You Found It.

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        3 weeks later, Taehyung is sitting in class listening to his teacher go on with a boring lesson, he could care less about what they were learning about. He stared at the phone underneath the desk, he didn't know what he was waiting for, he just was. Repeating the pattern of unlocking and locking the screen several times, he yawned and looked around for Jimin.

Since they had switched seats, Jimin went from sitting behind him to all the way across the room. They made eye contact once during the whole period and Taehyung just wanted to scream at him. This class was getting nowhere and V was pretty sure he wasn't going to learn anything from it. He stared at the clock as the second hand ticked repeatedly. Before he knew it the bell rang. He immediately stood up and walked out of the hellhole that called school.

Taking the fact that he quit his old job, Tae was currently sitting with a 5-year-old, helping her make a castle for her princess doll. She stacked the blocks carefully and asked Taehyung to set the blocks where she couldn't reach from her sitting position. When the castle was beautifully built they both grinned at each other. Taehyung held up his hand the little girl giggled before high-fiving the older male.

"Thank you! Now the princess won't be homeless!" The little girl smiled and moved to hug the older man.

"You're welcome! I will do anything for a princess!" Taehyung stood with the girl in his arms and spun her around once before setting her gently on the ground. He saw a little boy crying in the corner and he waved goodbye and left the child to play with her doll.

"What's wrong little guy?" Taehyung sat in front of the toddler who was currently rubbing his eyes, trying to get rid of the tears. Taehyung found a Kleenex box nearby and took a couple of tissues to help him get rid of the tears.

"Wh-why do-doesn't m-my friend wa-wanna pl-lay with me any- any more?" He cried and bunched his hands into tiny fists. "He-he said that we couldn't- couldn't play!" He cried more. Teahyung knew what the little boy was going through. He picked up the small 7-year-old and began to lift him up in the air before bringing him down, only to bring him back up again. When he saw the little one get better he set him down. Watching the small child sway from dizziness and giggle loudly.

"It's okay, you have your other friends! And you also have me!" He poked the boy's nose before sending him off to play with others. He watched as the shy kid hesitantly tap on another kid's shoulder asking if he could play with them. The other immediately smiled, as Taehyung could see them getting along he moved to the craft station.

"What are you drawing?" He walked up to a little girl that was sitting all by herself in the corner, she was the only one in the arts and crafts area.

"I'm drawing a flower." She told him without even looking up. She was too occupied coloring the purple petals.

"Why are you only drawing one?" V asked her, grabbing a chair and sitting across from her, watching closely.

"Because it's hard to draw more." She said quietly and finished all the petals. she picked up a yellow crayon and began to color the center.

"What if I help you? We can make a whole field of flowers!" Taehyung grinned and spread his arms out wide, causing the little girl to look up from her art and smile at him

"Yeah! We can make them all different colors!" they grinned at each other, touching their crayons together in cheers and started coloring their flowers.

Taehyung added a bunch of colors to the piece of paper, enjoying how the little girl was laughing the whole time. He decided to draw extra clouds in the sky and a sun. He knew that his work wasn't the best, and the fact that he was drawing upside down made it worse but he didn't think the girl cared.

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