Stars Call Louder Then People

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Morty growled under his breath, pure rage bubbling from his throat and glazing his eyes. Rick stared expectantly to him with his piercing blue eyes shining with an emotion he couldn't pin point. Morty almost thought that he was beginning to hate Rick, but he shoved the thought away before it could complete in his mind.

Beth looked back and paused in between her chewing, glancing between her father and son with bewilderment. He didn't like all this attention when he just wanted to close everything out. To get peace and alone time in this house was practically impossible. Morty even contemplated climbing out of his window and onto the roof to sit and avoid having to meet with his family for dinner but thought against it as Rick would have definitely came up to his room.

Slowly blinking, Morty met Rick's gaze with a ferocity he intended to make clear to the man. He could only imagine how dark his face looked as he shifted around to angrily peer from his brows. Rick obviously noticed the emotion behind the glare as he took in a deep breath, his unibrow twitching downwards slightly as he adjusted his stance.

Sanchez' coat waved against the air as he began moving behind Beth and towards the garage, not looking back as it was clear he wanted Morty to follow him in. The kid noticed the man square his shoulders as the door slammed closed behind him.

The boy didn't know what he could possibly want this time, but he wasn't going to trudge after the answer. He made it transparently clear that he wasn't a play thing for his entertainment and convenience anymore and wasn't going to fall back into that routine, no matter how intimidated Morty may be. If Rick really wanted him to obey every command without reason or arguing, then he could always go to the Citadel and obtain a replacement Morty that would be grateful to be ordered around.

Thinking of two Morty's living in the same house didn't sit right with him, but to be honest, Rick would most likely find a way to rid of him and avoid family confusion. Why have a useless Morty when you can have a pristine and ideal one?

Beth worriedly looked at him and placed down her fork. She seemed as if she silently hoping he wouldn't go for an unknown reason, but she didn't have to worry about that. He wasn't going to follow. Morty could also feel Summer was staring at the side of his head but she didn't matter for the time being.

Abruptly standing from the chair, Morty lifted his hand pitifully to his mother as a goodbye and limped to the stairs. His muscles were stiff from the brief sleep earlier and they still weren't stretched out enough, causing his movements to come out clunky and jagged. It definitely wasn't helpful that he was sore on top of that since it made trying to leave a lot much harder and giving Rick more time to figure out that he wasn't listening to him.

Hurriedly but not too roughly scaling the stairs, Morty unevenly walked into his room once more and locked the door, turning briskly to his window in relief. Crossing his room, he pulled out his desk chair and climbed into it on his knees. Propping the palms of his hand underneath the sliding mechanism, he bared his teeth and grunted as he pushed up. Slamming his hands into the brim of his wall, he hissed as he lost his grip and the window yanked open.

Wringing his hands to try and shake off the stinging, he climbed on top of his desk and swung his legs over the opening and sat for a second as the cool spring air began brushing against his feet. Since it was now evening, the sky was painted orange sherbet and bright yellow splotched the area where the sun was beginning to set. It was beautiful.

Scooting forward, Morty ducked his head and pushed the rest of himself outside and onto the shingles. His socks snagged on the harsh rough surface of the roof so he didn't want to move too much in risk of falling. Tumbling off of the roof to the ground didn't sound appealing.

Stay By My Side, Okay? - Rick & MortyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя