The smartphone (pt 2)

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Uhm, what just happened?

I always thought I wasn't good with girls, but go with an excuse like that?

As I waited, I began to fantasize where she had gone or and what she was doing. She said I could text her after, didn't she? Anyway yes, she was really a fan of video games. And by fans I don't mean a person who only plays Fortnite or Minecraft, and for once managed to touch a pokemon demo. Best of all, she had named them her favorite video games, and they were pretty much the same as mine. Even in her tattoos, I recognized not only Shadow of the Colossus, but Overwatch, The legend of Zelda and many others. Not to mention her Whatsapp info. Out of sheer curiosity, I translated the phrase in Japanese with the manual translator, only to reverberate that that was also a quote from Fatal Frame. She was really obsessed. Like me. I was too excited, I don't know why, but I was so excited.

At some point I got a notification from my cell phone, and I don't know about you, but if there's a sport that's to take your cell phone as fast as I can, I think I'd get to the Olympics. I unlocked the screen so fast that I almost let go of my phone. I was wrong to type in my password three times before I could access my messages. 

G: Sorry for before you here?

J: Hi again

J: Is your mum okay lmao

Don't ask me why I did write this, just don't.

G: hahahaha yea sure

     we have at least another hour until she comes again

     I have piano lessons later

And she plays piano too

J: Oh cool I play drums

J: wanna make a band lol XD

G: haha sure


(ps sorry i could't download it so here is the link)

Why is she so talented? I literally felt guilty at that point.


J: you're so talented really

J: respect

G: Oh shut up 

J: I just did't know that

J: Even because I didn't know you :)

G: Ohhhh well

G: I sent you my piano video

G: sent me your drum cover

G: I know you have one come on don't be shy

ALLRIGHTT, you wanna play like this?



G: that's so fucking good

J: I used to play as drummer in a metal band called Raised to the Ground

J: I didn't play it since I was 16

G: Oh where can I have the CD lol

J:  hahaha

J: Do you want it with the signature of the drummer?

G: oh god my favourite drummer is gonna signe it for me hahhaha


J: jokes aside you can really have it 

G: hell yeah 

G: that would be cool

G: don't forget it tomorrow then :)

J: I won't 

J: promise

So we started talking, and talking, and talking, and then an hour passed and we stopped messaging. I stayed in my bed for a couple of minutes thinking about what happened, as always, looking at the ruined ceiling of my room. I got up slowly, walking to the closet at the bottom of the room. I opened it and took the box hidden behind all the shoes, and I opened it too. It contained all the objects that were dear to me. I digged among my most distant memories: my scout scarf, my football shirt, my broken game boy. As I recalled those moments, I shuddered when, all of a sudden, I felt something cold on my hand. I grasped it quickly, moving my hand toward the light. Fuck, my dad's badge again. I pushed it back into the box as I tried not to cry. \I always had that reaction to just my father's thinking.  I searched for the old disk faster. It contained not only the CD, but also a series of our pretty cringe photos. I decided not to look at them for long. I took the marker from my desk and thought what I was going to write.

"At my number one fan, who is not discouraged even in front of the most dangerous group of bullies, just to help those in need. I can't wait to see you at my concert XD" 

Sean William Mcloghlin

Then I turned the CD with a little smile, and wrote my address on it.

God, can't wait until tomorrow.

That's Another Story  / Sean x Evelien  fanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora