One Last Message

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        Taehyung woke up for school late, he forgot to turn on his phone alarm. He rushed to fix himself, running out of the door with his pants unbuttoned, tie hanging around his neck, and clothes wrinkled. When he started his car up he had to go the long way so that he could get gas. He didn't want to be late, but he didn't want his car to stop in the middle of the road either.

Walking down the now empty hallway of the school, he grumbled while messily making his tie, fixing his pants, and attempting to take out some of the wrinkles of his clothes. When he decided that he looked presentable at the least, he grabbed his book from his locker and ran to first period.

Stumbling into the classroom, he got a death glare from his teacher and small laughs from other students rang in his ears. With a flushed face, he trotted over to his chair and made it seem like he was paying attention.

By the time second period came around, Taehyung would usually pull out his phone and listen to music. Unfortunately, he forgot his phone at home since he was in such a rush this morning. Groaning he held his head in his hands. Because he forgot his phone, he had to go through the rest of school and make it through work without the picture that has kept him alive the past 5 months. Cursing at himself, he thought about what he could do.

He could drive home quickly and then head off to work. He would be late though and have to work in the Teen area. He had never been there before but he was assuming it was horrible, for him and his childlike behavior. He decided to take the risk. He hoped that he wouldn't be in too much trouble as his teacher called the attention of the whole class.

Lunch came and his stomach was growling at him. Not grabbing a small snack to eat on the way was a bad idea. He groaned when he found out that he left his wallet at home too. Normally on rare occasions like these, he would ask Jimin for some lunch, but Jimin just had to be absent today. Cursing to himself he sat down at a random table near the brick wall, thinking about how bad his day had been so far. He rested his forehead on his arms and looked at his feet through the holes of the green table.

If only he had remembered to turn on the alarm. He sulked to himself for a while before 4 guys sat at the table with him. He immediately recognized Suga's legs.

"Hey, guys." He weakly smiled up at them. "Jungkook where's Jimin?" He asked, knowing the two have been spending every single minute with each other.

"Sick," Jungkook said while his cheeks turned darker. Shaking his head Taehyung chuckled before holding out his hands and making puppy eyes.

"Guys, I really need money for lunch, I promise I'll pay you back next time I see you."

"Sorry man, I only grab the money I need for lunch" Rapmonster shrugged, "but you can have this" He handed the younger a bag of chips.

Taehyung took it, thanking Namjoon 100 and 1 times before opening it. Suddenly, he saw J-hope holding out half of a sandwich he got. Taehyung looked at him, asking if it was really okay. Receiving a smile and a nod, Taehyung took the sandwich. Everyone began to give him a small part of their lunch. He thanked them all before eating. When the bell rang Tae was sure that he would be able to make it through the day.

During his last period, Taehyung's legs bobbed up and down impatiently, he was glad that he was moved next to the door so once the bell rang-


He jumped out of his seat and sprinted to his car. Once he got in he clumsily buckled his seat belt and raced home. Luckily, he was able to make it home safely. He ran into the house and up to his room. Grabbed his phone and wallet before running out again, not even explaining why he was there to his shocked family.

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