Chapter 8

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Kai and Cinder had hopped on to a hover and left the market immediately. Instead of having a nice romantic lunch in the market, they decided to go back to the palace and just have lunch there instead. Kai had been quiet through most of the hover ride until he said, "Sorry, I didn't realize we would make such a big fiasco in the market."

"It's alright it's not like you knew any of this would happen."

"Still I should have been more cautious," Kai said selflessly

"It's alright." Cinder said putting a hand on his shoulder. "It's my sister's fault anyways. Though I did enjoy our trip."

"You did?" Kai asked surprisingly.

"Well of course I did, I realized that at least I'm respected by some people on Earth and the statue and toy figures are crazy. Did you see the replica of my prosthesis." Cinder said amusingly.

"I know, this is exactly what I wanted to show you, that people believe in you, the Commonwealth believes you, and most heartedly, I believe you," Kai said sincerely

"I know it's just hard to take this all at once."

"Well at least I completed half of my goal.-"

"And what was your complete goal?" Cinder interrupted

"To convince you and spend some time alone with you."

"Well you did complete half of it and we can complete the rest of the stuff in the palace."



They had reached the palace and Kai and Cinder got of the hover, hand in hand. Torin was standing near the entrance and eyed Kai strangely. Kai just nodded and walked inside with Cinder. That was weird Cinder thought. They kept walking until Kai opened a pair of enormous doors which led to a beautiful dining hall.

They ate lunch and talked about their friends and Kai would tell her humiliating things that happened since she left, which would make Cinder choke on her food by laughing.

Cinder and Kai spent the entire time walking in the gardens after eating lunch. Until Torin appeared and told Kai, "Your majesty, sorry to disturb you but this is urgent."

"What is it Torin?" asked Kai who was clearly annoyed.

"There is a compulsory comm with all the leaders of Earth in five minutes so you should get going."

Kai looked at Cinder apoligizingly and Cinder nodded and said, "Go, your majesty, Commonwealth needs you."

Kai left with Torin leaving Cinder alone in the garden.


With nothing to do Cinder walked to her chambers where she found Iko sitting on the bed.

"What are you doing here?" asked Cinder.

"I was waiting for you to come back from your date because I have some exciting news to tell you., replied Iko.

"I didn't go on a date!" argued Cinder

"You going with the emperor to the market alone is called a date, Cider." mocked Iko.

Cinder grimaced, "Whatever it wasn't a real date and it was awful."

"Actually it was a date," Iko argued. "According to the net, a date is an appointment to meet someone or go out with them, especially someone with whom you are having, or may soon have a romantic relationship," she smirked

"Forget it! Aren't you going to ask what happened?"

"Let me guess, surely Kai didn't dump you because if he did I would probably be able to see it in your expression. So... you probably saw something you didn't like on your little trip."

"It wasn't something, it was someone." Cinder said as she narrated everything that happened in the market square to Iko.

"Spades, I didn't think Pearl would ever do that," said Iko astonishingly.

"Eh, she got her revenge. Now hopefully I never have to see her face again."


"Wait, you said you have some exciting news, so spill the beans!" said Cinder.

"You won't believe it Cinder, I talked to Kinney."

"-And what did he say?"

"He said that he thinks of me as more of a person than an android."

"That's great Iko, I knew you always had a crush on him. What if he asks you to the ball?"

"I don't think that will happen." Iko was disappointed.

"I'll talk to Kai, he did say he'll find you a date. So I'll tell him your preference."

"You would do that...?

"Of course I would. Now let's go Jacin and Winter will be here soon."


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