My way or the highway (chapter 6)

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A purple bruise arose on her pale cheek, she was knocked out cold. I had guilt deep down inside of me but thats not gonna cut from the initial plan.

I picked up her unconscious body and sat her down in the wooden chair,I opened up the black supplies bag full of everything i needed and got to work.

I cut the rope into smaller pieces to wrap both of her arms to the arm rest and her legs to the leg of the chair, I grabbed the printed photos of her naked body and neatly displayed it on the bed for her to see when shes awake again.

When the setup was done i poured cold water onto her face, making her conscious again. Instinctively she panicked when she saw how she was tied down and unable to move she still tried to wiggle her self out, beginning to cry in frustration.

I got down to her eye level and looked into her scared,tearful eyes then I placed my warm hand onto her rather cold cheek and looked at her with a cold and erotic gaze. I was weirdly turned on by watching her struggle and fight for her life. The risk of her getting cut into pieces must be turning her on too!

"Shhh.... im not gonna hurt you." ," But if you act up like this i surely will do something about it." I got back up onto my feet, lifting my pants leg, revealing the sharp and shiny knife. "Your CRAZY!" she would yell into my face, spitting onto my shoe. I slowly slid the knife out of my shoe, then put it onto her throat.

"i wonder how your blood would look splattered onto these white walls." i whispered into her ears, giving her goosebumps. "Lets hope it doesnt stain." i smirk cheekily with a subtle lip bite, a tear rolled down her soft cheek, " Aww... don't cry, i have no intention of harming you at all.", "But keep being a little brat for daddy and the paintings won't be the only thing on these walls." she whimpered softly in reaction.

The room went silent, her breath was heavy. She can hardly look me in the eye without feeling the need to cry, i kissed her neck and cheek seductively, "aw.. dont be mad at me." i say grabbing her face making her look me in the eyes. Almost immediately tears started to form in her tearduct. I almost felt bad.

"Now lets talk some business." I cut off a piece of duct tape and put it onto her lips keeping her from talking or distracting me.

She needs be able to hear the negotiation, so she can walk out of here alive and well (probably even traumatized) and i can get Y/N in my arms forever, and ever, and ever.

I Scooted to the side, where she could see the photos of her naked body displayed onto the blankets, her eyes widened as she came to realization of what the photos were.

"Now, you see these nicely printed photos laid in front of you?" , She looked at me with shocked eyes, nodding her head no hoping that i wouldn't blackmail her or ruin her future career.

"These are the nudes you send me every night before you go to bed." She began to sob and continued to nod her head no, she probably thinks this is some dream or something, shes refusing to accept the fact that all of this is happening in our reality. "Now, mind telling me how old you are again?" I give her a cheeky smirk before i whisper into her ear, "16." she began to bawl even louder.

"Im gonna put you in jail for sexual harrassment and child pornography, your gonna go to jail! yes you are!" I talked to her as if she was a puppy. She hung her head down and continued to bawl and sob her eyes out. "STOP FUCKING CRYING" id whisper yell, she tried to steady herself and stop the tears from coming, but it wouldnt stop no matter how hard she tried.

"You want to be set free right?",

" Here are some things i want you to do for me,"

"Get comfortable for this." I took a seat onto the firm and squeaky bed, "Now, Heres the first thing, you better not tell a soul, not even your dog what happened to you tonight.","If the police comes to my house i will know its you and i will kill you and your family while your sleeping peacefully." "Nod if you agree."

She gave me a slow and subtle nod.

"The second thing, i need you to do a simple favor, become friends with this girl named Y/n L/n, she is gorgeous and easy to spot and her locker is 208 on the second floor, fake running into her or something.", "She has this bestfriend named Violet. I want you to be a better friend than her best friend, always be there for her before her best friend is."," Demolish there friendship and destroy her bestfriends reputation to simplify it all.","Talk me up while you at it, tell her what a good guy i am and how hot i am, when she gains enough trust in you and tells you her crush, ill handle it all from there."

"Once everything goes well, ill burn and delete all of the photos and forget all about this.","If it doesnt go well on your end, ill kill you and your family.","Nod if you agree."

she gave me a hesitated nod, as if she had another choice.

"Great, meet me at the back of the school on friday every week to talk about our next move.", "Now when i let you free, don't try to attack me with something near you, just get your shit and get the fuck out." She hesitantly nodded to the deal.

I cut the ropes that were holding her down and restraining her, she rubbed her wrist from the tightness and mark the rope gave her.

Crista took her bag and quickly and silently left the hotel room, how rude! not even a goodbye I thought to myself . I watched her get into her car from the window, Yea i just blackmailed her and threatened to kill her but i still want her to safely get to her car i thought to myself.

I started packing up everything and drove back home aswell, i checked the time "12am." im dead.

I sighed before putting my car into park and throwing the bag full of supplies and my knife into the our backyard bush where no one could see, Ill gather it and put everything back later.

I opened the door slowly, it was dark and the only thing that was actually lighting up the house was the small flatscreen tv that laid on the floor, my mom was watching the same re-runs of some stupid show while drinking beer.

I opened the door a little more checking to see if my step-dad was there angrily waiting for my presence. But he wasn't.

Or so i thought.

I stepped into the house and in seconds felt the hag grab my shirt and push me against the wall, almost giving me a concussion from me hitting the wall so hard.

"Go easy on him." My mom would say to him nonchalantly as he was on the verge of punching me.

"What are you grown? What makes you think you can go out this late?!" He said taking his hot cigarette out of his mouth then pressed it onto my pale skin, leaving a burn. 

Id screech in pain desperately trying to escape his grip but the old hag will always somehow be stronger and buffer than me, i felt powerless and defeated.

When he was done lighting the cigarette out on my skin, he let me drop to the floor. I groaned with my hand placed onto the stinging sensation on my skin.

When i thought he was done, he kicked me hard in the stomach, I laid down on the ground with tears in my eyes, everything was a blur.

he left me on the ground in pain.

"That atta teach you boy" He mumbled walking off thinking he taught me a valuable lesson, but little does he know he just dug his own grave.

I got up angrily and went back into my room.

I looked up at the ceiling of those ugly slut-like bitches and tore them down. When i was done, i laid on my bed staring up at the now empty ceiling pondering my thoughts.

"Im gonna fucking kill him."


Authors note: Im so dearly sorry that it takes me so long to write, honestly. Ive been going through depressive episodes making it hard for me to enjoy writing and i have a short attention span making it hard for me to stay focused for long periods of time. But i swear to you when this depressive episode is done and i have a fuck ton of motivation i will write sm smut for you little wh*res❤️ ily


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