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        Taehyung had no idea where they were going. He looked out the window trying to figure out the destination but he had never been to this area before. He saw trees blur past the car windows as houses left his eyesight. He looked at Jin, who seemed to be worried about something. Taehyung assumed that he was the one who made the atmosphere like it is now.

Taehyung couldn't help being upset. Suddenly, he remembered Jin said that he wanted to end what he had with his crush. His crush was Taehyung. He wanted to end things with Taehyung so it doesn't hurt that much. V began to feel even worse than before, he felt bad for slightly agreeing with what Jin said. If Jin would have stopped texting him, then Hyung would stop talking to him. If that happened he wouldn't be here with an ache in his chest.

Taehyung felt tears coming when he noticed what he was thinking about, he was being cruel, if Jin had cut off things with him at that time then he wouldn't have had experienced their kiss, he wouldn't have had experienced his strong embrace, most importantly he wouldn't experience the best thing that ever happened to him.

Silent tears streamed down his cheeks against his will. He quickly turned to the window, holding his breath so the hiccups wouldn't be noticeable. Jin probably knew already but he still didn't want him to see his tears. Wiping them slowly with his fingers he wished that there was a napkin near him. He was being pathetic he took a deep breath when the car finally stopped. Taehyung calmed down to a small sniffle. Jin appeared on the other side of the car door. He didn't even hear Jin get out.

Smiling down at him softly Jin opened the door to let Taehyung step out. V choked out a laugh through his sniffing, "Such a gentleman" with red dusted cheeks he attempted to smile up at Jin. He kept telling himself that Jin needed to got back to Korea, Jin needed to go back to Korea, Jin is leaving me to go to Korea. His thoughts began to go downhill and his smile faltered for a moment.

"Only for you" Jin took Taehyung into his arms and hugged him tightly, noticing the small frown that flashed across the younger's face. "Let it out" He encouraged when V was struggling to hold in tears. He felt Taehyung grip the sides of his polka-dot shirt and stop breathing for a moment before letting out a shaky breath while resting his forehead on Jin's shoulder. He heard the soft sobs coming from the younger boy and hugged him tighter. Tears were soaking his shirt but he was sure that Taehyung's shirt was equally soaked. He closed his eyes and took in the feeling of Taehyung in his arms. He felt the uneven breaths of the younger through his hands on his back and the rising chest on his. The orange hair tickled his neck while hiccups and more sobs filled his ears.

Taehyung's head hurt from thinking about Jin leaving, his heart hurt from thinking about Jin leaving, his hands hurt from gripping Jin's shirt because Jin was leaving, his shaky legs hurt because he had to stand while hugging Jin, who was leaving. His whole body hurt because the older male was leaving. He didn't notice his shoulder getting slightly wet, he didn't hear the soft sniffing from the other, he didn't notice Jin's uneven breathing. He focused on the strong hold around him, the sweet smell filling his nostrils every time he would breathe in shakily, the strong shoulder against his forehead, he focused on Jin, not the fact that he was leaving.

It must have been at least 5 minutes of standing there hugging each other. Taehyung's arms moved around Jin. They had stopped crying after 2 minutes. Now all that could be heard was the slight intake of breath by both boys.

"Now," Jin pushed Taehyung slightly to look at his face "let's go" he moved away to take Taehyung's hand before skillfully opening the trunk of his car with one hand. Pulling out the wooden basket he locked his car before stepping through the trees, carefully watching his step.

"That wasn't the final destination?" Tae asked curiously stumbling along the small stones and twigs. The shade of the trees felt nice against his back, especially in the summer heat. The small hummingbirds chirped at them, the squirrels scurried away from them, and the twigs broke in two underneath their weight.

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