I Wanna Get To Know You

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        Taehyung woke up with Neko pawing at his cheek. He smiled and took the little paw between his two fingers gently moving it he blew in the cat's face causing it to flinch. He chuckled and repeated the action until his phone vibrated and lit up. He raised his eyebrow and set Neko down before checking his phone.

At first, he was confused about what was happening but the sleep fog cleared and quickly added the number to his contact list titled 'Jin-nie' he grinned at the contact name. And sat up so that his phone did not have a chance of connecting with his face.

'So are you going to let me see what you look like?' He decided not to wait for the reply this time and walked downstairs with Neko in his arms to get breakfast. "Aww Neko you are so cute" He nuzzled the cat's stomach and brought it to the small food bowl in the corner before heading to the counter to make himself a small breakfast. In the midst of shoving a piece of toast in his mouth, his phone vibrated from his back pocket, he bit into the bread keeping it in place and pulled out his phone.

'Hell no, stop talking to me, I have to go to school' He shrugged, he was texted first, maybe it was a booty-text or something. He just decided to leave the older man alone for now. He checked the time and wondered what to do. He picked up Neko once he was done eating and brought them both upstairs. With his back against the pillows, he lifted Neko by the armpits again and bounced him up and down gently.

"You're so cute~" he set the little feline down and fixed it's fur to stick out in odd places. He yawned and felt Neko stretch against him. He fell asleep to the feeling of paws against his chin.

When he woke up, the sun was starting to set, he noticed that the door to his room was open a little and Neko wasn't on his chest. Knowing that it was just his mom coming to check on him he scrolled through his phone while the sun continued to set. His thoughts drifted to his new friend.

He took the paper off his dresser and looked at it. He wondered who the number was supposed to go to. The piece of paper couldn't have had gone that far since the wind wasn't blowing that hard. Was Jin in the park the same time as him? Did he leave right when he got there? Speaking of Jin, he took his phone and scrolled down to Jin's name. He pressed the call button wondering what the other male's voice would sound like. After two rings it went to voicemail.

'You have reached-' He hung up before the number would be repeated and he decided to text Jin.


'What? I'm busy' He replied through text but he didn't answer a call. Calling would have been so much easier in V's opinion, he guessed that Jin still didn't trust him.

'Doing what?'

'Not talking to you.'

'Why don't you like me? *^*'

'Because I don't know you'

'I showed you a picture of me! You know me!'

'Fine, you don't know me'

'You won't let me know you!'

'Because you are a stranger'

'You're having fun aren't you? Just let me get to know you! What's wrong with that?'

Jin didn't answer, V guessed that he was really busy. He sighed and tried to find Neko. "Neko?! Where are you kitty?" He made kissing noises and snapped his fingers. He saw a note on the fridge.

Tae, I brought Neko to a friends house. You have the house to yourself tonight. Don't throw a party but you can have friends over. If you want to go out make sure to lock the door.

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