Which fight is worth fighting

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 The sun was setting and while Maleficent and Aurora were busy looking for Spark, no one paid any attention to Ingrith. She snuck back into the castle and began to prepare supplies for her plan. 
       She grabbed armor, weaponry, and on her trip upstairs to gather some clothing she noticed the nursery door was open. Ingrith looked down the hall and no one was coming. She slid into the nursery and strutted over to the crib. She stared down at her granddaughter and growled. Then a sinister smirk spread across her face. 
         "You are going to help grandmama get her revenge." Ingrith said. She picked Harmony up and hid her under her cloak. She snuck out of the castle again by taking all the back exits and made it safely back to her liar. She laid all of her weaponry on a table and laid Harmony flat on the couch. She laughed to herself once more, but this time the laugh was more sinister, the baby gurgled and Ingrith stopped. 
          She looked down at her weapons and studied what she had. She had rope, swords made of iron, crossbows with iron tipped arrows, leftover red dust from her last failing scheme, she also had iron nets and bars. Ingrith grabbed a blow torch and got to work.
         That night in the Moors Branch was doing just as Ingrith told him to, riling up the fairies. He had already got to half of them. He was currently talking to the pixies.
          "...I'm telling you Those walking freaks are planning on putting factories over here, why would I lie?" Branch said as he continued to lie. Knotgrass looked at him with her eyes widened and thistlewit got angry.
          "Why those enormous ground walkers have some nerve tearing down the Moors for something so stupid." Thistlewit exclaimed as she flew in a vicious circle.
          "Are you sure?" Knotgrass asked.
          "Well of course he's sure." Thistlewit said.
          "I was just asking." Knotgrass said.
           "Well he wouldn't lie." Thistlewit said. The two began to argue, Branch cut in.
          "Take that anger out on the humans." Branch said.
          "Yeah!" They both cheered, then they both flew off. Branch saw Maleficent marching over the bridge and she didn't look happy. He figured he told the fairies enough, so he quickly hid. She stormed into the Moors.
          "DIAVAL!" She called, he cawed and he flew off to look for Spark. Suddenly someone tapped her on her shoulder. Her wings fanned and she swung around. It was Sir Jordan, she relaxed a little, but was still quite nervous. She regained her composure and looked at him with a smile. The best smile that she could possibly manage in a state like this.
           "Hi, I saw you leaving the castle earlier, I wanted to tell Spark something but I didn't see her." Sir Jordan said. Maleficent's heart dropped but she kept her composure.
            "Well, I left her with Aurora, we were going to have a sleepover, Diaval and I came back to get supplies." Maleficent kept the smile on her face and it began to hurt her. 
            "Oh well ok, I'll tell her next time I see her then, have a great night. You know I'm so happy Spark has her Aunt Mal and Uncle Diaval looking out for her, you are really great for taking care of her the way you do." Sir Jordan said. Maleficent fought back her tears and smiled harder, her insides were on fire.
            "Well, I have no problem doing so. I see Spark as...as one of my own." Maleficent said. Jordan nodded and turned to walk away.
            "grrrr….where is my little Hybrid." Maleficent grumbled, she loosened the grip on her staff and her eyes welled. Then there was another tap on her shoulder. Maleficent sighed and turned around, it was the pixies. "What!?" She asked sternly as she collected herself once more and tightening her grip on her staff.
             "You are just ok with this whole situation?" Knotgrass asked. 
            "Even Flittle is upset." Thistlewit said as she was showing Maleficent the blue flower that was hunched over with its petals drooped.
            "What on Earth are you three imbeciles talking about?" Maleficent asked, she raised an eyebrow, and was getting annoyed.
            "You are letting Ulstead-" Thistlewit started, but then there was a loud scream from the Castle and Diaval cawed and flew back over to Maleficent.
            "Listen, I don't have time for this, I have to go." Maleficent said as she began to fly up and follow Diaval to the castle.
             When she arrived Aurora was crying her eyes out in the nursery, Phillip was trying to calm her down. Diaval kept cawing, Maleficent turned him into a human and he rushed over too. Maleficent dropped her staff and rushed over.
              "Beastie, what's wrong?" She asked as she wiped away a few tears from Aurora's face.
