not these two again....

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Art by Fish_hazbin on Twitter

Alastor walked calmly around the suburban areas of Hell he was showing Charlie around after the show, it was uneventful to say the least, the  princess got to see her mother and truth be told she did not fail to impress, however the reunion was short lived as they were soon mobbed by swarms of fans as well as Katie killjoy and rest of 666 new. ( and There was no way in Hell Charlie was going to have an interview with that blonde wench)

So as soon as things went south the two made a break for the exit.

The royal couple managed to outrun the press, Alastor suggested they take the scenic route, Charlie nooded and here they were. Walking hand and hand as they passed though the park, it looked a bit different at night and it felt like a life time since Alastor took stroll here.

Alastor looked over at the bushes... the roses seem to be in better shape compared to the last time he was here, he smiled as he picked one from it's stem, quickly offering it to his lover before it wilted.

"Smile my darling~ or did you forget your lovely grin back at the theater?" He joked handing her the rose.

Charlie blushed as she took the flower from his hand as she looked him in the eyes. The park was practically empty at this hour, so it was easy to feel like they were the only two people in this area.



"Charlie you've been oddly there something on your mind?"

Charlie looked down and sighed.

"It's just nothing feels right any more... I'm pretty much older than all of you! And yet everyone still treats me like some naive little girl"

"You're not still upset with Dust and Vaggie are you?" He asked chuckling slightly...

The princess did not reply right away, she stayed silent for a moment before looking up at him with a sad expression.

"You know I envy you guys.... you get to learn and experience so much of the over the span of a single life time, and me, I've been around since the bronze age and I'm barely an adult! Sometimes I wish I could be more like you..." she said somberly.

"Trust me sweetheart... you don't" Alastor replied as he used his hand to swipe his hair back, soft light of the street lamps gave me a sort of aura, illuminating the X on his temple.

What Charlie said really bothered him.... sure sinners got to learn and experience all sorts of things through out their short lifetime, but along with all that growth came a lot of pain, heartache and loss, one of the reasons why Al so so drawn to Charlie was because of her innocence and her purity.

It reminded him of a simpler time, a time lost in history, a brief period of of peace he longed for....

He knew it was wrong to deny her the emotional maturity she wanted, but he couldn't stand the thought of Charlie going through what he went through in life, and she's been through so much already.

Just then it all clicked... Charlie has come along way.... with her relationships with her father and now the hotel.

Alastor smile widened as he looked at his mate with a humorous grin, at the sight of this, Charlie tilted her head.

"Ok Al...Whats what's with the look?.... if you're going to make another joke about me-"

"No! Its not that... it's just... you send all this time wishing you were someone else, you failed to see what you've accomplished!"

"What do you mean Alastor?"

Alastor put his arm around her and pulled her into a side hug, "well, you survived a relationship with that green moron Seviathan, talked down to your Father the king of this infernal Hell scape! And no demon would dare! ever talk back to lucifer himself!" Alastor exclaimed waving his hands around dramatically as the sound effect of an audience gasping played in the background ,this made the princess giggle.

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