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Running a hand through his pale and messied hair, Rick peered over the dashboard at his previous home, which was now slowly approaching closer from the ship's descent. >It took him at least ten minutes to make his way over via vehicle in place of relying on a portal. He has been gone for over two months now, so it wouldn't be right to just teleport straight into their living room. If he was going to bother checking on Morty then he should at least give in to sacrificing a sliver of respect though his pride strongly advised otherwise.

However, he began to feel unnerved at the thought of facing Beth, or either of the children at that. Rick wasn't welcome there anymore, and who knew if they condemned him from ever being a part of their lives again. With how he abandoned his family, what if they didn't even allow him inside or see the boy?

Rick bit the inside of his cheek. The right to even consider them family has been stripped away, revoked as soon as he left.

Braking, Rick began to hover above the open spot in the driveway as he poked a button enabling automatic parking. If he could limit how loud he would be arriving, he'd even go as far as not clunking the ship into the ground with his sloppy landing. Peering outside as the cruiser chirped in submission, he gazed towards the sun, which was barely peeking from the horizon. That wasn't good. No one in the house was probably awake yet and that would be a problem. Rick didn't have patience with much in life, as he did what he wanted when he wanted.

Averting his gaze away from the dull star, Rick impatiently tapped his foot on the floorboard as he followed the roof of his previous home with his eyes. It slowly but surely outmatched him in height and he grunted as the ship touched the cement with a subtle thud.

This was it. He had to go in one way or the other. Knowing that Morty was continuing to be injured in a way Rick was positive wasn't accidental, he couldn't turn tail and flee back where he has been staying. He was guilty enough as it is.

Slumping his hands off of the wheel, his arms fell to the side and he thinned his lips at the sight of the front door. If possible, he could just silently go into Morty's room and check on him while asleep. No introduction or explanation needed for returning. Just one quick trip in and out.

His heart twisted in a way he didn't expect. This almost felt... wrong? Like there should be more to it than just sneaking inside. They wouldn't even know he was there, and he didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

Squeezing his eyes shut, Rick shook his head in dismissal. It's fine. He wasn't welcome here in the first place, so trespassing was far enough as it should go.

Opening his eyes with a new determination glazing them, Rick stuck his hand into his lab coat and fished around for nothing other than his trusty portal gun. There was a high probability that doing this would wake the kid up, and that would be extremely difficult to play off. His teleporting wasn't the most lowkey of things, and a bright ass portal appearing in a silent room was often a startler for those unaware.

But he didn't have another option. Becoming agitated waiting for either of to get up in the house wasn't the best impression of returning to four people he vanished on. Well, three. Jerry did not and would never would count as someone that mattered enough to worry about impressions.

Switching the gun to his left hand he plucked the keys from the ignition and pocketed them with a sigh. Rick exited the ship with a stride, an unnatural gracefulness for a man of his stature and mannerisms. With an oddly heavy heart, Rick readied the gun for Morty's room. Taking one last look at the outside of the house, he arched his brow in worry and shot the gun. As expected, a portal whirled into existence with a loud sloshing sound and Rick gazed at it sullenly. He might screw up big time by doing this, but he couldn't help but find out what was happening.

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