The End???

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Diaval and Phillip rushed outside and Phillip spoke first.
       "What is all of this about?" He asked.
       "Your kind is trying to build factories over here and kill our land and us." Knotgrass shouted.
        "No We aren't." Sir Jordan shouted back.
        "Well we heard that you were from a very reliable source." Thistlewit said.
         "Well check again, we would never do that, but you Moorfolk are trying to use humans as your personal assistants to help you do laboring jobs and use your magic as an advantage." Sir Gavin said.
          "We have magic, why would we need you to do anything for us?" Borra asked. Sir Jordan thought about it.
           "This is what happens when you listen to rumors, someone was just trying to disturb the peace and you let them. We are all friends here and have no intention of harming one another, so shake hands and make up and continue on please." Phillip said as he grabbed Knotgrass' and Sir Jordan's hand and put them in one anothers. Sir Jordan and Knotgrass shook hands.
          "We're very sorry for thinking you Moorfolk would do something like that." Sir Jordan said.
          "Likewise." Knotgrass said, everyone dispersed except for one fairy, it was Branch. He was jumping up and down and shouting.
          "No no no, My plan...MY PLAN!" He shouted. Diaval and Phillip looked at one another and shook their heads.
          In the courtyard Maleficent was squaring up with Ingrith.
          "Do I have to turn you into a goat again, no wait how about a pig?" Maleficent asked.
          "Oh you won't have to turn me into anything, I'm going to succeed this time." Ingrith said.
          "Let Harmony go!" Aurora cried.
          "Now where's the fun in that?" Ingrith said. Maleficent's staff rushed to her hand and she began to head straight for Ingrith. Ingrith pulled a lever and an Iron cage encased Maleficent and three crossbows loaded with Iron tipped arrows were pointing straight at maleficent. "Those crossbows are cocked and make one wrong move and I will set them off." Ingrith said as she fluttered her eye lashes and smiled at Maleficent. Then she walked over to Maleficent and pointed an Iron sword to her neck.
          "AGHHHH!" Maleficent cried. Aurora rushed over but Ingrith grabbed her instead. She used the rope to tie up Aurora and sat her right next to the deadly red dust bomb  that was stuck on the end of an iron tipped arrow that was also facing Maleficent and sitting in a cocked crossbow. If Aurora moved the wrong way she would bump into the crossbow and set if off. Ingrith laughed.
           "This is a tough situation isn't it." Ingrith teased.
           "Why are you doing this?" Aurora asked.
          "Because I refuse to live amongst beasts," Ingrith said as she scowled at Maleficent. "And I spent years in that disgusting cage, so let's see how you like it." Ingrith said as she stood directly across from Maleficent and smiled sinisterly. 
        "What are you going to do to us?" Aurora asked as she tried to be very careful.
       "Once I kill you." Ingrith said while she was grinning at Maleficent, she turned to Aurora. "It will be your turn." She snarled. "To be sure you're secure in there, how about an extra layer." Ingrith smiled as she wrapped the cage with the Iron net, cancelling out Maleficent's powers.
           Out in the front of the castle Diaval and Phillip had Branch tied down by the bridge. They both heard Maleficent scream, Phillip looked at Diaval.
           "Go handle it I got this." He said. Diaval nodded and rushed to the courtyard. He was getting close and didn't want to be seen so he crouched down by a hedge studded with yellow flowers. He crawled in the short, soft moonlit grass. He crawled past a cell window and then kept going. Then he stopped and turned around and peeked back in, Spark was sitting there facing the wall, playing with lavender lightning bolts.
          "Spark?!" He called with a shocked and confused tone in his voice.
          "Uncle Diaval!?" Spark answered as she perked up,
          "Spark!" Diaval called again trying to get her attention.
          "Uncle Diaval?" She answered, looking out into the dark dungeon, Diaval sighed.
          "I'm here Spark." Diaval said, she looked at the window and her face lit up. "Uncle Diaval you found me!" Spark said as she got up and started dancing around. 
