23. Challenge Accepted

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‘I suppose I was a little overeager about this.’ I thought to myself as I stood in line with my hands in my pocket. ‘Or maybe anxious.’ I dreaded. Then, out of nowhere (which is usual), I heard Guy’s voice booming from my far left. Everyone turned towards him as I nonchalantly looked to see him. I spotted him being scolded by Kurenai from his wheelchair. I had blink a few times, ‘Huh? Miyuki?’ I did not expect her to look so well-dressed. Dare I say it, she looked amazing… I felt heat and sweat rush over my being as they neared. Her heels took the lead as she shyly avoided the lingering eyes of those around them. When she looked right at me, I stiffened in place.

When they reached, she gave me a puzzled look, “Why are you staring at me like that?” I snapped back, “Uhr, got lost in thought for a sec.” I replied, averting my nonchalant gaze. She shrugged it off. “Come on, we can cut the line. I saved us seats under Kakashi’s name.” Kurenai excitedly explained. “Course you did.” She shot me a glare, but I gave her an unimpressed look. Miyuki giggled, “Sure does pay to have the Hokage on your good side, huh?” she half-joked. “It does indeed, my youthful Miyuki. It certainly does.” Guy said from his seat in the wheelchair. I sighed and with that, Kurenai led the way, followed by Guy. Miyuki smiled at me before walking by my side. It was so unnerving. But I remained cool, as I always was.

When we got inside, the others all gasped in awe. The place had a high ceiling. Low red sofa seats surrounded its large square tables, and an indigo-lit stage at the back being occupied by a Jazz band at the moment. “This place… is amazing!” Miyuki excitedly squealed. I was taken aback by her child-like enthusiasm. I had to sweat-drop, “Suddenly, I feel underdressed.” I admitted. She giggled and put a hand on my upper arm, “You look fine, Kakashi.” She reassuringly chuckled out . I smiled under my mask.

Kurenai chuckled nervously, “Well, it seems there really is a difference, Miyuki.” She slid her hand off my arm and put a hand on her hip, “Don’t tell me you’re only realising this now.” She retorted. “It’s time to get our jazz on!” Guy declared, swaying in his wheelchair. We all sweat-dropped, “Maybe we should just leave.” I suggested, already turning back for the door when suddenly a young waiter appeared before me, “Welcome to the Blue Notes Jazz Club. It’s an honour to have you and your company here, Lord Hokage.” He bowed. Miyuki stepped nearer to my ear, “You were saying, Old man?” she smirked teasingly. “I’ll get you back for that comment later.” I told her, and her smirk only grew at the challenge. “Please, allow me to escort you to your seats at table 3. This way.” The waiter instructed, and unfortunately, we followed him to a table near the right-stage.


Kurenai insisted she sit next to Guy to keep him under control, so I ended up sitting next to Kakashi wondering why she got so flustered about it. We eventually ordered and ate and conversed and watched as the Jazz band performed.

Every three songs they had a short intermission, where the owner would come on stage and invite the customers to the open mic. So far, two people had the guts to do it. I was certainly not going to be one of them. Kurenai and I were still enjoying what was left of our meat while Guy spoke to Kakashi about how proud he was of him for not being late. He seemed aloof to what was going on, and soon, he proved me right…

“Huh? Did you say something?” he asked, looking away from the stage performance to Guy. He deadpanned and I chuckled slightly, “I don’t recall you being late when we were younger, Kakashi. You always seemed to fuss over early rising and rules. Unlike me and Obito, of course… Old age getting to you, Old man?” I teased from beside him. He shrugged, “Not that I’m aware of.” He nonchalantly replied. “Seems to me he's only early around you, hey Miyuki?” Kurenai innocently implied before sitting back with a cup of sake in her hand. He gave her an unimpressed look while I skeptically raised a brow. “Aww, don’t you two look cute together.” she teased. My eyes widened, “What? Me and Kakashi?” I chuckled with disbelief. He rolled his eyes back slightly, “I think you’ve had a little too much sake, Kurenai.” He said. “I agree.” I scoffed out in disbelief. She frowned at us, and we both looked away in innocence. “I think you two do too. You’re both smart and level-headed. And make excellent ninja in your fields. Two youths such as yourselves make for a precious sight indeed. Like fresh flowers blossoming in Spring.” He smiled in a signature smugness. “Guy, not you too.” I pleaded, growing awkward with who I sat beside. “Well, it looks like you both had too much sake.” Kakashi pointed out with a closed-eyes smile. “Well, it looks like I’m agreeing with you twice in one day.” I closed-eyes smiled at him. Kurenai giggled, “Simply adorable.” We rolled our eyes again, this time to meet each other. We all ended up laughing about it.

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