              "Harmony is gone." She answered.
              "What!?" Maleficent responded sternly.
              In the dungeon Spark was crying too. She was hugging her knees and was silently crying in a corner. She was afraid that she was never going to be found. She was sparking and the bars on her cell were packed with static. There was so much electricity in them that she couldn't even touch them now. Then she saw a white light. She saw Ingrith take Harmony, then she saw Aurora and Maleficent crying, their auras were black (depressed), Diaval was trying to calm them both down, his aura was black too. She saw the pain on everyone's faces. The white light went away and she cried harder.
               "UGH!I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!" She shouted. She rushed towards the bars and gripped them and it was as if she put her hands in fiber glass. "OW!" She shouted.
                In Ingriths "lair" she heard Aurora's crying and she laughed. She wrote a note and put on a black cloak and stuck the note to an arrow, she went outside and pointed a cocked crossbow at the nursery window. She fired the crossbow and the arrow shot through the castle window. She went back to her lair, grabbed her now ready weapons and headed to the castle courtyard. 
               By now all the humans and fairies were riled up and completely wanted to seperate. Some humans attacked the bridge with pick axes and some wallerbogs threw mud at the humans. A small fight began to start.
             Back in the castle Phillip grabbed the note and told everyone.
             "Guys we have a problem." He said handing the note to Diaval. He glanced over it and read it aloud.
             "Dear Traitor and…uh." Diaval stopped reading and glanced at Maleficent.
            "Well, Diaval keep reading." Maleficent demanded.
            "Are you sure?" He asked, Maleficent glared at him, then he nodded and did a stalling cough. "Dear traitor and Horned beast,
     It's yours truly, so do you remember how you slaughtered my men, then turned the whole kingdom against me and turned me into a goat and ruined my plan to bring Ulstead to a higher glory? No! Well I do and I don't appreciate it, so in return I took your beautiful little baby and to get her back only "Queen" Aurora and the infamous Maleficent can come get her back from me in the castle courtyard, but you have to be quick because I will burn the castle down, if I can't rule no one can. I must warn you though there is a war that has broken out in front of the castle between humans and fairies, if you aren't careful the fairies might get to the castle before I do. So choose your battles wisely.
Ingrith" Diaval read, Phillip rushed to one of the windows and saw a group of humans throwing lit torches at the Moors and some fairies using magic on humans.
         "Great, what do we do now?" He asked.
         Down in the dungeon Spark had another vision, she saw a white light and saw the humans and fairies fighting then she saw Ingrith lighting torches. The white light went away and Spark started to get angry.
         "UGH!" She shouted. She rushed to the small window that was in her cell and she looked outside and couldn't find anything to help her get out. She sighed. "this is ridiculous." She said.
         Back upstairs in the nursery Maleficent was trying to sort everything out.
         "Diaval, Phillip, you both have to go handle the fight in the front of the castle, Aurora and I have to get Harmony back." She said with an affirmative, taking charge tone.
        "But Mistress, what if you get hurt? You don't want me there?" Diaval asked.
        "I fought her before Diaval, Aurora and I will be fine." She answered. Diaval remembered the time when he almost lost his Mistress, if it wasn't for Aurora his Mistress would be gone forever. He gulped hard then nodded at Maleficent. 
       "Diaval, Phillip get down there now, they sound a little more antsy. Aurora, we have to go." Maleficent said, Aurora nodded and she and Phillip headed for the door. Maleficent began to walk out, but Diaval grabbed her hand. She turned around and looked at his hand around her wrist, then into his eyes with an eyebrow raised.
        "Please be careful Mistress...please." Diaval said with a worrisome voice and a desperate look on his face. Her face softened and she smiled a small smile at him.
        "I will be fine Diaval." Maleficent said, she then walked out.
         In the dungeon Spark saw a white light again, she saw Maleficent walking down the hall.
        "Stay safe, Diaval." Maleficent whispered as she glanced back at the nursery. Her aura was green (prepared) but it was as if it was flickering on and off pink almost as if she couldn't feel affection. The white light went away. Even when she was scared and slowly running out of patience Spark smiled and even giggled to herself.

Maleficent: Final War #1Where stories live. Discover now