Lightning and Fire: part 2

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As Rain was preparing to run the Spear through Maleficent, Spark began to wake up. Spark blinked herself awake and saw Diaval watching desperately at Maleficent. Spark looked over to see her mom raising the spear over Maleficent's body. Spark's head was still sensitive but she was able to manage. She quickly clutched her hand into a fist. An electric wire wrapped around Maleficent and yanked her body off to the side. Rain stabbed the spear into the ground. Spark wrapped another electric wire around Rain and sent a powerful jolt through her body, plus a little more pain from the electric spear. Her Mom fell on the ground when Spark let go of her. Rain was breathing heavily, Spark unclutched her fist and brought her hand back a little and like a yoyo the electric wires around Maleficent were retracted.
      Maleficent stood up and her wings stretched. She flew over to Rain and slammed her foot down on Rain's back. Rain fell in pain.
      "AGHHH!" Rain cried, and as wrong as it was Spark smirked. She began to faint again the last thing she saw was Maleficent kick her mother on her side, then everything went black. Rain grabbed Maleficent's ankle and shocked her. Maleficent quickly lifted her foot.
      "Aghhh!" Maleficent said. Then Maleficent raised her hand and green wisps of magic lifted Rain into the air and slammed her into the ground. Maleficent repeated this process three more times each time she did it she raised Rain higher into the air and slammed her down even harder. Rain tried to raise her hand to cause another storm, but someone slid rubber gloves on her. Rain struggled to look up and she saw Spark glaring down at her, standing stronger than ever.
        "Spark, baby listen you have to help mommy." Rain begged. Spark smiled up at Maleficent.
        "I am helping mommy." Spark said. This made Maleficent blush.
        "UGHH! SHE'S NOT YOUR MOTHER! I AM!" Rain shouted.
        "Aunt Mal took me in when you didn't, she hugged me when you didn't, she gave me love and attention, when you neglected me. You are not a mom, you are a dictator, and I refuse to be dictated." Spark said confidently.
        "You're right, listen I never wanted to leave but I was so scared and I just didn't know how to love you. I had to sacrifice so much and that lead me to become greedy and long for more than what I had. I didn't have a family when I needed one most and it lead me to do unspeakable things, so please give me another chance." Rain said as she reached out to Spark. Spark saw a white light and her mother's aura was dark green (untruthful). The white light went away. Spark crossed her arms and squinted her eyes at her mother with a stern look on her face. Diaval began to feel bad for her and Maleficent raised an eyebrow. 
           "Liar." Spark said sternly and softly.
"AGHH! Stop it's like your eyes are stabbing me. Where did you learn to death stare like that?" Rain asked.
          "Another thing I learned from my MOTHER!" Spark began to shout. Rain winced.
          "Ok please don't hurt me. Please." Rain said. Maleficent growled.
          "Oh not too much." Maleficent said as she began to strut over. Diaval held her back, and tried to calm her down.
          "Oh we won't, just a little payback." Spark said. 
          They took Rain back to her house and they fixed the door on the glass box, this time the hinges were really plastic, they threw Rain in there and locked the door, then left the keys on the coffee table in the livingroom.
          "No….NO, you can't do this to me." Rain cried. "I'm sorry, Spark...SPARK you better march your mean useful self back over here to help me." Rain called. Spark left with Maleficent and Diaval. Maleficent let Spark stay with her until Aurora and Phillip got back the next day, that way Jordan would have less work to worry about and she could spend time with her little Hybrid.
          Later that night Spark, Diaval and Maleficent all sat around the fire. Maleficent and Diaval were eating grapes and Spark was eating blueberries. 
          "So Aunt Mal, you and Diaval kiss now?" Spark asked as she tossed a blueberry in her mouth. Maleficent's eyes grew wide, she looked at Spark who was sitting with her legs crossed on the couch, and had a really captivated look on her face. Maleficent couldn't help but laugh. Diaval looked back up at her as if he wanted an answer too.
           "Well I guess so." She answered. Spark cheered and clapped. Then her head began to ache again so she stopped. Diaval smiled to himself, and Maleficent tried to stop smiling but she couldn't.
           "Can I see?" Spark asked. Maleficent's eyes grew wide and she laughed.
