"Motherly" Love

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Diaval got up and opened the door and Aurora was standing on the other side. Maleficent walked over to the door and smiled at Aurora.
           "Oh! Godmother, your hair is so beautiful." Aurora said. Maleficent forgot that she had had it down.
           "Hmmm? Oh! Well thank you Beastie." Maleficent said as she smiled wider.
           "I just wanted to let you and Diaval know that Phillip and I are going to be taking a business trip to another kingdom." Aurora said as she began to jump up and down.
          "That's great, so let me guess, you want us to watch Harmony?" Diaval asked.
           "Well not exactly, Sir Jordan is taking care of everything at the castle, I just wanted to tell you we are leaving later today and wanted to say goodbye. Also I wanted to ask you if you could check in on Sir Jordan now and again, he seems indifferent." Aurora said.
           "Anything for you Aurora." Diaval said.
           "Great thank you so much. I will miss you both, tell Spark I'll miss her too. Wish Phillip and I luck on our business trip." Aurora said, she waved then skipped away. Diaval closed the door and Maleficent watched Aurora skip off back toward the castle from the window.
           On the outskirts of the Moors to the far top right corner, Spark was on the verge of being miserable. Rain had taken a quick drink from a red crystal beaker. She removed the lilac flower from Spark's hair.
           "Mommy!?" Spark whined. Rain turned her head, rolled her eyes and scowled, then she looked at Spark and gently smiled.
           "Yes darling?" Rain asked with the best calm and cool tone she could manage.
           "Why are you taking my flower out of my hair?" Spark asked.
           "So nothing happens to it when we start your training." Rain said as she took the flower out.
            "Training for what? I haven't had any visions all last night and I haven't had any this morning." Spark said. Suddenly she saw a white light. She saw Maleficent standing in a field and she was angry, Diaval was standing behind her and he wasn't trying to calm her down he must've been mad too. Maleficent was glaring at someone but all Spark saw was a blurred figure. The white light went away. Spark looked at her mom. "Mommy, I had a vision, we have to go check on Aunt Mal." Spark said as she was about to rush off. Rain grabbed her.
              "First of all her name is Maleficent, and I had the same vision she's ok." Rain lied. Spark raised an eyebrow.
              "Are you sure?" Spark asked.
              "Yes." Rain said sternly.
              "Can we go visit her after training?" Spark asked.
              "Of course." Rain lied. They began training and it took up the whole day. Spark learned how to make herself have a vision whenever she felt like it. She learned a little about mind control. When Spark looked up and saw the moon overhead she groaned.
               "Mommy can we stop now? I've been training all day and I haven't had any breaks, and my head hurts." Spark begged. Rain thought about it.
               "Well...fine. We can stop." Rain said. Spark got a bad feeling, she glanced at her mom, she was sitting down and she was looking at the moon. Spark blinked her eyes and she saw a white light, she looked at her mom and her aura was yellow. The white light went away. Spark began to feel bad for thinking her mother was up to something because her mother's aura had been yellow all day. "Come on Spark let's go home." Rain said as she stood up and began walking.
         "Mommy my head hurts and I'm tired, can you carry me?" Spark asked. Rain scowled and kept walking.
         "Push through it my little soldier." Rain tried to say calmly, but she kept the annoyed look on her face. Spark nodded and she dragged her poor exhausted body behind her mother. Rain felt a little tingle on her head, she gasped and then swung around. She stuck the lilac flower back in Spark's hair. Spark was confused, she blinked again and this time she didn't see the white light. Her head began to pulse with pain.
           "AGHHH! Mommy!" Spark cried.
           "Shake it off." Rain said as she began to leave Spark behind. Spark wanted to be angry at her mother but she decided to let it go. 
          Later that night it began to get hotter and Spark was lying in bed, she took her flower out of her hair and laid an ice pack on her head, for her headache and she laid there with her window wide open. Her mother had already gone to sleep, leaving Spark to tend to herself. Spark had begun thinking to herself.
          "It doesn't make any sense, I had visions just a few hours ago, why can't you have a vision? Even better question, why doesn't my mom care? Maybe it's normal, she probably doesn't care because this happened to her before. It's probably temporary. AGHHHH!" Spark thought. "Even thinking to myself hurts." Spark said. Then she felt a cold soft tickle run down her cheek. She glanced up and water was dripping from her ice pack. "Mo-" she started to call, but she stopped and her concerned look fell into a frown. "Never mind I got it." She grumbled. Spark strained herself out of bed only to have more pain rush to her head. She stumbled and her nose scrunched up at first but she kept walking. She made her way to the kitchen, then she grabbed a chair and pulled it up to the refrigerator, then she stepped onto the chair and opened the freezer. She put her ice pack back and grabbed another. As she was on her way back to her room she figured she would need something to drink later. she moved the chair and opened the refrigerator and began looking for water, she came across the red crystal beaker. She saw a white light, she saw her mother drink some of the red liquid and she saw her aura turn from brown (harmful) to yellow. Then she saw her mom send her father back to the castle, then she saw her vision of Maleficent again and the part that was blurred before unblurred it was her mother, finally the white light she saw began to turn red. She over exerted herself, she began to feel faint. The white light went away and Spark began to fall, she bumped into the table on the way down. Then she took a deep breath and regained her composure. The pain died down a little and she sensed her mom coming, she hid under the table.
         Rain rushed into the kitchen and looked around frantically. Then she saw a white light, she looked at the table and a light blue light was surrounding it, she blinked and then she had a vision of Spark finding her beaker and hiding under the table. The white light went away. Rain snarled and pulled Spark from under the table forcefully. 
         "LET ME GO!" Spark cried.
         "Listen you little brat I refuse to let you ruin my plans." Rain said with such anger. 
         "I'M GONNA GET DADDY!" Spark shouted.
          "GET HIM! I'll handle him too." Rain threatened. 
          "THEN I'LL GET AUNT MAL!" Spark shouted.
           "You have to get to her first." Rain said as she dragged Spark to to the living room, way in the back was a small room made of really thick glass and it had holes in it for air. She threw Spark in the glass box and locked the door, the hinges were wrapped in plastic so Spark couldn't tamper with them. Then Spark began to bang on the glass, if she wasn't in a glass box she was sure her hair would be completely frizzed.
           "Why do you even have this?" Spark shouted.
            "When I was younger my mother used to put me in here for time out, but this is your new prison cell. We will continue your training and you will not test me! With that box and that lilac put together you are a lot weaker now, so I'm in charge." Her mother snarled. Spark grumbled under her breath.
        "I'm in charge." Spark said mockingly, Rain hit the glass and glared at her.

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