~𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷~

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I had just started on my new mission. I wasn't with a Hashira this time when I usually was. Not that they needed help it's just that I liked the company. My mission was scary and I'm surprised a Hashira wasn't assigned to it. The mission was to get information on Muzan Kibutsuji. Tanjiro last saw him at Tokyo and said he had a family so I was on my way. More like I was here, I just walked out of a alley way. 'This place is to big for my comfort' I grew up in a small village so this was weird to me. I walked around a bit trying to look for a guy with semi long black hair. Just basically Michael Jackson at this point, not gonna lie he sounded hot from the description but this was no time to crush on a Demon.

I was just about to give up as the sun was coming up and he was a demon. Honestly my sleep schedule needs help at this point. I yawned and bumped into someone as I wasn't paying attention. It was a women, she was holding a child. "Oh dear are you alright"? She turned to me and helped me up as I had fallen on my ass.

"Oh thank you ma'am I wasn't paying attention to *yawn* where I was going" I dusted off my cloths and looked up into her eyes. I was slightly taller than her so I had to look down to her level. "My you look tired, why don't you stay at my place while you rest". "Oh I hate to intrude" I waved her off as I was speaking the truth but tiredness overtook me.

"No no I insist", she smiled as she took my hand and lead the way to her house. Jeez the place was huge I'll tell you that, must be nice to be rich huh. She lead me into a room while still carrying her daughter who also looked tired. "My husband will be back soon so you can stay in the guest room for now". I nodded and thanked her as I sat on the bed. She closed the door and she told me goodnight, had to say the bed was oddly comfy so I layed down and immediately fell asleep.

I awoke to the sun shining through the curtains. I yawned and stood off the bed, 'I'm quite hungry and I've gotten enough sleep so I'll be on my way'. I walked towards the door and opened it and peeked in the hallway to see if anyone was there. Luckily not I suppose I'll get food while I'm here so time to find the kitchen.i wandered around a bit 'this house is to big how am I supposed to find the kitchen'. I sighed and walked around some more before I heard footsteps behind me and turned around.

"Are you the guest my wife told me about" he asked as he smiled. 'It's him it's Muzan Kibutsuji'! My eyes widened but this wasn't the time or place to fight him so I just nodded. He looked out my outfit and smiled and looked me in the eyes again. "Where too" he asked still keeping eye contact. My stomached rumbled as it gave him a answer. His plum eyes flashed as he wiped his hand to signal to follow him.

"I assume u know who and what I am, correct"? He asked still leading the way, he didn't even look while he talked. "Yep but this isn't the time or place to do anything so you're off the hook now" I pointed my hand at him and scowled. He laughed as he walked into a room, which was the kitchen "Eh?! I went this way how didn't I see this" I face palmed myself as I walked in with him. He didn't say anything but I could feel his smile, 'he creeps me out ಠ_ಠ'.

I looked into the cabinet for a snack, I found a bag of chips and settled with it. I grabbed them and closed the cabinet and walked towards the table. The house was quite dark assuming it's because of him being a demon and all. He sat at the table with a newspaper. I sat down at the opposite way of him as I scowled at him while I ate my chips.

"It's not nice to stare" he said not even looking up. "Well it's not nice to kill innocent people now is it" I smirked as I saw him glare at me. He can't do anything as long as the suns up.

I continued to eat my chips while looking at him. 'Damn why does he have to be hot' I sighed as I finished the bag of chips, I was still hungry.

I threw them away in the garbage "what time is it" I asked looking for another bag of chips. "Are you going to eat all my food"? I laughed as I looked at him "you can't eat it" I stuck my tongue out and grabbed another bag of chips. 'Never answered my question meany' I was hardly ever mean or sassy but he deserved it for being the same ಠ_ಠ.

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