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"Rin, open your mouth." 

Right now Kanato is feeding me cookies, he has been hoarding me for the past few days and I haven't had anything other than sweets. I love sweets and all but I want some real food.

I open my mouth and Kanato feeds me yet another cookie.

"Good teddy," he pats my head gently.

"Kanato, can I be alone for a little bit? I'll let you dress me up later if you do."

He looked a little gloomy until I brought up the dressing part.

"Fine, but you better keep your word!"

"I will, promise." 

I grab Kanato and bolt out of his room, now to find Laito and make him cook me some food.

I wonder around the mansion for a bit, not a trace of Laito anywhere, if I were him where would I be?

Lets try his room, but where is it? 

I kept walking until my feet hurt, knocking on every door in my path. The only door that had someone on the other side was Subaru's room. He's cranky. I vulture my way from his hallway and end up where I started. It became increasingly more difficult and tiring so I gave up quickly.

After throwing a hissy fit over not finding my personal cooking slave I venture off to the kitchen.

"I guess I will have to do this myself, let's hope I don't burn the place down," I mumble to myself.

"I hope so too."

I look behind me and find no-one, where the hell did that voice come from?!

"~Sigh, down here," I look down and see Shu sitting on the ground leaning on the wall.

"Y'know, there are these magical things called beds, you should try it sometime. That floor looks rather, hmm how do I say it, unpleasant."

He looks at me blankly, me and my sarcastic mouth are going to die today, farewell world glad knowing ya!

He brings his hand up to his mouth and starts to giggle, then that giggle goes into a fit of laughter. Why in the hell is he laughing, did I say something funny? So many questions have gone unanswered at this point.

He starts to calm down and I'm still staring at him like he's an alien from outer space, which is weird because he's a vampire.

I snapped out of whatever I was doing when I was picked up. I turn my head to the culprit and find Laito. My face lights up.

"Yay! Laito, I have been looking all over for you, I want food. Can you make me some food please?"

"What are you bi-polar?" I look at him bluntly.

"Yes actually." He sighs and puts on his signature fake smirk.

"Hmm, so if I make you food will you give me blood?" Wow, talk about nostalgia.

"Yea, sure. I just want some food, Kanato has been feeding me sweets for the past couple of days and I want real food. I don't know why Reiji hasn't complained yet, I haven't even attended dinner." I huff as Laito takes us to the kitchen.

"What would you like?" 


"I mean what kind of food."

He looks agitated.

"Fried chicken and Rice!" I make a quick answer so I don't make him mad, I just want food.

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