A Realization

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Everyone was halfway through the night and Spark and Aurora were right on track with their plan. By now Phillip had already given in and went to sleep, but everyone else was playing a game of spin the bottle. They had recently just started and had explained the rules to Diaval and Maleficent. Who must've been either tired or out of their minds to agree to play. Everyone was out of their minds tired, but Aurora and Spark were determined to make Diaval and Maleficent fall in love by the end of the night.  Aurora spun the bottle and it landed on Maleficent.
            "Alright Beastie, forehead, cheek, or lips." Spark asked as she rubbed her eyes.
            "Cheek." Aurora said, she got up and Maleficent turned her face to the side and Aurora planted a small peck on Maleficent's cheek. She sat back down and yawned. "Your turn godmother." Aurora said. Maleficent spun the bottle, Spark was getting fed up with the game, everytime it was Diaval or Maleficent's turn the bottle either landed on her or Aurora or nobody. Spark hit the bottle with a small lavender bolt and the bottle stopped on Diaval. Maleficent's eyes squinted and she smiled sinisterly. She put her index finger under Diaval's chin and tilted it toward her face. She puckered her lips and he began to pucker his. Aurora and Spark looked at one another with an ecstatic look, then back at Maleficent and Diaval. Maleficent then kissed Diaval's forehead, then busted out laughing.
            "Good one Diaval. You did great playing along." Maleficent said. Aurora and Spark's faces fell into a frown and they sighed and looked at one another. Maleficent was still laughing, Diaval laughed along but on the inside he was crushed, Spark was seeing it with her own eyes, his aura was black and pink with some grey (tired).  Maleficent's, however, was still purple, but the pink was beginning to take over and her aura had some grey in it, she must've been tired because she had more grey light in her aura than everyone else, well more than Diaval anyway. Maleficent was possibly more tired than everyone else, Spark could tell considering that Maleficent wasn't trying to get rid of her affectionate feeling. The white light went away. 
          Diaval spun the bottle and once again Spark tampered, and it landed on Maleficent. Maleficent's eyes grew wide and she laughed again. Diaval did the same thing Maleficent did to him. He took his index finger and thumb and gently grabbed her chin and tilted it toward his face. This time he wasn't planning on kissing her anywhere else but her lips. He closed his eyes and brought his lips closer to hers. When she saw he was actually going to kiss her she panicked.
           "DIAVAL!" she called, he opened his eyes and stopped. Then he realized what he was doing and moved his hand and leaned back.
          "My apologies Mistress, I must be more exhausted than I thought." Diaval said, trying to cover up for his mistake. Spark saw a white light, Diaval was the same amount of tired, he was before, maybe even less, but his aura was definitely giving off a strong pink color. Maleficent's aura changed from pinkish purple with grey to a little less grey and light blue. The white light went away. Aurora and Spark looked at each other with such disappointment. 
             "Well don't let this happen again." Maleficent said sternly as she pointed between herself and Diaval. "Aurora this was a really fun night but maybe we should follow in Phillip's footsteps and head off to bed." Maleficent said. "I mean really, look at Spark she can barely keep her eyes open." Maleficent said, as she motioned over to Spark, who could barely sit up straight anymore.
              "I think your right godmother, I guess we should go to bed now," Aurora said. Spark perked up and looked at her, with her eyebrows furrowed into a frown and her mouth gaped open. Aurora had to think fast, because she wanted this almost as badly as Spark did. "But since Spark and I are so exhausted and you and Diaval have so much energy left, can you both clean up a little?" Aurora said, she glanced over to Spark who shrugged and gave her a thumbs up and nodded.
              "Nonsense." Maleficent said, she waved her hand and all the paper stacked in a neat stack, the crayons went back in the boxes, and the empty bowls, bottles and plates stacked neatly. "Then we can handle it in the morning." Maleficent said. Aurora and Spark looked at each other again.
               "Well Spark and I are kind of restless, so can you and Diaval stay awake until we fall asleep." Aurora asked. Maleficent's face softened and she looked at Diaval, he seemed ok with it.
                "Alright Beastie." Maleficent said. Spark rushed to her cot and made herself comfortable, even though it might not have been Aurora's plan, Spark fell asleep moments later. 
                 It had been about an hour and Diaval and Maleficent were still awake waiting for Aurora to go to sleep.
                 "Aurora...Aurora?" Diaval called, Aurora had dozed off, but she shook it off and answered.
                "I'm still awake." She said.
                "This is ridiculous," Maleficent said. "Goodnight Beastie." Maleficent said. Aurora sat up.
                 "No godmother wait-" Aurora started, Maleficent blew into her palm and a gold dust blew into Aurora's face and instantly put her to sleep. Maleficent looked at Diaval and shook her head.
                   "I don't know why I didn't think of that sooner." Maleficent said.
                   "That would have been very useful, yes." Diaval said. He and Maleficent laughed. Maleficent stood up and went over to the bed and began to sit down. "Mistress? What are you doing?" Diaval asked.
                   "Well I hope you didn't believe that I would sleep on the floor." Maleficent said with an eyebrow raised.
                   "Well I guess not." Diaval said, smirking a little.
                   "Well alright then. Goodnight Diaval." Maleficent said stretching, then preparing to lie down.
                   "Mistress, wait." Diaval called. Maleficent looked back over at Diaval with a scowl.
                   "Diaval, I'm exhausted, what is it?"  Maleficent snapped.
                   "I just want to apologize again for that spin the bottle situation, it was inappropriate and very out of character for me to do. I hope we can move past this. That's all, goodnight Mistress." Diaval said, he bowed and turned over to lay on his cot.
                   "Don't worry about it, just never let it happen again." Maleficent said sternly. She looked around the room of sleeping people and looked at Diaval, who was lightly snoring. She kissed the air then laid down and went to sleep. Spark's visions forced her awake.
        "Huh?" She said as she jolted awake, she saw a white light, then she groaned. She looked over at Maleficent, her aura was fully pink and no other emotion or thought was over lapping it. The same with Diaval. The white light went away. "That's why Aunt Mal was more exhausted than the rest of us, she was trying too hard to hide her emotions." Spark whispered. "Now I have to prove it." Spark said as she forced her tired body to get up. She snuck over to Maleficent, she was lightly snoring. "I love you Aunt Mal." Spark whispered in her ear. As long as Spark has known Maleficent, she knew that Maleficent almost never used the word "Love".
            Maleficent groaned in her sleep. Spark saw a white light again, and Maleficent's aura was light blue. Then the white light went away. Maleficent began to toss and turn.
          "Even in her sleep the word love intimidates her." Spark thought. Then someone tapped her shoulder. Spark was so scared her hair began to frizz.
          "Spark, calm down it's just me." Aurora whispered.
          "Goodness Beastie, be careful when you sneak up on me like that." Spark said.
          "Sorry, what are you doing?" Aurora asked.
          "I woke up to a vision, Aunt Mal's aura was fully pink with no interferences, so I figured maybe if she finally admitted her feelings on the inside, she would be able to admit her feelings on the outside. I said I loved her and she began to toss and turn, I was just about to look into her dream." Spark said.
         "You can do that." Aurora asked.
         "Yeah if I lay my hand on Aunt Mal's shoulder and focus, I could have a vision and see what she is dreaming about." Spark said.
         "Then do it." Aurora said. Spark nodded. She took a breath, closed her eyes and laid her hand on Maleficent's shoulder. She saw a bright white light, then she saw King Stefan beating Maleficent with a heavy iron chain in a flaming room, they were surrounded by a large crowd of people. She couldn't fight back, she couldn't move. He kept hitting her but saying he loved her after every hit. When she fell to her knees he reached toward her chest, took her heart out then crushed it to dust right in front of her and walked off into a crowd of people cheering for him, then Maleficent stayed on the ground defenseless and crying. The white light went away. Spark's face cringed and she explained to Aurora what she saw.
         "Well that's just awful. We have to give her good memories of love." Aurora suggested.
          "I know and I have an idea." Spark said. She turned to Maleficent and whispered again. "Diaval...love." Spark whispered. Maleficent stopped tossing and turning. Aurora could have sworn she saw a smile. Spark laid her hand on Maleficent again. The white light came back, and she saw the Moors. Diaval was walking in front of Maleficent and was guarding her from everything. They were walking through a beautiful field of green grass, flowers and sunlight, there were blue skies and not a cloud to be seen. Maleficent stepped on a branch and Diaval quickly spun around and carried Maleficent the rest of the way. He then sat her on a rock in front of a beautiful waterfall with crystal blue water and gave her a flower. Maleficent smiled, accepted the flower and said thank you. Diaval leaned down so he was eye level with Maleficent. Diaval grabbed Maleficent's face the same way he did when they were playing spin the bottle. This time she didn't stop him she kissed back, soon kissing began to escalate into a little more and Spark quickly moved her hand. The white light went away. She cringed even more now.
            "What!? What was it!" Aurora whispered with such enthusiasm.
            "She really likes him alright." Spark said she explained to Aurora everything she saw and Aurora quietly cheered. Suddenly Maleficent began to move again. She turned over and blinked herself awake to see Spark and Aurora standing in front of her. She began to hear what they were saying.
             "Everytime Uncle Diaval looks at Aunt Mal his aura turns pink. When I went to visit them yesterday on the cliff Uncle Diaval must have been trying to tell Aunt Mal how he felt, because his aura was pink and there was a daisy by his foot." Spark said. Aurora looked at Spark with confusion for this piece of information was random, but interesting. Maleficent must have heard exactly what she thought she did because Aurora cheered, Diaval loved her. She scrunched her nose up a little, then her face softened into a smile. "I just wish godmother could understand that King Stefan is gone and Diaval is the most loyal and honest man any girl would kill to have in their lives." Aurora said.
            "She has to heal Beastie." Spark said, rubbing Maleficent's arm without breaking eye contact with Aurora.
             "I know and she should be able to take all the time she needs, but she obviously wants Diaval too and the fact that she is afraid to go with him is a shame. It has been so long since she had been in that dark place. She should know by now that she has so many people willing to kill for her and Diaval is her right hand man." Aurora said. Maleficent felt her eyes glaze over with tears, she began to bury her face in her pillow.
           "Listen obviously she doesn't want to see Uncle Diaval that way, so maybe we should just let it go." Spark said.
           "What!? Let it go?" Aurora asked, she was taken back by this comment. Spark began to walk away, and Aurora was close on her heels. Spark turned around to face her. She put a finger up to her lips and pointed back to Maleficent, then winked at Aurora. Aurora smiled and tried to stop herself from laughing. Maleficent was thinking to herself.
           "I do want to love him, I just can't. I don't know why I just can't, it all makes sense now though. The long hesitation during truth or dare, the spin the bottle game, him telling me to be careful. Why do you push him away? Twenty six years of friendship. TWENTY SIX! He will eventually lose interest. You have to try harder. That's it, that's exactly what I'll do, try harder." She thought to herself. She smiled and went back to sleep.
        The next morning Maleficent was the last one to wake up. She got dressed and went downstairs to find everyone sitting at the dining room table. Aurora was holding Harmony, Spark was trying to explain aura colors to Phillip, Diaval was looking out the window that was at the far side of the dining room, and there was an empty chair next to him. Maleficent smiled. She walked over and sat next to Diaval.
            "Morning." Maleficent said to everyone. 
            "Good morning." Aurora said as she smiled and waved.
            "Morning." Spark said as she quickly turned and waved, then turned back to Phillip, and pointed to a color she shaded on a piece of paper.
            "Uhhhh….happy. Good morning." Phillip said.
            "Nope, green is happy, yellow is calm." Spark said, Phillip nodded and repeated what Spark said.
            "Green, happy. Yellow, calm." Phillip said.
            "Good morning Mistress." Diaval looked over and smiled at her, then looked back out the window. Maleficent smiled.
            "Well Aurora that was some sleepover, we had an art gallery, played truth or dare, told stories," Maleficent said, Aurora smiled at how much fun Maleficent had. "We even played spin the bottle." Maleficent said as she smiled and glanced over at Diaval, who was turning red and tried not to make eye contact. 
              "Well I'm glad you had so much fun." Aurora said. "Now if you excuse me I have to put Harmony back in her nursery." Aurora said as she was getting up.
              "And I have to check on my father." Phillip said, as he excused himself from Spark. "We can pick this up next time." He said as he bowed, smiled, and left. Spark nodded.
              "That's fine Beastie we were about to leave anyway." Maleficent said, standing up too." Aurora hugged her and Diaval, then kissed Spark on her forehead. Aurora then walked out too.
              "So now what are we doing?" Spark said getting excited, her hair began to frizz.
              "Actually Spark, you're going home." Diaval said.
              "Aw, but we were having fun." Spark said as she hugged Maleficent. Maleficent picked her up.
               "That we did, but I can assure you that your father misses you." Maleficent said. Spark nodded.
               "I know where he is." Spark said as her head lowered and her voice became full of disappointment.
               "Good and maybe we will do this again a lot sooner than you think, now run along my little Hybrid." Maleficent said, she kissed Spark on her forehead and put her down. Spark hugged Diaval and waved then rushed out. "So what are your plans today Diaval?" Maleficent asked as they began to walk out too.
                "My day is your Mistress." Diaval said.
               "Well now," Maleficent said smiling at Diaval. "I have nothing planned for us today so your day is fully yours and how do you intend to spend it?" Maleficent asked once more.
                "Well Mistress, if that's the case maybe I could-" Diaval started to say then they heard lightning crack the sky and heard Spark crying. Maleficent rushed toward the big double doors, Diaval close behind.

Maleficent: Final War #1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora