my money is on Simon

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(Ok I know I normally put in a picture but trust me the song makes sense....keep reading and it will all make sense......ugh i'm going nuts)

Michael walked pass the desolate depressing roads of the underworld along with lucifer. His wayward brother had not told him where they'd be going or what what exactly the plan was.... but he refined from asking as he didn't want to do anything to upset him more, as they hiked along, the path became more woodland and rural, which was quite the contrast from the bustling noisy streets of the city, Michael let his hood down, taking in the fresh air (or as fresh as it could get it was still Hell after all)

Michael sighed, he knew he could just leave anytime, but he couldn't, not now... he didn't want to go home feeling embarrassed and sad, the whole point of this trip was to fix things with his bother, Azrael would be covering for him, so he could take as long as needed though it was a shame she couldn't come... she Missed Luc more then anyone, he remembered her seeing him off and Silently wished him well, Az never spoke much and was often a terrible liar so Michael was actually surprised that none of his siblings or their father had not noticed his absence surely they would come looking for him by now.... he surged and thought of it as just luck.

In the path a head lucifer seemed to just stop and stare, almost as if he was over looking something, he looked somewhat angry, furious even.... as Michael approached....he began to see why, it was a some kind of mrach pit except it was fill to brim with tron up, bloodied bodies, the cropes of failed survivors from the last extermination, Michael gagged as he resisted the urge to vomit.... how could they allow this to happen.... Michael knew that these were the lifeless forms of sinners, despicable, evil people who deserved there fates but that didn't make the horrific scene any less gruesome and to think angel's were the cause of all this suffering.

Lucifer continued to stare in an emotionless manner before shrugging it off and going back on to the path, Michael quickly followed wanting to get as far away as he could from that nightmare pit.

"Hey luc..."he said trying to break the awkward silence

"What is it now....." lucifer asked sounding uninterested.

"Well I can't help wonder why there are so many people down here... I mean you'd think that make an effort to at least try to go to heaven"

Lucifer chuckled in disbelief "if only it were that simple" Michael rised a brow. "Isn't it?" The arc angel moved at a faster pace so he could walk beside his tyrannical bother, Lucifer simply bat his eyes and gave him a knowing glare, "oh brother you really are Dad's favorite idiot" Michael looked even more confused,

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"*sigh* Think about it this way...if we were to keep track of what is sinful and what is not.. we would literally get nothing done! It's not a simple as there being good and evil anymore! Dad could punish the mortals for the stupidest of reasons if he wanted to! After he sent all the gays down here!" The king exclaimed,

Michael's mind went blank for moment, before snapping out of it.

"Ok the whole being gay is a sin thing is bullshit! Just like being black makes you a lesser being" he said defensively.

"Mm hm" lucifer replied sarcasm driping in his tone as his bother looked him in the eye sternly.

"Luc I'm serious dad never sad he Hated gay people.... and they say one out of ten people are gay so there's a pretty good chance that one of the twelve apostles was gay."

Lucifer grinned slightly, his bother was spewing absolute nonsense as he laughed at Michael's idiocy, though he'd be lieing if he said he wasn't somewhat fascinated with the idea.

I Write Sins Not Tragedies (A Spidermoth story)Where stories live. Discover now