The angels of DESERTER!

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"Alright I hope you remember how this goes?" Lucifer asked with a sigh.

Michael agreed , hiding his Angelic blonde hair with a hood, examining his wings as he tucked them away, he wasn't going to risk getting caught and though he couldn't completely remove his wings without physical force (God forbid that to happen to anyone...) He could hide them.

The two entered.

"Ok, Now lay low and a friendly reminder... This place has an enhancement over it so any teleportation magic won't work, got it? Now don't do anything stupid" Lucifer hissed at his brother. Once inside his eyes were greeted by all sorts of high ranking demon, drinking the finest whine as they chatted. wanting so badly to get there hands on ancient powerful relics from the past.

Michael looked around anxiously as he was not familiar with such a place, adjusting himself to the new atmosphere, Michael caught something just short of hearing rang.


Following the sound of the argument Michael found himself crutched behind a wall as he saw a tall moth demon in a trench coat and heart shaped glasses, given his terrifying stature and the way he spoke, the arc angel quickly made the assumption that this one of the many overlords that had come for the auction.

The two demond sat across from each other in a private booth that probably cosed hundreds of dollars.

His companion had a strange showman like appearance with a suite that glowed of neon blue and tints of red... That wasn't the strangest thing however... His head, it was a television?!

"Look I couldn't help you even I wanted to the owner has this place under raps, she refuses to talk to anyone until the auction starts"

The terrifying figure let out an irritated growl. As the his tv headed companion rolled his eyes.

"Listen Valentino.... Why is this so important to you?... I don't see what's so special about this shitty auction. It seems like what you'd expect from any black market down here just the usual Relics and exterminator sprees, I don't understand why this book is any different" he pointed out in a calm manner, lighting a pipe as he did so.

Valentino (It seems) had a look of disdain and doubt on his face as he came closer. "Aw Vox Baby ....Do Ya really think I'd show up here if that was the case" he smirked, taking a sip of his whine.

Vox mustered up a playfully look of his own.

"Hm... What are you planning then?" He asked.

"Can't tell ya well, not here anyway but... Let's just it'll get us a step closer to the top"

"Fair enough... I suppose I'm not the only demon with plans on making it big but... It looks like you'll just have to win that book" vox said pouring himself some whine.

"Babe please... Money is no object" he objected lazily taking a swig from his wine glass "don't think I don't want that Thorne this isn't some friendly competition, this is a fuckin' free for all" Valentino continued, his smile more sinister.

Despite the tone of his voice Vox seemed undeterred and merely continued to stare.

"Well what's world domination between old friends" he shrugged. Raising his glass for a toast.

Just then Michael's grew wide

"I do hope to see you at my party though" Val chuckled with a wide grin.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world! It's seems far better than those stupid royal events Lucifer holds... "

The arc angel listened to every word as they spoke... He had to tell Lucifer...

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