the engagement

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Drawing by PixieFetherKw3 (go check her out)

Vaggie woke up with a start, her eyes fluttering open as beams of red sunlight allowed itself to enter into the silent atmosphere of her sleeping chambers.

With a grumble, the moth demon was pleasantly surprised when she found herself laying down on her bed she could have sworn she had fallen asleep on her desk, last night.

She shrugged and made her way to her vanity, picking up a hair brush, she gently ran it through her snow white locks as she looked at herself in the mirror she then noticed something in the top right corner that filled her with nostalgia and a sense of sadness.

It was an old picture of her and Charlie on a date, they were sharing smoothie as they looked into each other's eyes lovingly.

Vaggie smiled and tucked the photo away in one of her drawers. Their was no use dwelling in the past. After all the heartache she had endured during their break up... It was mutual however it still hurt, though perhaps getting her heartbroken a second time was part of her punishment and a fitting one for someone like her.

The depressing atmosphere of silence did not last long as some one quite literally came barging though her door....

"DING DONG BITCH!" Angel dust 'greeted'

he had forced open her door with one of his knives and his sudden visit made Vaggie's eye twitch slightly...

"Good morning to you too...." she replied looking at him with discuss.

"Yeah, yeah so I was up early and thought of a few ways we can make this whole 'engagement' shit more convincing" he said walking into the room as if nothing had happened, holding several items in his hands.

Vaggie continued to glare at him.... Why did she agree to this again? Oh right! Because she wanted him out of here!

The Moth demon crossed her arms, eyeing him impatiently.

Angel smirked and playfully threw a small box at his partner.

Opening it, Vaggie's eyes widened at the sight, it was a diamond ring and gorgeous one at that. The marriage token was a glistening silver and jewels adorned it's sides, the center piece was a shining white gem with a strange cryptic symbol carved into it's center.

"Where did you get this?" She asked in bewilderment... Such an item, looked like it would cost quite a lot of money.

Angel dust being the care free person that he was merely shrugged. "My stupid drug dealer scamed me, or some shit and I found this ring it's case"

Vaggie stared at him suspiciously...

"What?" Was all she could manage, before looking at him with an utterly uncomfortable glare.

"Well The ring and this book"
The porn star replied revealing the codex...

Vaggie couldn't help but stay silent that book seemed so familiar... Like something she read about before...

"Hey Angel... Mind if I take this"

Angel rolled his eyes, "consider it an engagement gift" he said simply tossing the item over...

"Engagement gift" she asked...

The taller demon smirked and looked at her with a playful grin, as his hands showed off two matching outfits.

Vaggie blushed 'oh right'

She grabbed the dress and marveled at it's beauty... It it was an elegant shade of gray and had a form hugging waistline, which was very fitting for someone with a slender body shape like her.

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