           "Shhhhh...Mistress is in trouble and I'm trying to save her." Diaval said.
           "Save me too, I wanna help." Spark begged.
           "Uhhh….here." Diaval said as he grabbed a small rock and slammed it into all four corners on the cell window and the bars fell out. He helped Spark out of the window, then they snuck over to the courtyard, when they got there they both rushed to peek over the hedge fence. Then they saw Maleficent in an Iron cage and Aurora tied up. Diaval began to climb over the fence.
              "Stay here." He said as he jumped the fence. He took a few steps and his ankle was caught in a rope and he was dangled over the ground head facing down. If he were to fall he would certainly break his neck. Ingrith laughed again.
               "Oh….oh really? You thought you could outsmart me. You are a mere sidekick, a mere servant, a NOBODY!" Ingrith laughed. This made Spark and Aurora mad, but it got to Maleficent even more. It got to her so much that she forgot that she was in an iron cage. She leapt out to grab Ingrith and burnt her arm and face.
                "AGHHHH!" Maleficent cried.
                 "MISTRESS!" Diaval cried. Ingrith laughed even harder.
                "Oh stop, you're killing me." She said as she was grabbing her chest and had a huge grin on her face. Spark couldn't stand her, she hopped over the hedge too and this time she played it safe. She snuck over to Harmony and picked her up slowly. Harmony began to giggle.
                "Shhhhhh...I'm trying to save you." Spark said. She carried Harmony over to Aurora and set her down in the grass. She pointed her index finger at the rope and a flow of electricity spilled out onto the rope, Spark slowly traced her finger straight down burning the rope along the way, setting Aurora free. Spark held her finger up to her lips and handed Harmony to Aurora. "I'll take care of Ingrith, get Harmony somewhere safe." Spark whispered to her. Aurora nodded and slowly slipped out of the courtyard. Spark looked at Maleficent who was still angry and breathing heavily, but then Maleficent looked at Spark with her eyebrow raised, Spark waved. The next thing Spark had to do was disarm the weapons. She took the iron tipped arrow with the red dust bomb out of the crossbow and she carefully took the red dust bomb off of the arrow, then placed it in her pocket, because she couldn't risk it hurting Maleficent or anyone else. Then she squeezed the wooden part of the arrow, causing it to burn up. Then she had to find a way to get to the three iron tip arrows pointed at Maleficent without Ingrith noticing. 
         There was a cherry blossom tree that hung over the courtyard in the far left side, she figured that she could break one of the branches and lure Ingrith over there, then she would have enough time to disarm the crossbows. Spark looked at a small branch and a lavender lightning bolt hit the branch and a loud snap echoed in the courtyard. Ingrith quickly looked over at the tree and saw the snapped branch.
            "Ugh! Another one of your pets." Ingrith snapped at maleficent. "Well I got something for this one." Ingrith growled as she grabbed her sword and marched over to the cherry blossom tree, she tried to look over the hedge fence then she sneezed. She began to frantically and quickly look over the hedge. Spark then rushed over and took the arrows and squeezed them causing them to burn up too. She still had enough time to free Diaval, she whispered to him.
             "Try to grab the rope over your ankle." Spark said. Diaval swung his upper body over his tied ankle and gripped the rope. Spark used a small lavender spark and cut the rope a few inches below his hands. Now he could let go of the rope and land on his feet, he did just that. 
              "Thank you, and here's a tip queen Ingrith is allergic to flowers." Diaval said. Spark smiled and nodded. Then Diaval looked at Maleficent in the cage.
         "Are you alright Mistress?" He whispered.
         "Yes Diaval because I love being trapped in iron cages with a great risk of dying." Maleficent whispered sternly. He nodded.
         "Yep you're fine." Diaval whispered. Then he went back to the front of the castle to check on Phillip. Spark began grabbing a handful of flowers and stood right by Maleficent's cage.
               "I'm here Aunt Mal." Spark whispered to her. Maleficent forced a quick smile.
