~𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸~

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Before I woke up I could feel a pain around my wrist and ankles. I opened my eyes to reveal a poorly lighten light. 'My heads killing me' I looked down to my feet and saw chains holding them in place. I looked to my wrist where they were above my head clasped together in chains aswell. "Huh"? I realized I must have fallen asleep and Muzan kidnapped me!

As the the thought crossed my mind a door suddenly opened and in stepped nobody other then Kibutsuji. "Ah so you're awake now" he had a blank expression as he walked over to the table beside me. "Where am I"? I said quietly looking around the room, nothing was in here except the table and me on another table. He didn't reply but stuck a needle in my arm. I ticked at the pain and he patted my head, "there, there". 'Man he really is crazy'.

I blacked out again after a minute of pain, for the 2nd time I woke up in a different room. It looked like a normal Japanese styled room. It had a small bed with a table at the other end of the room. A sliding door was in the front of the room, the room had a tan but red tint to it.

My legs and arms weren't tied this time so i sat up quickly and rubbed my wrist. 'Where's my sword' I need it so I can kill Kibutsuji for doing this to me! I looked all around, nothing but a desk and a chair. The door opened suddenly and Kibutsuji stepped in, he grabbed the chair at the desk and pulled it beside my bed. He crossed his leg as he set his elbow on his knee and rested on his palm. "So, since you're awake finally mind telling me why you were here looking for me"?

Well not like I couldn't lie he would kill me as he would know I lied somehow. "I was sent on a mission to get information on you. That is all" I continued to rub my wrist, I had my demon slayer outfit on still so that's a relief. He nodded and seemed to know that I was telling the truth.

"So, what are the demon corpses up to"? I didn't look over at him and just studied the room but I answered again truthfully.

"Honestly I don't know, I don't have a high enough rank to know that". Well I sorta did lie as I was friends with the Hashiros so they told me a bit of what was happening.

He nodded again "so you're absolutely useless to me" he stood up and walked to the door.

"Well if I'm so useless may I leave"? I sat on the edge of the bed holding he was going to say yes to my basic demand.

He didn't reply and just left the room without another word. 'Looks like I'm staying here after all'. I sighed at my thought and layed back down.

I lost track of time was it was extremely boring. So I decided to explore some more, I sat up from my bed and began waking over to the door. I opened the door to reveal Many rooms or hall ways or I don't even know what this is!

I walked out a little bit but gravity seemed to defy logic here because I was standing upside down. I walked for a lot time before I stumbled apon another room that looked similar to mine.

I opened the door to reveal someone waiting for me at the other side.

"Well well I didn't know I had a guest coming over" he smiled and took my hand. He looked weird, he had rainbow eyes and the letter 2 engraved on one of them. He took my hand and led my to what I assume is his room.

He basically threw me in the bed and pinned my wrist with his hands on the bed. "Might as well enjoy this before I eat you" he smiled as he licked my face which, Ew!

"Get off me pervert" I screamed and tried to shake him off me it couldn't manage as he was supper strong.

Suddenly he was thrown off me as I saw red plum eyes glaring at him before looking down at me. "Don't go running off Aki" he took my wrist and picked me up basically bridal style. The other demon didn't move just chuckled as we left.

"Thanks" I said hesitantly. Didn't think I'd ever say that to Muzan Kibutsuji the lord of the demons and my sworn enemy!

He looked down at me but didn't say anything as he walked into my room and gently placed me on the bed. "Now don't go running off I'll be with you soon" he looked away from me before walking out of the room before I could reply.

Boy was this about to be a fun ride.

𝙻𝚒𝚎𝚜 (𝙼𝚞𝚣𝚊𝚗 𝚇 𝙾𝚌)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt