Chapter 7

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Sorry for not updating in a long time, so this is my longest chapter yet to make up for it.

At Pride Rock 

A few weeks had passed since the incident and she decided she couldn't hold it in any longer so she thought of it just being him and her and he accepts her. She sighed and tried to find Kion. She looked everywhere but still, no sign of Kion.

"Hey Kiara!"

"Oh hi Tiffu. Is something wrong?"

"No.. Well yes... Well maybe."

"Ugh Tiffu English."


"Number 1 calm down. Number 2 I have no idea of what you're talking so no I can't help."

Tiffu sighed and looked down. "Well. It's just. I I I."

"Youuuuu..." Kiara said trying to find out what Tiffu said.

"I l l love."

"Who who who?!?! She said excitedly.

"K k k Kion."

"Oh." Her excitement left her.

"What? Is something wrong?"

"Huh oh yeah. I'm fine." Kiara said.

"What's wrong with you?" Tiffu asked.

"Nothing what's wrong with you?"

"First you act all happy that I love a lion then when I mention Kion you just act grumpy you." Tiffu said offended.

"So let me just tell you what happened."

"Umm ok?"

Kiara tells Tiffu the truth mixed with a bunch of lies.

 Back to Kion and the mysterious everything

Kion just woke up and groaned then he said "Why did you let me go to sleep dad?"

Then looked up and screamed.

"Oh sorry did I scare you?" One of the mystery lionesses asked.

"Where am I what do you want with me."

"Relax your safe here."

"Where is 'here'"

"The Tree of Life." Kion's ears perked up.

"The Tree of Life? I thought that was only a myth."

"No it isn't since your here in The Tree of Life."

"My name is Nirmala your turn."

"My name is Kion I used to be prince of the Pridelands."

Then everyone else came.

"Nirmala, how's is going with our guest?"

"Oh Rani your just in time he just woke up."

"So I presume your the princess Rani."

"How did you now?"

"Let's just say I know when I see a princess."


"Oh how rude of me I'm Kion, I used to be Prince of the Pridelands, leader of The Lion Guard and holder of the Roar of Elders. And I see your leader of a guard as well."

"How did you know?!

"I saw the mark on you shoulder. But first what am I doing here."

"Well... * tells story.*

"So now you know how you got here why did you come here." Surak asked.

Kion put his head so it was facing the floor, his ears went down and tears filled his eyes.

"Oh yeah and while we're asking why did you say that you were the prince." Bailout asked.



Kion couldn't help it. Tears fell down his cheeks and touching the floor one by one.

"Now look what you did!"

"Oh sorry."

Kion lifts his head up and said, " I should be the one who should be saying sorry. It's my fault I'm hear in the first place."

"What do you mean by its your fault? Surely it can't be all your fault. Right?" Rani asked curiously.

Kion tells them about his past and everyone just stood their in shock with their moths wide open. But Kion was making a pond of tears which was slowly expanded.

Rani thought I have to do something no one should have to experience such cruelty.

So she went up to Kion and hugged him as tight as she could and said " It's ok. It's ok. I'm here. I'm here."

Kion calmed down but was still upset so, he just went to sleep.

Bolio turned to his sister and said," Rani loves Kion Rani loves Kion. Kion and Rani sitting in a tree K-I-S..."

"Ok stop right their!! I was just showing some sympathy for Kion. Imagine if you were him right now." Balio fell silent. "That's what I thought!"

But then just when she was going to leave to continue patrol she heard Kion crying and turning left to right then back to left. She tried to wake Kion up without hurting him but then just before she was going to wake up, Kion got up gasping for air.

"Hey Kion, are you alright?" Rani asked softly.

"No." Kion said with a sad and gloomy voice.

Rani was going kiss him on the cheek but then she stooped herself from doing so. She thought how her parents or grandmother made her feel happy after being traumatised then she remembered.

"Tickle fight!" Rani shouted.

She tickled Kion high and low but it didn't work, he didn't even chuckle.

"Wow you're one hard cookie."

"You've never even tried me." Kion said sarcastically.

Just then Ulu came with a message for Rani.

"Rani! Rani! Some animals are coming into the Tree of Life they knocked out all the night pride." Ulu warned.

"Hmm finally a challenge worthy enough for me. I will go alone and I will come back one they are gone." Kion said.

"But Kion." Kion cut her off.

"No buts." He said sternly.

Kion went and saw Zira and her pride.

"Zira, Zira, Zira. You don't know when to stop do you." Kion said with a smirk on his face.

He was able to kill a few of the lionesses but he had major injuries. And to make it more worse Zira had him pinned. But Kion let the anger control him. A fire was on his head and even tough Zira had him pinned he got up like getting up after sitting down. All of Zira's army came charging at him but he chuckled and turned them all around.

"You win this time Kion but I will be back."

He carried all of the Night Pride on his back to the tree. He put them all down. Then Kion came back to reality.

Then Nirmala woke up and it was Kion's turn to faint.

" Uhhh what happened?"

"Well you and the rest of the Night Pride got knocked out then Kion goes, deeats the animals who were attacking and then brought you all here and also he had a weird fire on his head but it didn't even affect him."

Next chapter tomarrow or after tomarrow.

The Love war - The Lion Guard (discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang