Final Straw

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He glared down at the numbers and words finely printed across the paper. They looked so perfect as they were copied off in a symmetrical pattern, appearing as if someone's OCD kicked in and would not allow any other layout before mass printing the same delicate set up with different information throughout the school. Such an average font made the paper look slick, giving it a tinge of intimidation in it's letters. It almost seemed taunting as if it challenged you to get better at what you couldn't do.

Morty blinked at his name in the top left corner, which he was absentmindedly crinkling in between his fingers.

Focusing back on the actual info, he shouldn't be surprised by what it read. Never being in class tends to result in plummeting grades and GPAs. F's and D's were a given at this rate, and he was getting used to seeing them on both his report cards and progress reports (they are the same thing, he doesn't understand why they have to send out two different yet the same versions. Perhaps to rub it in his face). It was a new norm.

Morty flicked his eyes back to the clock on the wall, as a mere minute was left in the school day. It was Friday, so his classmates were giggling and chattering away, eager for the weekend. Some were raising their own papers and pointing at them excitedly.

Wow, two free days before having to start the week over. He rolled his eyes.

There was also a football game after school, so many were most likely going to attend. There wasn't much of a reason to go when he would succumb to go alone. He would definitely be an easy target if he was sitting by himself on the bleachers. To be honest even if he did attend with someone, the school's football team wasn't very good so most games end up as watching the team get farther and farther behind on the score board and resulting in a 'Good luck next time!'

Sighing at the thought of even thinking of participating in the boring event, Morty gripped the paper and shoved it inside of his bag and leaned forward to sling it over his shoulder and rested his head on his desk.

Rick would most likely pull him from the hallway in a portal so there was no need to be in a hurry and walk to where the buses park. The only reason Rick hadn't already did so was because of when Morty snapped at him the day prior. His grandpa had made it a habit to snag him from school extremely early in the day, but usually it was spread out. As of late, Rick was pulling him out soon after he arrived on campus and it was daily.

Morty finally got fed up last night in the garage when Rick insulted him for his knowledge on mathematics, saying "Ooh, a-and I wonder why that is M-Morty," scoffing at him and being blatantly sarcastic.

Morty grimaced and balled his hands into fists at the man. This happened because Rick was explaining a project he was working on very briskly and Morty mentioned numbers having to do with it, which was apparently incorrect.

"You, Rick! It's be-because of you! You're always wanting me to go with you to places t-that don't benefit me and is make―making me miss classes! You're selfish! D-Do you never even listen to me? I've told you that I'm fa-failing and you d-don't even care about what I say!"

The man spun on his heels, jabbing his finger into Morty's chest. "Y-you want me to leave you alone, Morty? Is that it? I can't leave you alone for one second without you fucking something up or getting yourself killed. You're a moron Morty, that's why I-I'm forced to keep an eye on you instead of getting my fucking shit done." Morty flinched from the harsh growl in Rick's throat along with the finger prodding his sternum. Rick knows well that Morty isn't the brightest, but he just admitted to him being a burden to his work.

Morty ignored the tears pricking his eyes. "Then quit dragging me off if I'm only ever the way! I'm done with adventures R-Rick! And I'm done being your stupid shield!"

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