Chapter 5-The show

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Y/n-OMG!! The media is so bad what is this?!😧

Y/n looks at the news and man... so many of them... she could even believe how many lies and rude people wrote things that has nothing to do with the situation...She stayed shock...

Next day...
Today was the big day of the concert... she didn't know if it was good for her to go but she wanted to go so bad. Y/n decided that is wasn't good for her so...

(Jimin's POV)
Jimin was trying to let all the problems go away.After all it was the day that they would perform once more to all the Army,so he wanted to do his best as always. He wanted Y/n to come but he probably thought that she wouldn't come.

A voice starts talking to Jimin...It's the sweet voice of Taehyung...

Tae- Jimin,are you okay?

Jimin-Hmm..yes sure! -he tries to put a smile in his face- today we will perform só of course I am fine ahahah-he gives a extremely forced laugh

Tae-listen it's okay we are here for you... and I bet you that army don't believe in the news as well... so don't be sad and head up!

While all the members were getting the lady's things ready to the concert. You could hear everyone cheering up for BTS... such a pretty moment.

"This feels like paradise"-Jimin keeps thinking


After a while of the concert,it's time of Jimin sings his song "Lie",while he's dancing and singing through the stage,he finds...



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