           "No you can not, in fact you need to go to bed, and let yourself rest." Maleficent said as her wide smile shrunk into a small grin. "Since I don't have any extra rooms and you have a headache you can sleep with me in my room." Maleficent added. Spark nodded and laughed.
           "Alright, Alright. I'll go." Spark said as she stood up still feeling small pulses of pain. She hugged Maleficent and kissed her cheek. Maleficent did the same, she just didn't really want to let go. She eventually did, then Spark walked over to Diaval and hugged him then kissed his forehead. He did the same. Spark began walking upstairs. 
            Maleficent checked to see if Spark was really gone then she went to go sit next to Diaval. He put his arm around her shoulder and smiled at her, she slowly kissed him and they both smiled. Spark peeked her head out from upstairs and giggled. Maleficent leaned away from Diaval and squinted her eyes. She looked at the fireplace, then smiled.
            "Really Spark, there is nothing for you to see." Maleficent said as she turned towards the stairs. Spark was laughing.
            "Just because I can't see it in person doesn't mean that I won't have visions about it." Spark said jokingly. Maleficent stood up, and walked over to the stairs and picked up Spark.
           "Alright, someone is very tired, and needs to go to sleep." Maleficent said as she took Spark to her room and tucked her in. "Good night my little Hybrid." Maleficent said softly.
          "Good night Aunt Mal." Spark said as she yawned. Maleficent kissed her forehead and quietly left the room. She went back downstairs to find Diaval waiting for her. She kissed him again and then he pulled away. She laid her hand on his chest and smiled up at him. 
           "Since it is getting late and Spark is going to be sleeping in your room could you turn me into a raven tonight?" Diaval asked. 
           "Of course." Maleficent said, she gave Diaval a quick kiss. "Good night, Diaval." Maleficent said. Diaval bowed then smiled at Maleficent.
           "Good night Mistress." Diaval said. Maleficent flicked her wrist and Diaval flew up to his nest and settled in for the night. 
           "Little disease written bird." Maleficent teased quietly, then she laughed quietly to herself and walked up stairs to her room. She got in her bed and began to doze off, then she felt a small hand stroking her wing. She looked over to see Spark lying there on her stomach, with one hand under her pillow and the other on Maleficent's wing and she was gently rubbing it. Maleficent smiled and went to sleep.
         The next morning Maleficent woke up to hear Diaval cawing like an alarm. 'Caw Caw Caw Caw' then she opened her eyes to see Spark smiling and standing in front of her. Her eyes grew wide, then she quickly sat up.
         "Stop it Diaval." She said sternly, he stopped and flew over and landed on her shoulder. She stretched and looked down at Spark. She was dressed and ready to start her day.
         "Morning Aunt Mal, Beastie should be back in Ulstead in half an hour or so. So hurry up and go get dressed so we can surprise her." Spark urged.
          "Feeling bossy this morning are we?" Maleficent said with a smirk and an eyebrow raised. She stood up and walked over to her closet, grabbed the dress Diaval improved for her, she changed into it. Then she went on the right side of the closet and grabbed Diaval an outfit and it was her favorite, it was a white button up that he never completely buttoned at the top exposing some of his chest and black pants. She took the outfit and walked back into her room. She laid it on her bed and flicked her wrist. Diaval was a human again he bowed to her and grabbed the outfit.
           "Good morning Mistress, thank you." Diaval said as he took his outfit into the closet and changed, he came back and all three of them began to walk over to Ulstead. Sir Jordan was standing by the door. When Spark saw him she ran over and she jumped into his arms. He hugged her and kissed her cheeks and laughed.
           "Awwwww, Maleficent you did it. You got my beautiful baby girl back from that beast. Thank you." Sir Jordan said to Maleficent as he held Spark. Maleficent smiled and gave an affirmative nod. "So what happened?" He asked her.
          "I'll be happy to tell you all about it when Aurora and Phillip get here." Maleficent said. Jordan nodded. Suddenly Spark saw a white light and she looked at her father, his aura was pink. The white light went away and Spark felt panicked.
         "I really appreciate all that you do for Spark, you are truly like a mother to her. Thank you for taking her in and I could never thank you enough, I really am grateful for you." Jordan said as he smiled at her.
        "Honestly Sir Jordan it really is not a problem." Maleficent responded.
        "I know you say that but I truly love you for it." Jordan said, Maleficent smiled and said thank you and Diaval smiled "I mean it I...I love you." Jordan said as he put Spark down and began to walk over to Maleficent. She stopped him and her wings began to flutter, her eyes grew wide and her mouth gaped open.
       "Listen Sir Jordan, I'm not interested. I actually have my eyes on someone else." Maleficent said as she looked back over to Diaval. "And for Spark's sake I say we keep it strictly professional." She whispered to Jordan so that Spark couldn't hear, but it didn't matter how low they spoke, Spark knew exactly what was happening. Jordan looked up at Maleficent ashamed and then over at Diaval.
       "Ahem...yeah...I agree. My apologies, I didn't mean to-" Jordan started.
      "It's fine." Maleficent said as she held her hand up to stop him from talking. Suddenly two hands covered Maleficent's eyes.
      "Guess who?" Someone said in a high ecstatic voice.
      "Hello Beastie." Maleficent said as she smiled wide. Aurora moved her hands and Maleficent turned around and hugged Aurora. Then Aurora hugged Diaval, then Sir Jordan. Then she rushed over to Spark, for she had a lot of questions about things that happened when she was gone. She hugged Spark and spun her around. She kissed Spark's cheek and laughed.
       "Hello spark." Aurora said. Spark began to get excited and her hair frizzed, for she had a lot of things to tell Aurora.
      "Hi Beastie." Spark said as she and Aurora smiled wide at each other.
      "We talk later." she whispered as she motioned over to Maleficent and Diaval.
      "Oh yeah." Spark said as her eyes grew wide. They both laughed. 
       Soon they were all sitting in the castle dining room and Maleficent told Aurora, Phillip and Jordan everything that happened and Spark described the experience.
      "That DEMON!" Jordan began to shout. Aurora had to tell him to quiet down because she was holding Harmony.
      "Well, I'm just happy that you're all ok. I love you all too much, and I wouldn't know what to do if I lost any of you." Aurora said.
        "Well thank you Beastie, likewise." Maleficent said as she sat up a little more feeling confident and loved. Diaval looked over at Maleficent and smiled, she smiled at him too and Aurora couldn't take it anymore.
       "Godmother?" Aurora asked. Spark began to get a bad feeling, her eyes grew wide, then she began tugging on Aurora's sleeve. "I'm sorry Spark, but this needs to end." Aurora said as she handed Harmony to Phillip who was just as confused as Maleficent and Diaval.
        "Beastie, please sit down. We'll talk later." Spark begged but Aurora ignored her.
        "Beastie what on Earth-" Maleficent started but Aurora cut her off.
        "Godmother, Diaval likes you very much and it's unfair to him that you choose to avoid love. Diaval is a very nice man, raven, whatever but he loves you very much and I feel like you two would make a beautiful couple. You both could make each other very happy, please just give Diaval a chance." Aurora said. Spark slammed her face in her palm and let out a long sigh. Diaval and Maleficent began to laugh at Aurora. Then they looked at eachother.
         "Diaval, she thinks we can make each other very happy." Maleficent teased as she widened her eyes and smiled wide.
         "Please Mistress, Please give me a chance." Diaval teased as he pretended to beg Maleficent. Then they both laughed again. Aurora stood in confusion and she began to get a little angry.
           "It's not funny." She said a little sternly. Maleficent and Diaval stopped laughing and looked at Aurora, still smiling.
           "Alright Beastie, I'll give Diaval a chance." Maleficent teased once more. Diaval leaned over to her smiling, he had his face two inches from her face.
        "Let's show her how happy we can make each other." Diaval whispered. Maleficent's eyes grew wide and she laughed. She turned her head and gave him a short but passionate kiss. Aurora smiled and cheered at first then her face fell into a confused head tilt.
        "Wait-" Aurora said, she looked over at Spark who was tugging her sleeve.
        "I told you we'd talk later, Maleficent and Diaval were already courting." Spark said. Aurora's face turned red with embarrassment.
        "Oh godmother, Diaval, I'm so sorry." Aurora said as she began to feel bad.
        "Don't worry about it Beastie, we should have told you." Maleficent said as she laid her hand on Diaval's. He kissed her cheek, and she continued talking. Jordan sat in awkward silence. Spark walked over and consoled him.

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