Chapter 6 [I lost my study group]

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It's Monday and I'm having lunch with Manow and Pharm. After the night I spend in Win's room my sleep rhythm kinda got fixed, the following two nights I started to get tired at around 12, which is still late but it's way better than before, I easily managed to get in 5 or 6 hours of sleep. I'm feeling good today after my 3 days of good sleep and I think it shows. "You guys seem in a good mood for a Monday," Manow shifts gaze between me and Pharm. I would tell her that it is because I slept good this weekend except that she'd ask me how that happened, and after our conversation Saturday I definitely don't want to feed her fantasy anymore. "I don't know what you're talking about," I look over to Pharm for a bit of solidarity but he refuses. "I am in a good mood," Pharm smiles which intrigues me to ask why but Manow beats me to it. "Something good happened?" She teases him. "Something to do with Dean?" She says giving him playful pokes while he's trying to take a bite of his food. "You'll know in a bit," those words really got me curious, what's he hiding from us? "Alright, that's a bit suspicious."

"Yeah you've totally peaked our interest now," Pharm obviously regrets his words. "Er, just wait for a bit," Manow and I trade a glance, we both know we're way too nosy and impatient to wait for whatever moment, we know what we need to do. Manow starts tickling Pharm and I reach over the table to do the same. "Aren't you going to tell us?" Manow threatens. Pharm can barely talk other than an occasional 'stop' slipping out. He pushes Manow away and I let him catch his breath. "You guys... are... too much," he speaks with breathy pauses. "Literally... just wait... a few minutes," he's telling us off with a huge smile on his face so it's not very convincing. I'm still reaching over the table in case a second attack is needed. "What are we even waiting for?" Just then I see Dean and Win behind them coming over to our table. "I think I know," as I sit back down I nod in Dean and Win's their direction and Manow follows my gaze. "Ahh, looks like I was right," she can barely contain a smile and shoots Pharm a wink who replies by getting flushed. They arrive at our table, everyone greats one another and they take a seat on my side of the table. Manow and I are naturally a bit rowdy but right now we both decided it's best to shut up, since we have a suspicion what this is about. "Okay well, now that Dean is here I can tell you guys the reason for my good mood," he pauses and lets the tension build, could be because he's getting himself ready, but I think he is punishing Manow and me for being impatient, he's proven himself to secretly be a bit of an devil this past week. I'm about to say something when he speaks up. "Dean and I are dating," finally. "Ah Pharm I knew it!" Manow can't contain her excitement anymore and hugs Pharm tightly. "All the times you had me bringing candies to the team acting all innocently and shit you were already secretly meeting up with Dean am I right?" I can't help but smile, I thought I noticed Pharm and Dean getting closer this week but really it was them getting ready to come out, who knows how long they've secretly been meeting up. Just last week I thought I was an important component to Pharm making contact with Dean by bringing over the sweets he makes and pushing Dean in Pharm's direction, what did I say, devil. "The candies really were for the whole team."

"I don't believe anything you say regarding Dean anymore, you're sneaky," I shoot him a playful smile to let him know I'm just kidding to which he laughs. I just notice Win who is sitting next to me hasn't had a reaction to this at all. "Did you already know about these two?" He seems surprised by my question, I bet he wasn't expecting I would notice his (non)reaction. "They told me Saturday," mystery solved of why Pharm was absent for our study session. "I'm jealous they told you first," Manow jokes to Win. Just than a eerie thought enters my head. "Don't steal Pharm from us too much, we need him to study," I lean forward talking past Win to Dean. "I can't make any promises," he holds up his hands and makes a face that says 'can't do anything about it', and I understand that I'm defeated. "You're costing me my grades," our study sessions with Pharm will be considerably cut, if they'll happen at all, and I will be forced to study with Manow which in reality means hang out with Manow 'cus we suck at studying. "You can still study with me Team," Manow seems absolutely oblivious to the situation. "Er, whatever," I'd be better off studying on my own. "Guys, you're forgetting I also have to study," what an ignorant thing to say, he doesn't know yet that all his time will go to Dean. "Tell us again in a few weeks."

"Okay I will," he sounds confident but I'm not getting my hopes up. "You better..."

"Team we can still study," Manow says again, not understand the situation at all. She probably doesn't even notice how distracted she tends to get during studying, Pharm was our rock. Manow and I bicker back and forth until we get interrupted by Dean. "We're going to get some food," Dean and Win leave the table. I'm about to continue my fight with Manow when she nudges my hand on the table and points to Pharm, I think she has some questions for Pharm now that Dean is gone, and I guess I do too. When we think Dean is far away enough Manow and I start our questioning. Such as. "Since when have you been dating?" A classic. "Who asked who?" And.. "Have you guys done it already?" It was Manow who asked the intrusive question that managed to completely break Pharm. "I shouldn't have asked, so sorry," Pharm is still completely flushed when Dean and Win join the table again. "Looks like we missed something," Win remarks. "He's just feeling hot, bit into a pepper," Win looks at me, one eyebrow raised, I wonder if he caught my lie just now. "Did you sleep well?" The question caught me off guard. After I left Saturday I ignored his text message, this is the first time we're talking again after that night which he's now obviously referring to. Even though he's obviously messing with me in front of my friends this time I don't want to lie. I quickly glance over to the rest of the table who seem to be having their own conversation, they won't notice me. Probably. I reply with a silent nod to which he smiles. "I'm glad," he said it in almost a whisper, making this seem like even more of a secret. I don't like the idea of this being a secret since it implies there is more going on, but I also don't want Manow or Pharm to know, especially Manow since she already, without any reason, started having weird ideas about me and Win. Whatever, they didn't notice anything so it's fine now. "Did you read my message?" I guess it's not fine, why is he not done with this conversation yet? I just nod again. "I meant it, don't worry about waking me up, if it's you I won't mind," I punch him in the arm. "Shut up," how can he say such embarrassing things, I'll never sleep in his room again.


Thanks to everyone reading and voting for my story and leaving kind messages, it brightens my days :-) And I hope my story can brighten your days! This chapter was fun to write. I find Team, Pharm and Manow their friendship really cute and fun so I like writing their interactions, though those will lessen now that Pharm is busy with Dean ;-) but that's for other people to write about.

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