the start of something (?)

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Art by Raliwynn on Twitter.

WARNING THE FOLLOWING CHAPTERS FROM THAN ON CONTAINS: blood, themes of drug abuse, dealing with turman and Michael being a gay disaster.

Pls keep an open mind, thank you.

P.s this is the longest chapter I've ever made!

Michael got out of bed, exhausted and with bags under his eyes, last night had been an absolute nightmare to sleep through.

The sounds of Demons partying and explosions going off in the background, was just a few of the loud aggravating noises that kept the archangel up all night.

Screams of agony (or at least he hoped they were screams of agony and not something else) rang in his ear, as he helped himself to the bathroom, his head spun as he tried to wake himself up, how in the seven rings does his bother manage to sleep through all that!?  either Lucifer is so desensitized to the violence and mayhem of Hell that he literally doesn't care anymore or... he purposely gave him a room that wasn't sound proof, just to mess with him. It really could have been either.

Michael rolled his eyes. seventeen billion years and his bother was still picking on him, a knock at the door drew Michael out of his thoughts as he opened it, he was expecting, Lucifer to coming banging in with some insane plan, but to his surprise he was silently greeted by a tall woman, with white and black hair.

"Hello?..." Michael tired.

The woman was silent for a moment as she looked down at the archangel.

"The king has requested your presence in the meeting Hall" she replied her voice lacking any warmth or emotion.

Michael tilled his head, normally he wouldn't question such things... but she was the first person, not to asked what he was doing with the king nor did she question why two were so similar in appearance.

"Oh thank miss..uh..."

"Alyssa, Alyssa the sea Dragon"

Michael smiled as he stepped out of the bed room, promptly following her to the aforementioned meeting Hall.

The Halls of the palace were lined with stained glass windows, crystal chandeliers and portraits of the royal family, Michael could help but marvel at the sights around him, his bother had truly made a life for himself, a shame he wasn't apart of it.

Michael was happy for him, but he couldn't help but feel, some what jealous, he didn't want to feel that, but the very notion that his bother had found love and started a family, while was stuck playing hero in the heavens, it made him somewhat envious.

The blonde angel rubbed his elbow and shook his head, no he wasn't going to question his place, Michael stared at the lady from earlier as he pondered why she was so quiet

"So....aren't you gonna ask about me... most demons are usually confused when they see the king has a doppelganger" Michael said attempting to stir up a conversation.

"His majesty doesn't need to explain himself to me, I am but humble servant in his court" she replied, sounding emotionless, Alyssa did not make eye contact with him, instead choosing to focus on the path leading to the meeting Hall in the vast labyrinth like palace, it was probably for the best it was very easy to get lost in here.

"Right....." Michael replied sounding a bit uncomfortable with her loyalty, as they got closer.

Meanwhlie Lucifer was busy planning there next move he managed to get them invited to Valentino's little party.. this weekend... today was mostly just to discuss things, ( and to torment Michael... just for the Heck of it)

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