Happily Never After

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A bright, beautiful glow of sunlight spilled over the Moors. The leaves glistened and the green grass was damp with dew, for it had rained the day before. The fairies of the Moors were beginning to wake up and begin their day of work and play. On a cliff far above the Moors with such a beautiful view of everything stood a hero who once wore the disguise of a villian, her name was Maleficent. She stood above the Moors with the wind blowing in her face, her staff gripped tightly in her hand, and a small smirk on her face. She watched as the fairies began to flutter their wings, stretch, then begin their day. This was their daily routine, she enjoyed the fact that the fairies could wake up knowing they were safe, it had been ten months since the last war between the Moors and Ulstead,  the two kingdoms haven't fought since. Maleficent glanced up at the castle, then she did a slight wave as if Aurora could see her.
       Down below the cliff there was a small area of grass that lead to a small opening in the cliff that lead to the top. In front of that area of grass was a narrow river running through the Moors, with blue crystal like water and a few leaves flowing down the stream. Then there was a ripple in the water and a small splash made by a pebble that was thrown by a distressed Diaval, pacing back and forth on the river bank. He looked deep in thought, he had a daisy in his left hand, and ran his fingers through his hair with the right.
      "Mistress this daisy is for you because...you're beautiful and it's beautiful...so here. UGH! No, I can't say that to her." Diaval said as he looked at the flower and sighed. Then he took a deep breath and began to speak again. "Mistress, do you like flowers...because I-" he was cut off by a black fog, he was now a raven, his Mistress must have needed him. He quickly flew up to the cliff forgetting that he had the daisy, he began to land a few feet behind Maleficent. Then he was once again phased by the black fog and stumbled forward on his human legs. "Mistress you needed me?" He asked, with a hint of worry in his voice.
      "Yes I did. I want you to dress your best,  we are going to visit Aurora and Phillip." Maleficent said, with a loud and stern voice, but a hint of amusement. 
      "Of course Mistress." Diaval said as he bowed, he had noticed that he still had the daisy, he quickly dropped it before Maleficent turned around to face him, luckily for him Maleficent almost never turned to face him when they were on the cliff. It was as if she wanted to share what she was thinking with the world. Diaval was prepared to be turned into a raven again, and Maleficent was ready to turn him into one too, until they heard a loud shout that sounded so excited and hyper.
      "HI AUNT MAL!" Maleficent's face lit up and she flicked her wrist, Diaval was still human but a young girl was floating up to Maleficent . When the young girl's feet touched the ground she rushed over to Maleficent and hugged her.
      "OH! Hi Spark, my little Hybrid." Maleficent said as she hugged her back. Hybrid was Maleficent's nickname for Spark because she was the only fairy, human hybrid, she had the powers of a fairy, but she just couldn't fly. She had syrup colored hair with lavender ends, cute freckles across the nose and she had big, beautiful lavender eyes. She was five years old, her father, Jordan, kept her powers secret so they would both be safe. She stayed with her father, Jordan in Ulstead, Jordan was a strong and dedicated guard for the castle. Spark hasn't seen her mother, Rain in years, her mother left Spark with Jordan when she was one. After Queen Aurora and King Phillip ended the war between the two kingdoms, Spark's father allowed her to use her powers in public. 
        She met Maleficent when she was three, it was real late at night and Spark had wandered out of the house. She went over to the big body of water separating Ulstead and the Moors, for she was curious about what lay on the other side. She had this strong urge that there was something over in the Moors that she had to see. There was this white flash of light, then she saw this fairy with Clear, glittering wings. She had a tan skin tone and she had lavender eyes like Spark. The white flash went away, and Spark tried to reach over to the Moors, thinking that what she just saw was right in front of her. She slipped and fell into the water and began to drown. She heard a bird cawing and saw a black blur circling the water. Then she was encased in a green orb, then she passed out. When she came to, there was a woman standing over her, she had a milk white skin tone, ruby red lips, and defined cheekbones, she had big whitish blue eyes, she had two big horns on her head and a black head cap covering them, she was wearing an all black dress, and she had big wings that were so big they dragged on the ground, and she was holding a staff with her left hand, and she had a raven skull ring on her index finger. Then there was a man with white skin, and scars by his outer eyes, he had medium length black hair, he was wearing all balck, he had a black button up shirt and it was unbuttoned down to expose the top of his chest and he had black pants and black shoes, he also had a raven skull ring but the raven had small horns on his left hand, on his ring finger. Spark was laying in grass and was surrounded by moonlight and trees. The two strange people standing over Spark frightened her and caused a purple bolt of electricity to shoot out of Spark's hand and  hit the scarred man in the chest.
     "Ouch!" He cried, as he angrily looked at the child, then at the woman, the woman stared wide eyed at the man then glanced at Spark with squinted eyes.
     "Who are you?" The woman asked, in a stern voice.
     "I...I'm...who are you?!" Spark asked, as she was getting kind of nervous, Spark hadn't even noticed that she asked with attitude. The woman was taken back by the snarky remark.
     "I'm Maleficent and this is Diaval." Maleficent answered, trying to sound nice and trying to understand that Spark was just a child. "Now, who are you?" She asked, in a  stern tone again.
     "I'm Spark." Spark said with her eyes welling up, a tear fell from her lavender eye and lavender sparks formed on her finger tips. She was getting nervous, and was trying to figure out who these strange people were. Maleficent noticed the small lavender sparks.
     "What are you?" Maleficent asked, as she studied Spark.
     "What are you?!" Spark asked, this time her voice increased in volume and she shot Maleficent a small scowl. Maleficent closed her eyes and took a deep breath and looked wide eyed at Diaval, her whitish blue eyes were turning green, then Diaval stepped in.
      "She's a fairy." Diaval said with a calm, and cool tone he stepped between Maleficent and the child fearing Maleficent would hurt her. Spark stood up and looked around Diaval and at Maleficent.
      "You're a fairy, but you're the size of a human!?" Spark said as she began to perk up. Maleficent's eyes grew wide, and she finally decided to just shake off the rude comment.
      "How did you lose your wings?" Maleficent asked trying to sound nonchalant and stern but Spark sensed that she had so much interest in the topic, suddenly Spark saw another flash of white light. She saw a hairy man with bad intentions, The woman standing before her was laying on the ground and the man took some strange tool and burned the woman's wings off, leaving the woman pained, and broken. The white flash of light went away. Spark looked over at Maleficent, with her eyes glazed with tears. She walked around Diaval and hugged her, Maleficent didn't know what to do, she looked at Diaval and he shrugged, so she just partially hugged her back. Diaval watched in confusion.
       "I never had wings, My daddy was human, and my mom was a fairy." Spark said. Maleficent and Diaval were both shocked by this piece of information. 
       "You're a hybrid!?" Maleficent asked, then she glared at Diaval as if somehow it was his fault for not knowing.
       "Yes, I wasn't really supposed to tell anyone, because my dad wanted to keep me safe." Spark said. Which Diaval and Maleficent both understood completely. "So...what happened to your wings?" Spark asked, trying to sound oblivious. Maleficent looked at Diaval and back at Spark.
        "They're on my back." Maleficent said sternly and softly, she began taking tight hold of her staff, her wings began to fan out.
         "I mean what happened to them, I feel you and your wings have been hurt before, tell me the story." Spark said. Maleficent grew angry and gripped her staff really tight, green flames began to form, she glared down at Spark and her eyes turned green.
          "We normally don't bring it up much, she doesn't like talking about it." Diaval interrupted. He grabbed both of Maleficent's shoulders, looked into her green eyes and whispered to her. "She didn't know, just please calm down." The fire began to die down and Maleficent took a breath and began to strut off. Diaval waved goodbye to Spark and followed Maleficent. Little did they know that Spark was following them. 
            "...How was I supposed to know?" Diaval asked.
            "I sent you over to the human lands almost everyday for years-" Maleficent started Diaval interrupted.
            "To spy on King Stefan, not look for hybrids." Diaval said.
            "Well, that child is indeed very rare, but quite a royal pain." Maleficent said.
            "Mistress, she was very young, she didn't know." Diaval said. Maleficent knew Diaval was right, but she was angry, and she wanted him to know it.
            "Who's side are you on, Diaval?!" Maleficent began to shout in a stern voice.
            "Yours of course, but what side is that exactly? You can't be angry with her Mistress, she was just trying to talk to you." Diaval said.
            "Talk about what, the very situation that almost led me to hurt Aurora and caused my heart to freeze over." Maleficent asked.
            "I'm sorry, I was just trying to be talk to you, When you said that you were a fairy too I thought we could...well be friends." Spark cut in, her face was cherry red and she had tears streaming down her face. Maleficent turned around and had a shocked look on her face. She began to feel bad, she rolled her eyes and walked over to Spark. She crouched down and gave her a partial, awkward sort of hug. When she let go and stood up Spark was still hanging on. Maleficent had to hold her, while being held, Spark went to sleep. Diaval convinced Maleficent to just take her to their house, while walking back Spark was talking in her sleep. "Mommy...Daddy...Spark...scared...evil humans." She said. Spark began to sweat and Maleficent could feel it going through her dress, Diaval saw this and took Spark and held her himself.
       "For the love of- look at this." Maleficent said as she looked down at her dress uncomfortably.
       "You're welcome." Diaval said as she tried to get Spark's hair out of his mouth. Maleficent glared at him and he rolled his eyes. "Mistress?" Diaval called.
       "What?" She answered sternly.
       "Who do you think would be after Spark and her family?" Diaval asked. Maleficent let out a long, deep sigh.
       "I don't know Diaval, humans." Maleficent tried to sound like she didn't care, but she was thinking the exact same thing.
       "What are we going to do?" Diaval asked, hoping there was a solution  to Spark's problem. Maleficent rolled her eyes and glared at Diaval.
       "I don't know Diaval." Maleficent said as her low stern tone began to turn into a stern shout. Diaval could see that the topic upset her,  so he stopped talking. When they got back to their house, Aurora was outside.
       "Aurora, what on Earth are you doing here this late." Maleficent asked.
      "I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, so I figured you and Diaval could tire me out." Aurora said with a large smile on her face. Diaval smiled back, but Maleficent didn't.
     "Maybe later, Beastie we're quite busy tonight." Maleficent answered.
     "With what?" Aurora asked.
    "Her." Diaval said as he took Spark off his shoulders and laid her in his arms.
    "Who is she." Aurora asked. Maleficent kept walking and Diaval lightly glared at her as she strutted away, then he explained everything to Aurora.
    Soon they were in the house and Spark was laying on the couch, still sleeping and Aurora, Diaval, and Maleficent were all sitting at the kitchen table.
     "We have to protect her, she is obviously very special." Aurora said.
     "I agree. Mistress?" Diaval asked.
     "Great now we're her babysitters." Maleficent said in a stern tone as she leaned back in her chair and rolled her eyes. Deep down she was happy that Diaval and Aurora decided to protect Spark, because as out of character as it sounds, Maleficent wanted to protect Spark more than anything too. From that day forward Maleficent has had the best relationship with Spark and her father.
     Spark ran over to Diaval and hugged him too. 
    "Hi Uncle Diaval." Spark squealed.
    "Hello there." Diaval said, he tumbled a bit, for he wasn't expecting the powerful hug. There was suddenly a flash of white light again. Spark looked at Diaval and saw a pink light around him (affectionate aura), then over at Maleficent and the light around her was yellow (calm aura). The white light went away, and Spark happened to look over and see the daisy on the ground. She hugged Diaval tighter and glared up at him, she didn't understand why he wouldn't just tell her "Aunt Mal" how he felt.
     When she let go of Diaval, almost immediately he was turned into a raven. He flew off, and Spark waved.
      "BYE!" She shouted. She walked over to Maleficent and tugged on her sleeve.
      "Yes, little Hybrid." Maleficent said.
      "Where are we going?" She asked.
      "Diaval and I were going to go visit Aurora, did-" Maleficent started, but Spark interrupted.
      "Will I get to see Harmony?" Spark asked, she was getting hyper again.
      "Yes you will." Maleficent answered laughing to herself a little. "Would you like to come?" Maleficent asked.
      "YES YES YES!" Spark said as she began to jump up and down. Lavender sparks began to circle Spark and with her final jump a giant Lavender lightning bolt hit the sky, and made a clap, causing a small earthquake.
      "My goodness, Hybrid calm down." Maleficent said as she looked over the cliff at the slightly panicked fairies. Spark calmed down and took a deep breath.
      "Sorry." Spark said. Harmony is Aurora and Phillip's daughter, she was born four months ago. Spark loved how she was always so cheerful and playful. Diaval flew back over to the cliff and flew around in a few circles, signaling that he was ready to leave. Maleficent nodded at him, then looked over at Spark.
      "Would you like me to fly you over?" Maleficent asked, as her wings began to fan out.
      "No I'll walk, it'll be more fun." Spark said, as she looked excitedly at all the different fairies. Maleficent smiled at Spark and raised her arm.
      "Well alright, I will see you when you get to the castle then." Maleficent said, she flicked her wrist and Spark was lowered off the cliff and back on the ground, as Spark began to skip over to the stone bridge that connected the two kingdoms she felt a strong gust of wind. Diaval and Maleficent had taken off and were headed to the castle. Spark skipped through the damp grass and picked flowers and talked to the locals. She even got a handful of mud thrown at her by a playful wallerbog. She began walking backwards so that she could look out for anymore mud attacks. Suddenly she slammed into something, she turned around and it was a tree trunk. The tree trunk rumbled and legs protruded from the bottom of the trunk and the short branches sprouted fingers and a pair of eyes opened. A face began to form in the bark of the tree and the leaves stretched down to form clothing, the face was formed into a growl and the tree man glared down at Spark. She was afraid at first, but then when she realized that he was Moorfolk she smiled at him.
      "I'm sorry, I didn't see you." She said as she giggled a bit.
      "Watch where you're going you little freak." The tree man snarled, his voice sounded so serious and it sounded very stern and raspy, then he began to stomp away. Spark growled at him too, she began to get bad vibes. She let it go and kept walking toward the castle. 
       When she got there everyone was sitting at the long dining room table. Aurora's face lit up when she saw Spark and she got up and rushed over to her. Aurora hugged Spark and practically picked her up and spun her around.
        "Hello Spark." Aurora said as she set her back down.
        "Hi Beastie." Spark said with strong excitement. Then she waved at Phillip who waved back. Then Spark made her way over to Diaval who was holding Harmony. Spark kissed Harmony's forehead and grabbed her little hand. Harmony eventually fell asleep and one of the guards had to take her to the nursery.
        Later that same day Spark, Maleficent and Diaval were still sitting at the table with Aurora and Phillip. Suddenly Spark got a terrible feeling. She looked over and a white goat strutted into the room. She tugged on Maleficent's sleeve.
        "Hmm?" Maleficent said as she looked down at Spark.
        "I'm getting bad vibes from that goat." She whispered. Maleficent glanced up at the goat and she chuckled a little, remembering how good she felt when she did it. She, Aurora, and Diaval explained who the goat was and what she did.
        "So Phillip's mom, Queen Ingrith is the goat?" Spark asked with one eyebrow raised.
        "Exactly." Diaval said. Everything made sense to Spark now but she still had a bad feeling, she let it go but kept her eye on the goat until a guard came and put a leash on her, then took Ingrith away.
         Aurora was very excited to have her godmother and Diaval there with her. It didn't matter what they talked about, she just wanted them there. She enjoyed laughing and talking with them, and they had the most fun when Spark was around, because she kept things interesting. Since she wasn't around through a lot of parts in their lives they got to tell their stories and reminisce about all the good times they had together.
       "Remember when I first came to the Moors? It was so beautiful."  Aurora said she happened to look over at Diaval and he was trying to pay attention to what she was saying but kept looking back at Maleficent.
        "Yes Beastie I remember." Maleficent said. Aurora noticed that she was fully captivated in the conversation and didn't notice Diaval, so she decided to fix that.
        "Well do you remember the time you hit Diaval in the face with mud?" Aurora asked. Both Diaval and Maleficent looked at one another and laughed, this made Aurora smile. She then looked over at Spark who was twitching her eye and had lavender lightning bolts circling her.
         "Spark are you ok?" Aurora said, she was getting worried.
         "Huh? Oh..um yes...I just have to go to the bathroom." Spark said as she quickly hopped up.
         "Well...ok...you know where it is right?" Aurora asked.
          "Yes, thank you." Spark said as she quickly left. Maleficent squinted and watched as Spark walked out. She peeked over at Diaval who was looking back at her wide eyed. Spark crept her way into the main hall and got another feeling. She turned left and the feeling began to die down so she went right instead, the feeling got stronger. She crept down the hall and the feeling got even stronger. She noticed that this hallway hadn't been used lately because there were no torches on the wall and there was dust and cobwebs everywhere. At the end of the hall she saw an old door with cobwebs on it, she gently pushed it open and the feeling grew even more. She was faced with old, crumbled stone stairs. She tiptoed down the stairs and when she reached the very bottom, it was a stone ground, and an empty, small hall. She peeked around a corner and saw an empty room and the goat from earlier in a cage.
      Outside the castle there was an unusual knight walking toward the main entrance. He had floppy arms, he walked as if he couldn't bend his knees and his head was down. He made his way to the main entrance and was stopped by two guards in front of the door. One guard was blocking the way and was eyeing the strange knight, his name was Jordan, Spark's father. The other was leaning against the door and yawning his name was Gabriel.
       "Halt! Who are you?" Jordan asked as he held his hand out stopping the strange guard.
       "I'm Sir Daniel, and I come from one kingdom over, I'm here to make an alliance with the Queen and King of Ulstead." The strange knight said. Sir Jordan squinted but stepped out of the way and opened the door. Sir Daniel wobbled into the castle and instead of going to find the king and queen he turned down the same old dusty hall Spark found herself in. He slowly opened the door, and sighed when he saw the stairs. He tried to walk down them as slowly as possible but ended up banging his armor on something. 
        Spark heard the metal clashing into things so she walked into the dark corner of the empty hall and she watched closely and quietly from the shadows. Her bad feeling began to get worse, she began to think if coming down there was a bad idea and wanted to go back upstairs. When the stumbling guard finally reached the bottom of the stairs he turned the corner and stopped in front of the cage. Spark peeked her head out and watched in amazement. The Guard lifted his helmet and it was the small tree man she saw from earlier. He practically jumped out of the armor and left it lying on the floor as he opened the cage. The goat was skeptical to step out but she did, very slowly. The tree man reached into one of his leafy pockets and pulled out a poach made of a bigger leaf. He unfolded the leaf and revealed a strange, golden glowing clump of goo. The goat, of course at some of the goo, and almost immediately was turned into this woman with blonde messy hair, a white dress that was smeared with dirt and a strong cringe on her face along with the golden goo that stained her face. She gagged a little and coughed then her face formed a scowl and her green eyes squinted, she glared down at the tree man who was the size of a step stool compared to the woman, who from the way her aunt described must be Ingrith.
      "Who are you, and why did you turn me back?" Ingrith asked circling the tree man. Her voice came across as cool and calm but Spark was sensing a stern approach.
      "My name is Branch, I turned you back because I don't like life amongst humans and you don't like life amongst fairies, so I believe together we can turn things back to normal." The tree man who is now identified as Branch said.
     "Why should I help you? How do I know you aren't trying to kill me?" Ingrith asked.
      "I can't stand humans and you can't stand fairies, you should help me because with your thirst for revenge and my knowledge of the Moorfolk I can help you get fairies out of your hair." Branch said. 
      "How do you plan on doing this?" Ingrith asked.
      "Maybe we don't have to do anything, if we get the people of both kingdoms to get angry with one another the peace will break itself. If we get the Moorfolk angry at the humans and the humans angry at the Moorfolk they will call for war despite The young queen and the horned one's input." Branch said.
       "That's terrible!" Spark thought to herself.
       "That's terrific!" Ingrith said as she smiled a sinister smile. She then stopped in her tracks of circling Branch and looked down at him. "How are we going to get them mad at one another?" She asked.
       "Well a few rumors and lies spreading across the kingdoms will get the ball rolling." Branch said.
       "What a brilliant idea, how about you go ahead and get started on that, start in the Moors and rile up the fairies first." Ingrith said. Branch nodded and wriggled himself back into his armor then made his way back up the stairs. "Now to get started on my real plan." Ingrith said, she glanced over to see Spark still peeking her head out. Spark gasped and tried to hide. "You should have known not to stick your nose where it doesn't belong, you little hybrid." Ingrith snarled as she made her way over to the cracked stone door way. Spark was about to run up the stairs, but Ingrith grabbed her.
        "Let me go! AUNT MAL...AUNT MA-" Spark cried, but Ingrith covered her mouth.
        "Your "Aunt Mal" can't save you now. You are going to rot in the dungeon you little abomination." Ingrith picked Spark up and carried her quickly but quietly up the stairs. Spark did everything in her power to get free. She sparked, growled, kicked, and even licked Ingrith's hand, she didn't try that again though because her hand tasted like dirt. Ingrith, refused to put Spark down. Ingrith got a do over and she wasn't going to mess it up. Ingrith made her way to the dungeon without being seen. She threw Spark in a cell, taped her mouth and tied her to the cell bed, and then she locked the door. "Maybe if you weren't such a little nosy meddler you wouldn't be here. Know your place in this world and stay in it." Ingrith snarled. Spark tried to make out some words but Ingrith couldn't understand her, but what she was trying to say wasn't pretty. Ingrith shoved the key in her pocket and strutted out of the dungeon. 
      Upstairs Phillip and Aurora were still entertaining Diaval and Maleficent. Phillip stood up.
      "Excuse me, I'm going to sit with my father for a moment and see if he's ok." He said he kissed Aurora's cheek bowed to Maleficent and Diaval then left. King John had grown ill in the past months and was bed written. He was to not exert himself and get lots of rest.
       "Well alright, can you check on Harmony as well?" Aurora asked.
       "Of course." Phillip smiled then left the room. Maleficent had been staring at the doorway since Spark left, and Diaval and Aurora had definitely noticed.
        "Mistress, is everything alright?" Diaval asked. Maleficent turned her head to him but never took her eyes off the doorway.
        "No. I can't help but notice that Spark hasn't returned yet." Maleficent said, with a stern tone with a little worry in her voice.
       "I've noticed too, maybe we should look for her." Aurora said.
       "Agreed." Diaval said as he stood up. "We meet back here in twenty minutes." He said. Maleficent and Aurora nodded, then they all left the dining room and split off.
      Ingrith had already made her way out of the castle, she had worn a black cloak and wandered into the village. She had found an abandoned house, and she decided to make it her lair. She entered the house to find that it was in pretty good condition, everything was kind of old and dusted over but there was no critical damage. She looked out one of the windows that had a view of the castle, then a sinister smirk spread across her face.
      "Revenge will be mine." She said, then she laughed to herself.
       Spark sat in the dark cell, it was completely blanketed with dust and cobwebs were in almost every corner, she thought she saw a few spiders too. She sat with both hands tied behind her back to the old steel bed leg. She pulled as hard as she could but not only was the bed surprisingly very sturdy but it was bolted to the ground. The cold dark dungeon began to scare her and she wanted to go home. She was doing everything she could to scream for help. Then she had an idea. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, her hair started to frizz a little, then her fingertips began to tingle, she felt heat coming from the steel bed leg. She then heard a small 'buzzz' then the tight pulling on her wrists went away. She stretched her hands and saw the rope imprint on her wrists. She ripped the tape off her mouth, and the stinging caused her eyes to water. Then she saw a white light, she saw Aurora looking down hallways, then she saw Diaval looking in different rooms, and she saw Maleficent pinch the bridge of her nose and take a breath, she looked up and sniffled a bit. Then she started to strut down the halls with the same confidant composure she always had. Then the white light went away. 
