Him (Chapter 1)

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It was the day after spring break, everybody looked exhausted and probably popped pills or drank a ton. I was busy taking care of my dead beat mom the whole break and barely had time to go to any parties.

welcome back Seamal valley! i heard over the old yet loud intercoms, i hope your ready to finish off the school year with a bang! The hallways filled with annoyed groans and angry mumbles.

I walked down the hallway to my locker , all the girls drooling over me and gave me sexual glances, i took no interest in them. I never do.

See Im not your typical guy, yea i may look like your typical fuckboy that would smash then leave you on delivered until i wanna smash again, but i'm special. At least i think i am.

The truth is I hated the girls at my school, they all were sluts, 10+ bodies to say the least and they were all either overweight and ugly or addicted to molly and masculine, and As the most attractive guy in school i have pretty high standards. Heres how i like my girls.

1) 5'4-5'6
God i cannot stand girls under 5'4, they are like chihuahuas.
2) No dyed hair.
it depends if its a natural fade, those are amazing.
3) Virgin
4)No body hair or must
5)Overweight is a no
6) Girls that hang with multiple boys and act like a boy.
7) feminine voices
8) big plump juicy lips

Theres this annoying girl named Crista that i hooked up with back at the ski trip we had in January would not leave me alone. Crista thinks we are in a relationship or some shit. Her voice is so irritating, shes ugly and overall shes just an obnoxious whore.

Crista loves to come up to my locker and irritate me, Ive had 3 locker changes yet she still manages to find me.

"Vinnie-Poo!" she obnoxiously said to me getting into my personal space, "Leave me alone Crista." I responded back with irritation in my voice, continuing to put my math textbooks in my locker.

"Whats wrong Vinnie-poo, need some lovin?" She started to stroke my arm with her dirty fingernails and looking at me with a "sexual" look. I moved away from her disgusted, "Can't you take a hint?" i snarled, she looked at me confused but dazed.

I angrily shut my locker and walked away, "Call me Vinnie!" she yelped from behind. I rolled my eyes with complete disgust and continued to walk to my destination.

after a long and stressful day finally, it was practice.

As a boy that has alot of problems going on at home and in life in general, Lacrosse is the best way to let it all out.

I like to think of my opponents of those who hurt me. My Uncle who drugged me when i was 8 and raped me, My mom who drinks constantly, my dad who never came around, and my bitch of a step-dad, Carl.

He beats me and my mom when something doesn't go his way, he's sorta the reason why my mom started drinking. Why i hate my mom? Well she never actually gathered the courage to kick him out, she wants me to experience manhood.

If manhood is getting punched across the face and having to cover it up with mass amounts of concealer and foundation, then yea im a man.

The game started, I angrily tackled every boy on site, in hopes of getting the ball. I tackled a small and dainty boy and heard his leg go "snap!" the small boy yelled for help , and the loud whistle blew "Foul!" the man yelled.

long story short i got benched and the boy had to get taken to the school nurse.

practice ended and i was bummed that i barely got to release any of my stress.

"Hey, can you give me the ball?" I heard an angelic voice call, i looked up from the ground and searched around to see where the voice came from.

"Hello?" the voice called again, i turned to the girl, and my heart stopped.

She was perfect, head to toe.

She had a perfect hourglass figure which the black tights she was wearing wrapped perfectly around,Her hair was long and silky, she had plump pink lips that made her seem almost anime like.

I was drooling over this beautiful human.

She waved her hand at me from the metal gates, snapping me back into reality, i quickly spotted the blue volleyball the girl was playing with and threw it over the fence.

"Thanks.." she said slightly weirded out, she was about to turn around and head back with the group of people she was playing with until i called.

"Wait!" i yelped, she swiftly turned back around and headed back to the fence.

"Yea?" she groaned.

"C-can i have your number?" i say with a blush, "No thanks." She gave me a stank look and turned back around continuing to head to her friends.

My heart shattered, my eyes began to water.. i never actually been rejected by a girl before, i wanted this girl badly, she was the best thing that i had going in my life. I watched her walk back to her group of friends, but one of the girls seemed familiar.

Ive hung with her before and we even probably fucked, i kept observing them before i saw them turn to each other and start whispering, possibly talking about me.

I hope they don't think Im a creep..

Atleast i know what im gonna do today.

I walked into my urban one-story home, of course i found my ma knocked out cold on the couch from drinking to much, the tv played loud commercials that were advertising pain killers. Stood beside the red couch were multiple beer bottles. I wanted to help around a bit so i cleaned up the bottles and threw a nice fleece blanket on my mom, making her snuggle up into it.

I smile a bit.

she deserves so much better, i thought to myself while cleaning up, What does she see in this guy, hes an ass.

After i was done cleaning i went into my dark room and turned on my laptop, typing in " instagram.com" on the keyboard then swiftly clicking "enter"

I looked through my 2k followers and looked for that friend of that girl i saw earlier, i found her, her name is violet, shes my ex from eighth grade.

We ended it after i slapped her out of anger, she had cheated on me with my best friend for the second time, i almost went to jail for assault.

Lord knows what Violet said to that beautiful girl, she probably told her i was some psycho or something, i continued to click around and came up with a idea that she might follow violet.

I clicked on Violets followers, scrolling up and down and double checking profile pictures and usernames continuing to look for the mysterious girl, then.

i found her.

she was the missing piece to my corrupt life, i needed her now. No matter what.

girl ion know how this story finna go or how devoted ill be but its worth a shot😭

𝑙𝑎𝑦 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑜𝑛 𝑚𝑦 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑟 (𝗩𝗜𝗡𝗡𝗜𝗘 𝗛𝗔𝗖𝗞𝗘𝗥)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora