Chapter Eight: Preparations

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    Jared woke at dawn and stared at the ceiling. He still had the heavy pit in his stomach knowing that Evan and Connor were going to get married. It didn't make sense anyway, it wasn't as if Jared could ever marry a king or a lord, he was a bastard child after all. The only person he could hope to marry was a scullery maid or perhaps if he got really lucky, a knight or dame.

    He still had trouble peeling himself from the bed and walking the distance to Evan's room, where the boy was already up and ready to be dressed. Connor was no where to be seen.

    "You're late." Evan said distastefully. "You would've thought that with the long rest you had yesterday at the back gate would've been long enough."

    Jared buttoned up Evan's shirt, "You know, your grace, I would've thought that a king would wait until after marriage to have intercourse with their love, so I guess we're both wrong."

    He knew it was idiotic to say, but didn't care. He threw on Evan's pants.

    "That mouth is going to get you killed one day." Evan told him quietly.

     Jared finished suiting Evan up and stood, looking at him, "Only if you're the one that gives the order."

    Once again Jared left without excusing himself. He had other tasks to do anyway, ones that had been neglected due to the start of the battle yesterday. He wondered how the men at the wall were fairing.

    When Jared arrived in the dining room to get breakfast set up he found Connor was already at the table, polishing his sword.

    He looked up as Jared walked in, "Ah, good morning."

    "Morning." Jared said shortly, walking over to where some of the scullery maids had set up the food.

    Connor sat up straighter, setting down the rag he had been using. "I hope you didn't think me to kiss and run."

    "I only think what I see." Jared replied coldly, making a plate for Evan. He knew Evan hated too many spices on his breakfast, and piled them on anyway.

    Connor sighed, "You know why this marriage is important, we're trying to end a war here. The people in the city, they need this."

    Jared knew very well what he meant, but it still hurt, "Have you ever thought of what the people inside the castle need?"

    Just then Evan walked in and Jared shut up, moving over to set the plate he had made onto the table. Evan strolled over and took a seat, digging into his eggs and bacon. Jared stood next to his chair, in his rightful place.

    "This has too much cilantro on it." Evan spat the eggs out. "Make me another plate." Jared did, not saying a word.

    "We should start the wedding preparations at once." Connor said, inspecting his sword for any lasting particles. "It's best do it as soon as possible."

    Evan nodded, "You're right, Jared, will you start on that?"

    "Yes, your grace." Jared said. "Right away."

    "Oh, and Jared, what happened to that scullery maid we had, Alana?" Evan asked, eating the newly prepared plate of food. "We had to borrow a baker's daughter from the town to fill her place."

    Jared swallowed, "I don't know, she went missing. I fear that perhaps she was taken by the rebels."

    Evan scrunched up his face, looking worried, and continued eating.


    Alana sat her desk, writing and rewriting a letter. She wanted to write to Jared, but couldn't find the words to. She wished to tell Jared of the wonderful evening she had with Lady Zoe, but knew that if the letter was intercepted that would mean Jared's execution for treason.

    She wished she had been able to convince him to come along with her. If only she had talked him into it. Surely if Jared could see Lady Zoe in person he would know that she was truly destined to be the queen of Winterhold.

    She set down the quill and remembered the previous night. Lady Zoe had been so sweet with her. Alana was ready to swear her allegiance a million times over. She was ready to fight for her true queen.

    Alana made her way out of the tent and looked around at the busy camp. Soldiers in uniform sparred against each other, training for a field battle that would surely one day come. Doctors and nurses hauled in the wounded and stitched them up. Or, in some cases, realized it was too late and left them to die.

    In the distance Alana could see the wall and the hail of arrows from the soldiers. She would get Jared out there. Someday.


    The wedding was planned for the following week, which meant that Jared had a lot to do. He already had quite a hassle getting flowers on such short notice, the only thing they seemed to have available in bulk were lilacs.

    Jared busied himself with the planning, trying not to pay attention to Evan or Connor or even the battle happening around them.

    The entire town was all over the news that the King was getting married, it was an event that didn't happen everyday. The public seemed to have mixed feelings about the marriage, some believed that it was a sign that King Evan was embracing change and embracing the rebellion, while others saw right through this and thought it to be a desperate attempt to quell the rebellion.

    Invited had been sent out around the country, nobles were set to travel to the capital and, of course, Lady Zoe herself was set to attend. It was custom to pause war during noble marriages and seen as barbarian to attempt to attack on these holy days. This meant King Evan and Lady Zoe would get a chance to talk face to face. Many hoped there would talk of peace.

    Jared didn't know though and frankly he didn't have the time to think it over. He would worry about what was next once the wedding arrived.

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