6: "Do you want me to compete?"

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Willow is good, Annabeth thinks. She told everyone that important military meetings would take place with the royal family over lunch so all the Selected would be called in for an early lunch.

Then, at lunch, she told everyone that the common room will be blocked for a briefing and it was mandatory that everyone stayed in their own rooms alone as even the maids will be busy at the time. She then topped it off, saying that this will be their first disciplinary test and she would know if anyone even peaked out of their rooms.

No one dared to question her when she reminded everyone that her inputs go directly to the royals.

It was already 11 30 when Percy knocked on Annabeth's door. He looked completely done for the day.

As soon as Annabeth opens the door, she asks "Gods Percy, did you even eat anything?"

Percy is literally putting half his weight on the door before he shifts his legs to come in. "Yeah --" he sounds so tired,"-- I ordered some snacks to a few rooms when I couldn't take it anymore"

Annabeth closes her door and as soon as she turns back, Percy is cupping her face with two hands, breath fanning her cheeks. Annabeth suddenly feels hot. "Please tell me you have my blue pancakes"

Maybe if his stomach wasn't grumbling and he wasn't feeling completely grumpy, he would have had enough space in his mind to feel embarrassed too.

She puts her hands on top of his and says "Yes, I do. They've been waiting for about 10 minutes"

Percy looks confused. "How did you get the timing right?"

"I told Willow to tell me once you are done with 29 girls, you already told me that you saw two."

Percy stares at her.

"What would I do without you?", he sighs, drops his hands and walks towards the bed.

Percy is confused again when he sees two plates of food waiting. "You didn't eat?"

"Yeah, been long since we sat as friends with normal clothes and had a meal"

Percy gestures to his now messy suit. "You didn't have to do that and I'm still not wearing normal clothes."

"It is fine Percy, I slept most of the evening anyways. I'm not very hungry."

She didn't. She was bored out of her mind when she realised she couldn't go to the library and then re-read a book trying to distract her hunger.

But she could lie this much.

Percy groaned, removed his tie and coat, put it on the chair, stepped out of his shoes and socks, tucked out his shirt, removed the pant belt, adjusted the suit pants, undid the collar button and first button of his dress shirt, undid sleeve buttons, rolled both of them up, ruffled his hair and sat down cross legged across Annabeth on the bed.

Annabeth kept repeating to herself to not look at him.

She wordlessly gave one plate to Percy and started eating from the other - all formalities forgotten, now that they were alone.

Percy, even in his tired state, managed to chuckle, "Not hungry, huh?"

He then takes his first bite and moans at the taste. Annabeth stares this time. "These never go wrong" he says and now it is her turn to chuckle.

They make small talk as they eat.

"Whed yoven dakto evbryon oda" says Annabeth, with a full mouth.

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