Chapter 2

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This is my second chapter!!!

It had been months since he had seen Cinder and she was finally coming for the ball. He was standing outside looking at the Lunar spaceship and waiting for Cinder. The Lunar spacecraft in front of them did not appear very different from Earthen spacecrafts, except that its body shimmered as if inlaid with diamonds, and a string of gold runes encircled its hull in an unbroken line. The entire spacecraft shined in the bright afternoon sun. A few guards, Konn Torin, and some of the media were standing along him to welcome the new Lunar queen. Just as Cinder stepped out of the spaceship he was awestruck looking at her beauty.

She was wearing a dark blue gown and her hair was in a loose bun as her bangs covered some of her face. She was standing in the center with Kinney on her left and Iko on her right. Cinder had put both hands down and her metal hand reflected off light in the bright sun.

"Your majesty," Kai said looking at her with awe. "it is my greatest honor to welcome you to my country and planet. "

"Thank you, your highness," replied Cinder in a grateful tone.

"You don't need to be so formal," he said with a laugh. Kai walked towards her and pulled Cinder into a hug. Cinder hugged him back and clutched on to him for a few seconds laughing. Even though it was informal for the Emperor and Queen to act in such a way they didn't care and ignored the people staring at them.

Then someone started to cough loudly. Kai turned around and saw Torin coughing loudly. He realized that was his cue to let go and separated himself from Cinder.

"Come I'll take you to your rooms," said Kai motioning them to follow.

He showed them the quest quarters and their chambers. Kai took the lead and Cinder was walking a few steps behind him with Iko and a few guards and Torin lingering behind.

After showing them their chambers, Kai took them to a common room with a few chairs and told everyone to sit which included Kai, Cinder, Iko, and Torin. All the guards were stationed outside. They were having a small talk about Cinder's journey to Earth. Then after a while, everyone got silent and Kai and Cinder just stared at each other. After a few minutes, Iko and Torin left the room leaving them alone.

"Thank you for coming Cinder," Kai said quietly.

"I told you I wouldn't miss the ball and I agreed to be your date."

"I know, but after not visiting Earth for like 8 months, I started to think you wouldn't come."

"I'm sorry I was busy with all those protests and Queenly stuff."

"Yeah, I can tell. By the way, I sent invitations to the entire Rampion crew. Jacin and Winter should be here by tomorrow evening and Thorne, Cress, Scarlet, and Wolf will be here the next day."

"That's great," she replied, walking towards Kai and taking a seat next to him.

"I missed you, you know," he said.

"I know, so did I. I started to feel a little homesick without you."

"Well, at least we're here together now. How long are you staying anyways," he asked.

"I'm probably going to leave a few days after the ball." she sighed.

"Hmmm... remember those dance lessons that I was supposed to give you."

"Of course."

"Why don't I teach you how to dance."

"Really, when?"

"What about tomorrow evening, because you're supposed to be attending a press conference today."

"Oh yeah I forgot about that." she sighed.

"What's wrong?" he said.

"I'm just not sure how the people will react to me being the Queen of Luna and coming to the Commonwealth. What if they will hate me like Levana. They will probably hate me more for all those crimes I committed."

Kai took her metal hand and said. "Stars Cinder, no one is going to hate you. You're the lost queen who saved them from Levana's rule."

"I know, I guess I'm just nervous."

"Why don't you take a break and then get ready for the evening," he said running a hand through his hair. "It's going to be a long day."

Kai assorted her to her room and told her to rest. He placed a kiss on her forehead and walked away.


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