~𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟶~

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It was a lovely night in Tokyo, Muzan took me out of the fortress for the first time in days. He said he'd treat me to a "date". Which was really cute because his way of a date is taking me out for Daikon and to see a festival. I'd don't mind it at all, but it's weird seeing him so nice.

"You look troubled, what is it?" His voice was calm and had no ill intention. "Oh nothing it's just weird you're so nice. Even after all that's happened." She held onto his arm tighter as they walked down the streets of Tokyo. "Is that a bad thing? Besides it's all in the past, I have you back now." He started ahead not looking her in the eye. Her stomachs killed her, it's been like that the past few weeks which was only two. I'm sure Tanjiro thinks I'm like dead by now.

"My stomach hurts again." I said quietly. He stopped and looked down to her worryingly. "It's been like this for a while, are you sure you don't need a doctor?" He said bending down towards my pale face. "No I don't need a doctor but thanks." I tried not to sound rude but my stomach really hurt.

He sighed and patted my head "well go back and you can rest". He tried not to get a temper with her because he know how much she hated it. She nodded, "can I go to the bathroom first?" Her stomach really killed.

He nodded "I'll wait here, don't take long." He said leaning against a building. I smiled and nodded, "of course".

On her way to the bathroom a hand grabbed her into a alley way which caused her to panic.

She turned to see, TANJIRO? "Tanjiro? What are you doing here?" He voice filled with shock. "I could ask you the same thing! What are you doing here with Muzan?!" She froze, shes never really thought about what to say if she was found out. "Well I-" she was cut off by her throat getting stiff. The urge to puke filled her and she pushed Tanjiro and quickly did so. "Aki are you alright?" Tanjiro asked worryingly. If he's here then the rest must now be far behind. "Tanjiro are you alone?" Tanjiro shook his head, "no I'm with Inosuke and Zenitsu. If you're asking Hashira wise then no. But I am here to take you back." She froze again finally composing her self after she just ya know puked. "Maybe there you can explain why you were with Muzan." His voice sounded angered, he grabbed her wrist gently and pulled her along. It's not like she could refuse she didn't feel like refusing. "Tanjiro, I will explain but I can't just leave him! He'll go on a rampage!" I pleaded Tanjiro shook it off and continued to walk away.

Muzans pov
It's been 10 minutes, I was willing to give her five minutes but this is to long! I walked towards the bathroom but a familiar smell filled my scenes. I looked into the alley way and my eyes landed on footprints and something else. I could smell Aki along with the smell of Tanjiro. "I've had enough of this, honestly" his voice filled with venom as he snapped his fingers. Two demons appearing beside him. "Find her and kill the kid with Hanafunda like earrings!" He snapped. The two demons gulped and bowed before leaving.

Time skip (Aki POV)
It's been a while but we managed to find our way back to headquarters. We did run into a demon problem probably sent by Muzan. Wouldn't be surprised I did tell Tanjiro, he's honestly probably fuming back home. Home? What home? The fortress? Is that what I consider home now? Have I really fallen that deep into his web?

I wouldn't consider it a web but more like his love web ya know?

Outside of Ubuyashikis Mansion were the rest of the Hashiras along with Zenitsu and Inozuke.

Ubuyashiki waited outside patiently as Tanjiro previously sent a crow telling them he'd be there soon with Aki. Everyone looked surprised and worried to see her, alive.

"Aki, you're alive, yay!" Mitsuri yelled happily.

I smiled at her outburst and stood next to Tanjiro in the middle of the Hashiras and Ubuyashiki. "I'm glad to see you alive Aki, Tanjiro has informed us of your recent affairs. I would like you to explain yourself." Ubuyashiki spoke softly but I could hear a faint hint of sadness. I looked at the pillars who I once thought as family and still do. They looked just as worried and disappointed.

"Well, at first I did do my job and find Muzan to gather information on him. I somehow gained his trust and was only there to figure out information. But *i took a deep breath* then I started to gain these feelings, and well, you can see where this lead." I didn't explain in detail as that story was to long and they didn't need to know the fulls story.

"So you're a traitor, I bet you probably even told him our secrets and all!" Sanemi yelled, I understood in anger and I couldn't blame him.

"I didn't say anything I swear, I just told him I didn't have a high Enough rank to know" my voice held hurt. My stomach still hurt like hell but I tried to manage it.

"And we should believe you why? You lied to us and fell for him!" Sanemi vocie held hurt and betrayal. I couldn't exactly argue back all I could do was look down in shame. But my stomach over took me and I went to the cornor of the mansion to relieve my throat of this taste.

"Are you alright Aki? Are you sick?" I already knew what it was but I hadn't told anyone, not even Muzan. I figured not using protection was a bad idea but I didn't know demons could get you pregnant.

"No I'm not sick." I said calmly finally I calmed down my stomach enough to return to the garden.

"You don't look well, we can discuss this tonight. I'd like someone to take care of her, Shinobou." Shinobou nodded before one of her "minions" took my arms and walked me to the butterfly estate.

Time skip

"Aki, I think I know why you're not feeling well but I'd like you to explain." Shinobou said in her usual clam voice. "You already know, I'm sorry I disappointed you." My voice was shaken and I couldn't keep eye contact. "You haven't disappointed me I understand you "love" him." She didn't forget to add the quotation marks either. "Are you going to tell the others?" She walked over to the door "I have to. But I won't let them hurt it, promise." She smiled before walking off. It's not like I meant to get pregnant it just sorta happened. I don't want them to hurt it but how was I going to tell him? Should I tell him? No, no I shouldn't that environment isn't the best for a child. Let alone his child.

Another time skip
Tanjiro has left on a mission along with Inosuke and Zenitsu. Shinobou told Ubuyashiki which then told the others. They decided to keep it and see what the child would be like. Maybe they could sue the child as a leverage? The didn't yell that last part to Aki though.

Muzans POV
I've searched everywhere, shes probably at their head quarters but I have no idea where that is. My next lead was to find that beat with Hanafunda earrings.

Which luckily one of my subordinates did and told me his whereabouts. Which I quickly went to and found him. "Muzan-" Tanjiro said shocked the rest of his friend stiffened at the sigh of him.

"Yeah, where is she?!" He said annoyed he just wanted to find her. "Like if I'd tell you!" Inosuke yelled charging at him. Muzan grunted and sacked him away into some trees.

"Tell me, or I'll kill you all"! Muzan shouted angrily!

Time skip to atleast two years and nine months.

Luckily Tanjiro and his friend didn't die but they didn't tell Muzan the whereabouts of Aki. She had given birth nine months later to a healthy baby girl. They soon realized that she had no demon quality's and was just a human who happened to look like her father. She had his beautiful white hair and red orbs. She was only a toddler. Aki was sent to a nearby village close to headquarters to be kept a eye on. Nothing on Muzan yet, she hadn't tried to find him as she thought it was best for both of them. He wouldn't be distracted by her and the child's and it was the safest place for the child. That was until one faithful day~

Sorry for it being rushed I've been really un-motivated to continue to write this and mostly just want to get it over with Gomen'nasai!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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