Chapter 3- The meeting

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You start freezing because...

(...)-It's Jimin...

No words needed...

Y/n-yes? Jimin is that really you?

You are confused because you didn't even remember that you gave him your number,everything happened so fast for you

Jimin-So I have been thinking...

You can notice that Jimin is nervous because of the way he talks

Y/n-Yes?! Tell me

You decide to try to relax and try to let him relaxed as well

Jimin-I would like to have... a dinner with yo... I mean... maybe an ice crea...

Jimin is so nervous that he can't even talk to you,you are nervous as well so you say...


...without even thinking...

Jimin-hum? Really?-he says surprised by y/n's answer-You want to?

Y/n-Why not?

Y/n starts going crazy and she don't even know what she's talking about... She is just accepting everything he says...

Jimin-so can it be today?Are you fre...

Y/n-YES!-you say without even letting him finish the phrase

Jimin-So can it be on the restaurant of...

Jimin suggests one calm and modern restaurant next to where you are,on a street that no many people go and you accept.You decide to meet in 1 hour.

1 hour later

Y/n is already in front of the restaurant,and you see Jimin,one more time with a stylist outfit

Y/n is already in front of the restaurant,and you see Jimin,one more time with a stylist outfit

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You start being nervous because he is approaching you

Jimin-How are you?

Y/n-Good... Hmm let's come in?

(Jimin's POV)

She really is something rare she looks so great and so cute... Why can't I stop thinking about a girl that I don't even know well... It seems like I know her since ever...I need to remember that just an army... I need to relax... she is just one more army... and stunning
(End of Jimin's POV)

Jimin can't stop thinking about the way y/n looks and how kind she is.They enter the restaurant while Both of them give a little smile without the other notice.Y/n stays in love with the restaurant.She has never been in such a cute and calm restaurant like that before...She started smiling and looking around without noticing...While that Jimin keep looking at Y/n and smiling to you.

Jimin-Let's sit here...

Y/n-Oh yeah sure... This is really pretty!

Jimin-You likes it?

Y/n-yes !

Jimin-Good to heard that😊

They start looking at each other and Y/n decides to order...Than Jimin... Y/n and Jimin have a good conversation while eating.You two notices that you have a lot in common. You laugh a lot... eat a lot... and drink a lot...

Somehow Y/n that can't drink much starts getting drunk and saying non-senses that are funny...

Y/n-Blue elephants? Oh! No yellow ! Ahahah😸

Jimin-Y/n you okay?- he asks while laughing

Y/n-Bibidibobidibu! Wow pretty boyyyy...ohhh🙂

Jimin starts blushing and keeps laughing so he decides to take her to Misses Lucy that he meet the day before.Getting there, the store was closed and Miss Lucy wasn't there.Jimin didn't know what to do.While that Y/n keeps saying weird things that makes Jimin laughing a lot.Jimin decides to take you to an hotel and wait until you be conscientiously right.In the was time the hotel,Y/n stops saying non-senses and looks at Jimin smile... Jimin realizes and try to cover his face that it was blushing.

Y/n-You don't need to cover...-says Y/n almost sleeping-your face... you are pretty😸

Y/n totally falls asleep in Jimin's car.

10 minutes later both of them went to the hotel.Jimin makes the reservation and goes with Y/n to the bedroom.He puts her on the bed and took her shoes off.

Y/n-don't ...go... I don't ... alone...-says Y/n one more time falling asleep

While Y/n is sleeping Jimin keeps staring at her until...

His phone start ringing... ringing so loud that Y/n wakes up...

(Y/n POV)

I heard something ringing so I waked up,don't know where... but just feel a big headache and... Jimin is on my side😳 WHAT HAPPENED? did I do something wrong-you think-He looks concerned...Is he okay?

(End of Y/n POV)

Jimin starts freaking out... something that he couldn't imagine ... or something that it wouldn't be good...happened... THE MEDIA!


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