19. Captain's Orders

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She stood in an interrogation room and leaned over, her victim strapped to a chair.

Gaaah!” he screamed before lowering his head in relief. “I’m not a patient woman. Now give me the name of your buyer.” She instructed, glaring coldly at the older man from behind her mask. He panted lightly and slowly raised his head as he spoke, “I told you… I don’t know the guy.” He gritted out through his teeth. She shoved a needle into his shoulder, “Gah!” He exclaimed from the sudden pain. She then pointed a finger at the needle, and from her finger tip, shot a small spark of purple lightning, concentrating it into the needle. “Ga-AH!” He squealed in agony, pointlessly trying to break free from his chair. She then intensified the lightning. Creating a chain reaction, it travelled and connected to the rest of the needles around his upper legs, stomach and shoulders. “GEE-AAH!” He screamed from the electrocution. 

She coldly ended it.

He twitched in the chair with a clenched jaw. “That makes eight. The next one punctures your lung. Now give me the information.” She sternly demanded. “I-I d-don’t kn-ow the g-guy… J-j-just who he works for…” He jerked. She leaned into his face, “Who?” she instructed. “O-Orochimaru.” He shakily exhaled. Her eyes widened underneath her mask, but she quickly regained composure, “Thank you for your cooperation.” She tilted her head and smiled kindly through her eyes. Her friendly tone freaked him out even more, and he tried to back out of the chair in vain. “Now get me out of this thing!” he panicked. She hummed in amusement, revealing another needle, pressing it against the side of his terrified face. She leaned into his other side, “I told you… The next one punctures your lung.” She quietly said. The man gasped in horror.

With the sound of quick flash, the needle stabbed into his flesh, in between two ribs, hitting a vital organ. She then pulled it out and placed it on the table in front of him. The man gasped helplessly for air, and she walked off only a moment before he died.

She came out the interrogation room to meet Senichi, who had his mask on his waist. She took off her mask in relief before shaking her short hair out her face. Sen then threw her a towel she caught and used to wipe her face from sweat and her hands from victim’s blood. “Nice work. Can you believe that traitor actually thought the Mizukage didn’t order us to kill him when it was over?” He chuckled out in disbelief. She then tossed the towel back at him, which he caught as it hit his face, “I’m going to go report back to Mei-Sensei. If that’s alright with you, Captain.” She coolly replied He smirked, and in a flash, appeared behind her with a curved dagger to her throat, “Hn. How about a romantic dinner by the seaside first?” he smugly inquired. She playfully rolled her eyes, “We still have training later.” She chuckled pushing back the knife with her hand. “Oh, right.” Sen remembered.

As she turned to face him, he pulled her in, “So… afterwards? I’ll order it if I have to, Miyuki.” She hummed, leaning into him, “You couldn’t order me even if you wanted to.” Sen had to draw in a breath between his teeth, “Why’d you have to be such a tease?” She giggled before taking the towel from him and throwing it back in his face, “Because you make it so easy.” She said, walking away. “Don’t forget about the squad’s training session later!” Sen called, watching her go. She turned around, “I’m the one who reminded you.” She chuckled before heading to the Mizukage’s office. “See you there, babe!” he called back, making her shake her head to herself as she walked on.

She reported everything to Lady Mei, and then headed for her Interrogation Division training session. That night would change it all.

Miyuki collapsed onto her bed and entered a dream. She was singing 'Me and the Rhythm' on a makeshift stage in Granny Fumiko’s tavern, when suddenly… She was whirled away into a dark, temple-like setting. She looked around in confusion. “What a beautiful dream.” She gasped and turned around to see a man in a long kimono and green sash. With pale blue hair and white skin, his eyes closed and relaxed. “Who are you?” she suspiciously inquired. “I am Toneri Otsutski. The sole survivor of the Branch Family of the Shinobi of the Moon. You are Miyuki Haurutsuki. The Heir and Princess of the Main Family here on the moon.” He explained. “No, I’m not. Why are you here?” She asked more assertively. “I don’t have much time. I was only made aware of your presence when your brother broke Haruma’s Seal and took on the full form of the Keihatsu Sage State.” Toneri explained. “My brother? Sage? Seal? What are you talking about?” She asked in confusion. “You must leave the Hidden Mist Village. I was too late to warn your brother, but I can warn you.” He said. “Wait. What happened to my brother? Where is Katsu?” She asked worriedly. “My time has come. By the time I am able to speak to you again, mankind will have lost. Leave the Hidden Mist Village, Miyuki. Before the darkness… Finds you.”

She jolted up in panic. Looking around, she realized she was back in her room in the Mizukage’s mansion. “Leave the Hidden Mist Village...” Echoed in her mind. She narrowed her eyes and packed her bag. She may not have trusted her dream, or believed the man from it to be Toneri, but she knew one thing: She had to protect her brothers. The first thing she’d do tomorrow, was leave the Hidden Mist.


“Vacation?” Lady Mei asked in surprise. They were in her office, and Miyuki had just asked for unpaid leave. “Just for a couple of weeks. I just need some downtime after making a break in the case. I really miss Katsu. I want to spend some time with family while I’m there. I can even ask the Hokage for information on Orochimaru’s whereabouts of you like.” She cheerfully offered. “I think that’s a great idea, Lady Mei. Miyuki’s always working so hard for the Village. Especially since you promoted her to ANBU. She deserves to properly celebrate all her progress with her loved ones. If that’s alright with you, Milady.” Chojuro shyly added. “Hmm… It’s not like you to suddenly need a break away… Are you sure you’re alright, Miyuki? Are you and my little cousin having trouble in paradise again? I placed you under his team because that is where your skills are most suited for the mission and our Village. However, if something happened I can-” She cut her off with a slightly anxious chuckle, “Oh, no, no, no, no. I mean, do I need to be unfit to get a much-needed break? If so, then yes, I am definitely not okay.” She half-joked. Lady Mei narrowed her eyes. She chuckled on, “Senichi’s fine. He’s being his flirtatious, overbearing self. I’m used to it, so we’re fine.” She nodded on.

Lady Mei eased back into her chair, “Very well. You have three weeks leave. After that, you resume this intel-gathering mission in the Water Country.” Miyuki sighed in relief, “Thank you, Milady. See you both in a few weeks.” She waved, before hurriedly leaving.

Mei hummed in suspicion after she left. “Something wrong, Milady?” Chojuro inquired. “I taught her the art of deception. She answered my question with another question and then answered that question with a light-hearted half-truth.” Mei explained. “Uhm… What?” Chojuro sweat-dropped in confusion. “Send in Captain Senichi.” She instructed. “Right! Uhm, may I ask why?” he timidly said. “When I found Senichi… He was a young man selling his skills to the highest bidder with no moral guide whatsoever. Obsessed with the hunt and winning… That’s why I had him placed in the ANBU after rehabilitation. However, I think Miyuki is his true moral guide. She keeps him in line and out of his darker habits. After what the Lord Hokage informed me of when they split, I thought keeping them together is best to promote excellent team work in the future. And now she’s leaving him again… Miyuki needs Senichi more than she realises too. He’s what keeps her from losing herself in her missions and forgetting about the real world and taking care of herself. I need him at her side. I need him to be the one keeping tabs on her in secret and reporting back to me. Something’s not right here…”

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