       "They're looking for me!" She said, she rushed to the bars of the cell. "AUNT MAL! UNCLE DIAVAL! BEASTIE! I'M IN THE DUNGEON! HELP!" She began to call. Nothing happened, she thought back to her vision, Aurora was closest to her. "BEASTIE, BEASTIE, I'M IN THE DUNGEON!" She shouted. She had been screaming and crying for who knows how long. 
          Maleficent was frantically searching for Spark even in places that seemed physically impossible. She checked out windows, in fireplaces, she even looked under a pillow in one of the guest rooms. She was growing desperate and impatient. She was worried about her little Hybrid. She began throwing things out of the way with her magic and green wisps of magic began to circle her.
            Diaval was checking in Harmony's room because he remembered how much Spark loved to be around Harmony. He looked everywhere Harmony was even tossing her head back and forth in her crib as if she were looking too. Diaval eventually took a break. He looked in the crib and sighed.
             "I guess it would be pointless to ask you, huh?" He said to Harmony, Harmony looked away from him and looked somewhere else. "I thought so." He said.
               Aurora was checking the hallways to see if anything was out of place. She studied paintings in the halls, she stood in the halls for a few minutes to see if she could hear anything, it was hard to hear anything though because the sound of all the doors opening and closing and the echoing of Spark's name filled the castle halls. 
                 Eventually they all gathered together in the dining room again.
                 "Did you come across anything?" Maleficent asked, she was trying to keep her composure and sound as calm as possible.
                 "No, sorry." Aurora said.
                 "No Mistress." Diaval said. Maleficent laid her middle finger on the side of her head and her thumb rested on her cheekbone her other fingers were spread out, as if to prevent a headache and Aurora laid her hand on Maleficent's other hand that rested on the table.
                 "Wait a minute, Spark was sensing something about Queen Ingrith, do you think-" Diaval started, Aurora's face lit up and she quickly interupted.
                 "Maybe she is in the solitary confinement room we had made for Queen Ingrith." Aurora said. Maleficent quickly stood up, grabbed her staff and headed for the door.
                "Brilliant thought Beastie." She said as she strutted out. Diaval sighed and murmured to himself.
                "Brilliant thought Beastie." He said in a mocking tone. Aurora looked back at him and patted his shoulder.
                "Thank you, you gave us very useful information Diaval." Aurora said, she hugged him and skipped off trying to catch up to Maleficent.
                "See, right words wrong person." Diaval said to himself. 
                When he eventually caught up to Maleficent and Aurora, he noticed that Aurora looked scared and had her mouth gaped open and her eyes widened. Maleficent was crouched down looking at some of the gold goo from earlier that must have dripped on the ground. Maleficent swiped her finger across the goo and rubbed her thumb and index finger together, it was apparently very familiar to her. She then stood up and looked directly at the empty cage. Green flames began to form.
                "She took her." Maleficent said in an agitated and dry tone. "SHE TOOK HER!" Maleficent shouted, green flames began to encase her, and a green wave of magic pulsed into the air.
                "Now godmother wait, maybe she went back to the moors." Aurora said. Maleficent began to calm down. She was still breathing heavy, she stormed past Aurora and Diaval, she flicked her wrist and Diaval was phased by more black fog, he was a raven. "Godmother where are you going?" Aurora asked.
                "TO THE MOORS!" Maleficent said in a stern tone, and rather she meant to or not, very loudly. Aurora plugged her ears, Maleficent not once stopped walking, she didn't turn around to face Aurora or even waited for her to follow she just walked. 
              "Oh...well...ok, I'll stay here just in case she comes back." Aurora said, hoping Maleficent heard her. Maleficent didn't respond. "Love you too." Aurora whispered.

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