Chapter Twenty-Three

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Dyrnen held the Arena's door open for Celni and she walked in and gave him a nod of thanks. Someone shoved roughly past her as she went through, and she was pushed aside. Celni grunted in surprise, turning her gaze to see dark black hair shifting on the shoulders of the girl who was now in front of her. "Excuse you," Celni muttered.

The girl turned around, her ice blue eyes piercing Celni's hazel ones. "I'm sorry," Srenya said, her words tinged with venom. "Did you want to walk in hand in hand?"

They glared at each other for a split second before Srenya spun around, heading toward the meeting room with a confident stride.

"Why does she always have to act like she has a burr up her butt?" Celni said, gritting her teeth. When she heard no response from Dyrnen, she turned to look at him. The Arena builder was watching Srenya, his eyes thoughtful. His gaze turned to Celni when he realized she was talking to him.

"Sorry," he murmured, shaking his head as if clearing his thoughts. "You're right, she does have a rather stubborn personality."

Celni huffed. "Come on, let's get to the meeting." She led him into the meeting room, where Srenya, Mawk, and the other group leaders were already gathered.

She noticed how different Mawk looked from the last time she had seen him. The Corporal was standing straight and tall, authority in his posture. His arms were folded and his face bore a slight scowl like it usually did. But Celni couldn't help remembering the savage look in his eyes when he had killed the dragon, and the weakness that had seemed to consume him soon after.

Mawk nodded to Dyrnen as they entered. "Thanks for bringing her." He eyed Celni for a split second before addressing the group. "Leaders! You are here because you successfully completed the challenges you have been presented these past few months in the Arena. This means you will be leading your teams on a mission against the dragons."

Celni saw pride and excitement light the eyes of the other group leaders. There were three young men and two young women besides her and Srenya. They all stood a little straighter, listening keenly to Mawk's words. Even Srenya seemed to have put her ambition aside for the moment and was paying full attention to the Corporal.

Mawk continued his lecture. "Now, this won't be a controlled environment as you are used to, with machines and special effects," he warned. "This is the real deal. Real teeth, real claws, real death. I need to know that I can count on you to watch over your teams and keep them alive. Can I trust you to do this?"

"Yes, sir," they chorused.

"Will we be assigned the same mission or different missions?" one group leader asked. He had blonde hair, wide shoulders, and an intense gaze that he set on Mawk.

"That has yet to be determined."

"But how are we going to work out the leadership if we are assigned the same mission?" It was another group leader who spoke up. She had curly red hair and was fairly short, but had a fierce demeanor. Celni didn't doubt that she would fight anyone who crossed her. "I don't want to take orders from any of these numbskulls," the girl proclaimed, crossing her arms. "I want to be in charge of my own group and my own mission."

"Couldn't agree more," Srenya muttered loudly.

Celni rolled her eyes.

One of the other young men suddenly stood up tall as if something had changed in him. "As if anyone would want to take orders from either of you!" he retorted.

"Excuse you?" Srenya said incredulously.

"At least my orders would be sensible!" the redhead snapped, fire spreading into her gaze at his challenge.

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