Fuck Safety

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        V was walking around the park, watching the little kids push each other around, tackle each other, chase one another, and share secrets under the shade of trees. While he did enjoy watching 5-year-old's comfort their friends when they fell, he was outright bored. There was no one to talk to him, he was just another loner at the park. When V extended his arms up to stretch a small piece of paper flew up and hit his face. He panicked slightly and searched his body to check if it a was a bee. Instead of an insect, he found a small piece of paper.

"Hmm..." Taehyung inspected it noticing the crumples, assuming they were from his arms randomly thrashing around, he flipped it over and saw 10 digits. He stood there debating with himself whether he should keep the number or throw it away. Turning it over a few more times watching the ink reflect sunlight. He decided that a little fun couldn't hurt anyone right?

When V walked into his home, the smell of pizza hit him and his smile could not be stopped as he waltzed down the small hallway to the kitchen.

"What's the special event?" He crashed down into the chair excitedly eyeing the pizza.

"What makes you think that something has to happen every single time we have pizza?" His mother questioned him back. Taehyung put his hands in the air in surrender, achieving his goal in making his mother laugh he reached for a piece of pizza and waited for her to tell him the news. "Okay fine," She rolled her eyes and grinned widely, "I got us a kitty!" His mother started clapping excitedly.

The piece of pizza that was about to enter the godly mouth of Kim Taehyung was now dropped on a paper plate, neglected while Taehyung jumped up in the air and danced around.

"REALLY?!" He cheered before hunting the little guy down. "Where is it? I wanna carry it" He got down on the floor and started to crawl all over the place. His mother chuckled and walked into the other room before coming back with a fluffy orange kitty that fit right into Taehyung's arms.

Carrying it from its armpits V looked at it, positioning it in all different directions. Figuring out that the fluffy thing was a boy, he carried him back to the dining table before setting him on his lap. "What are we going to name him?" V stroked his fur.

"How about Neko?" his mother smiled at the name while Taehyung's eyes lit up. He turned to face the small kitten and started cooing at it.

"Who's my little Neko? Huh? Yeah, you are!" he shared Eskimo kisses with the little fur-ball while cuddling him at the same time. Quickly finishing his pizza slice, V took Neko up to his room to play. He didn't have any cat toys yet so he decided to make his own.

After searching his room for something to entertain his new friend with, he decided to go to his last hope, his keys. He took them out from his pocket and held it up in the air. Walking out of the connected bathroom, Neko got in a stance and pounced for the keys. V laughed and continued to play with the kitten for a while longer when a little kitten paw came down on his face.

"Ak!" V wiped the paw away from his face and scolded the kitten softly "No! No Neko!" He pouted at him before remembering the number in his pocket. "Oh yeah! Thank's for reminding me Neko!" He fluffed the little guys hair and dug the piece of paper out of his pocket along with his phone. The small cat continued to walk around the room, pawing at everything.

Concentrating very carefully, making sure not to mess up any number, he entered it into his recipient box. He typed out a quick 'Hey' and hit send before continuing to play with Neko more. He followed the little feline around his room. A few moments later his phone lit up when he checked the message he got he immediately blushed.

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