Chapter 4- The media

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Jimin starts freaking out... something that he couldn't imagine ... or something that it wouldn't be good happened... THE MEDIA!

Y/n-... Jimin?....What is it?-you say kinda confused

Jimin-BigHit called and....ahhh-he is totally frustrated- the media happened... they found us here... and now... there is many people outside...

Jimin is totally worried because after all people would thought something else.And of course he didn't want to let army sad...or... even worried...



Y/n get scared because of the way he talked,so she decided to get out of the room,even with your headache

Jimin-Y/n I'm sorry ... I'm ... wait...

Jimin follows Y/n and hold her with his arms.Y/n gets shy and blushed. Jimin brings her back to the room and decide to call BigHit to pick them on the hotel.They wait until BigHit comes.

20 minutes later...

(Jimin's phone is ringing)

Jimin-hm? Oh ... okay .... we are going...

Jimin and Y/n get out of the room and go where BigHit car was.The car was in a private place where the media is not able to go.
While Y/n looks at Jimin,Jimin stills seems really worried,so Y/n decides to not be close with him...anymore...

(Y/n's POV)
I think is better for me to let him go... He has all the army... and I know the army probably wouldn't like if a new army give him problems...He has such a great career and fans who care about him... and all the other members... After all I am just an army... I can't be with him...
(End of Y/n's POV)

Y/n starts tearing,but she cleans the tears of her face,thinking that no one noticed

(Jimin's POV)
I look at Y/n and see her with tears on her eyes... is she okay? I ask her?... or would it be weird and disrespectful?... I hope she's not mad at me... after all I was kinda aggressive with her... I should have yelled that way... feel so bad right now... I should have called her... I am just causing problems... hope she doesn't think is her fault... wish I could hug her...
(End of Jimin's POV)

Finally Y/n arrives at her house,before she gets out of the car,she apologizes and tells Jimin that it would be better if he would be just an Idol for her and that's all... Not friends or anything more ... JUST AN IDOL AND AN ARMY.
Jimin looks at her

Jimin-Hope to see...u soon...-he says with a sad expression-thank you for being nice to me... and I'm ... honestly sorry...

Y/n goes in direction to her house while Jimin is still looking at her...Y/n is confused and is afraid...She enters home and BigHit cars starts moving away,in direction to the place where BTS and BigHit were.

Y/n-OMG!! The media is so bad what is this?!😧


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