I'll Get You Back

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"Due to the natural followings of dying, Mortimer has emptied his bowels so I advise a change into a gown before we begin. Would that be alright with you Mr. Sanchez?" The alien known as Amki was standing over Morty with an IV, but hesitated as she asked for permission to clean the boy up. Rick's hand never faltered from his arm as she set up the rest of the machines and her tools.

Rick knew that Morty should be cleaned up beforehand, so he let go. "Yeah, that'sー that would be fine."

He watched as she nodded at his agreement and dropped the needle back onto the small rolling table nearby. "You're welcome to carry him to the restroom with me if you'd like and can wait outside. I doubt that watching would grant much satisfaction." She huffed a small yet empty laugh to lighten the topic, but knew well that nothing about this was humorous. As Rick thought it over, she turned around and shuffled through a cabinet on the wall, which held what seemed to be hospital gowns.

As she was grabbing a child-sized garment the scientist deeply frowned as he chose to move and pick Morty back up. His movements were gentle as if handling with a porcelain statue, and he grimaced at the feeling of colder skin in his hands. Morty lost the warmth his body was previously clinging to. Slipping the boy into his arms once again, Rick patiently waited for her to finish.

Amki led Rick to a bathroom as she said she would and took Morty into her arms, leaving the man pacing outside of the door. He hated the situation more intensely each time the image of Morty's glass eyes reflecting back at his own crossed his mind. This was entirely his fault. Morty must have become so hopeless that he believed that his life wasn't worth living anymore and Rick knew that he absolutely had a part in it. How was he such a fool, to pick leaving so soon after he found out something was wrong with the boy?

Rick squeezed his eyes shut and flopped down against the wall in pure dejection. His shoulders shook with an unspoken shout, wracking his body so much so that he was sure the entire faculty and visitors were sure to sense the wall vibrate. He didn't have the energy to actually cry out or yell so he simply festered it within his chest. Frustration and regret was shadowing over his shoulders like a monster leering over it's victim, t's claws burrowing themselves into his shoulders with each pound of his heart injecting more and more distress into the man. And knowing that Beth and everyone will soon discover that Morty is missing will make everything ten times more overwhelming. Rick did not think any of this though. The crease in between his brow further scrunched.

Rick hiccupped miserably on the floor, wiping his nose occasionally when he felt it running or the dribble of slobber pooling over his deep frown and down his chin. At least no one could see the absolute degenerate of an old man beside the bathroom door due to the wall in front of him. It closed off the restrooms to a hallway-like area between the different rooms designated for bipeds and quadrupeds of the like.

Lowering one of his hands, he fished around in his coat for his flask and yanked it out silently. Half of its contents were already gone, so he didn't bother leaving any to spare. Gulping the booze down with little to no enjoyment in it's taste, he spit out a series of curses at himself once he swallowed. The empty canister was returned to the pocket it came from, but as he did that, the thought of Beth and Summer crossed his mind again. He would have to let them know where Morty was.

It's not like they could get here without Rick's helpー unless Summer remembered the coordinates from Jerry's last visit here and flew over herselfー but they had the right to know what was happening. It would be a bitch and a half to explain to them why he even had hold of the kid, but they fully deserve to be informed.

Figuring this would be a good time, Rick sputtered a choked cough as he reached for his phone in his coat. His hands sloppily poked in Beth's number and his finger hovered over the call button for a moment before giving in and hitting it. The only reason the Smith's didn't contact him previously wasn't because they didn't try, but he blocked their numbers from receiving calls and messages from their end.

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