures and all that stuff.

"Rani now you know my past. And in a few days I have to go."

"Go? As in leave?" Rani said crying.

"Sadly yes."

"But why?"

"You already know why because of my anger."

"Can we play a few games before you go?"

"Yeah, Sure."

Later that day 

"So, anyone know what to play?" Kion asked.

"No." They all replied except Kion and Rani.

"Oh I know. How about Truth or Dare?"

"Truth or Dare? What's that."

Rani found a stick with a sharp-ish point on it.

"So I'll start. I spin the stick. And it landed on...Nirmala. So Nirmala. Truth or Dare?" Rani began.

"Then I choose. If you choose Truth then the person who spun the stick asks a question and you have to answer honestly. If you choose Dare then the person who spun the stick tells you to do a Dare and you can't back down and once you've finished your Truth or Dare, you spin the stick." Nirmala finished.

"Okay, sure! I'll play!" Kion said excitedly.

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