               "Well I saw no one but-" Ingrith started to say as she walked back over, but then her eyes fell on Spark. "How did you get out of your cell?" 
                "It doesn't matter, but what does matter is how beautiful your dress is." Spark said with a cutesy smile.
                "What?" Ingrith asked, for this comment was very off putting. 
                "You know what would make it even better?" Spark asked as her eyes squinted.
                 "What?" Ingrith said squinting back and gripping her sword tighter. Maleficent saw the flowers behind Spark's back and began to perk up.
                "FLOWERS!" Spark shouted as she shoved the flowers in Ingrith's face causing her to sneeze three times in a row. She dropped her sword and Spark kicked it all the way across the courtyard. Spark threw the flowers down and started to step up to Ingrith. As she walked over she started to get angry thinking about everything this woman has put her and her family through. She thought about the story her aunt Mal told her about Ingrith, then that made her mad, she thought about the dark cold dungeon, that made her angry, she thought about her aunt Mal in the iron cage, that made her even angrier, then she thought about poor baby Harmony being smuggled out of the castle, and that final thought did it. Spark's hair was completely frizzed and she had lavender sparks all around her, her lavender eyes glowed with a lavender light. Ingrith backed up, she stumbled back and even fell. She was afraid of what Spark was going to do to her.
          Maleficent saw how mad Ingrith made Spark and it made her mad. She began to get worked up too, she wanted to get out of the cage and finally end Ingrith herself. Just as Maleficent thought this, Spark had a vision, she saw a white light, she looked back at Maleficent and saw a red aura (hostility). The white light went away and Spark smiled sinisterly. She used lavender lightning bolts to lift the iron net off of the cage, there were millions of little lavender lightning bolts grabbing each iron bar on the net, Spark lifted her hand into the air and the net lifted too. She threw it across the courtyard and it went over the hedge fence. Maleficent's eyes glowed green, she was breathing heavily and was staring at Ingrith with her eyes squinted. She was growling and she was showing teeth. Ingrith was dragging herself backwards and was trying to get away fast. Spark began to electrify the cage, it rattled and shook, then became fully coated with lavender sparks, with a flick of the wrist the cage came up. Maleficent's wings spread and she strutted over to Ingrith. Spark stepped out of the way and let Maleficent handle it. Maleficent grabbed Ingrith by the neck and held her up.  She dug her nails into Ingrith's neck a little. Ingrith was gasping for air and trying to pull Maleficent's hand down. Maleficent stared straight into Ingrith's eyes with her head kind of lowered and growled at her. Ingrith knew that these might be her final moments, but she stood firm in her beliefs.
          "Humans shouldn't have to live in peace with you freaks!" She yelled. Maleficent tightened her grip on Ingrith's neck and she growled again. She then flung Ingrith on the other side of the courtyard. Ingrith struggled as she stood up, but she grabbed the sword Spark had kicked earlier. Maleficent flew over to her and was ready to knock her on the ground with her wing, then Ingrith stuck the iron blade to Maleficent's neck. Ingrith knocked Maleficent to the ground and held to sword to her throat. Maleficent couldn't help but flinch at the burning sensation running through her neck. Ingrith began to stick the sword to Maleficent's neck with more force by the second.
           Spark was beginning to get fed up with Ingrith. Spark had noticed that Ingrith's armor was metal. She clutched her hand into a fist and Ingrith shouted.
           "OW!" She cried as she dropped the sword she was looking down at her arms and hands, they were buzzing and circled by lavender sparks. Spark rushed over and helped Maleficent up. Maleficent was grabbing her neck and was breathing heavily. "You meddling little Hybrid, Stay out of this before you get hurt!" Ingrith snapped.
            "Watch your mouth or you'll get hurt." Spark said. Her voice sounded flat but sinister. Her hair began to frizz again. Her eyes began to twitch, then they began to glow lavender, she was circled with lavender sparks. She reached out to Ingrith with her hand splayed and then she clutched it into a fist. Ingrith felt a painful and powerful jolt rush through her body. She fell to her knees.
           "AGHHH!" She cried. Spark reached out both hands to Ingrith with her fingers splayed. She clutched them into fists and Ingrith had lavender crystalized  electric chains on her wrist that frizzed with lavender sparks and even sparked a few times. Spark clutched her fists tighter and a jolt once again rushed through Ingrith. "AGHHHH!" She cried.
           "Apologize to Aunt Mal." Spark said.
           "NEVER!" Ingrith cried as she tried to pull herself out of the chains. Spark shocked her again. "AGHHHHHHH!" Ingrith screamed.
           "APOLOGIZE!" Spark yelled.
           "I HAVE NOTHING TO BE SORRY FOR!" Ingrith shouted. She was now on her knees sweating heavily, and her face was red and mascara and eyeliner stained her face. Spark took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She took the chains off, Ingrith looked up at her with such confusion.
            "You are stomping on my last you know what?" Spark said with her eyes still closed. Ingrith raised an eyebrow. "Know your place in hell," Spark said, then she raised her splayed hand into the air and a giant cloud began to form. The sky had purple cracks of lightning. Spark made a fist and a large powerful lightning bolt struck Ingrith. "AND STAY IN IT!" Spark shouted. The lightning coursed through Ingrith and caused her hair to stand, first she felt a small shock, then the pain grew and turned into a painful burn. She was screaming with such agony. She felt every part of her body pulse and flinch with pain. Spark looked at Ingrith with such a stern, focused sinister look.
          Aurora, Diaval and Phillip rushed in to see what Spark was doing. They were all scared and quite shocked. Maleficent lowered Spark's hand. Spark looked at her with confusion, Maleficent nodded. Spark looked back at Ingrith whose white dress was now burnt and fringed, Ingrith's hair was raised and she was lying on the ground, eyes closed and she was taking short breaths and long breaks between each of them.
           "What happened here?" Phillip asked as he looked at his obviously hurt mother.
           "She wouldn't say sorry." Spark said as she glared down at Ingrith.
           "Spark, it's ok...I'm ok," Maleficent said as she laid a hand on her chest. "...and they're ok," Maleficent pointed to Diaval, who quickly smiled and waved then looked back at Ingrith with concern, Aurora who was holding Harmony, she used Harmony's hand to wave at Spark, and Phillip who was studying his mother. "You've done enough." Maleficent said as she smiled at Spark. Spark began to calm down and began to cry. She hugged Maleficent, Maleficent picked her up and rocked her a little bit. "We've got something even better for her though." Maleficent said.
             Down in the solitary confinement room made for Ingrith, a white goat stepped into the one cage in the middle of the empty room. Maleficent put Spark on the ground.
             "Alright little Hybrid, do the honors." Maleficent said. Spark smiled at her then looked at the cage. She cracked her knuckles and sinisterly grinned at Ingrith the goat. Spark grabbed two of the bars and the bars were now electrically charged, anyone who touched them would get a painful jolt. Ingrith the goat walked in circles and she hit one of the bars, then let out a loud 'Baaaaah', Everyone laughed.
          "Oh Diaval, what about Branch?" Phillip asked Diaval." Diaval nodded then walked over to Maleficent.
         "Uh, Mistress we still have a problem." Diaval said.
         Soon everyone was standing by the bridge where Branch was tied up. He was kicking and pulling on the ropes.
         "UGH LET ME GO!" Branch shouted, everyone looked up at Maleficent.
          "I don't have time for this," Maleficent said as she held her middle finger on her head and her thumb on her cheekbone. "SPARK!" Maleficent called. Spark handed her the small red dust bomb from earlier and Maleficent threw the bomb on Branch. His face became covered in bark, his hands and fingers stretched into branches, his feet became roots, and he body was eventually just a small tree sprouted with little leaves. "Well...that put an end to that." Maleficent said.

Maleficent: Final War #1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz